The Wrong Debate about the Minimum Wage

It’s way past time to wreck the dishonest framing by so-called ‘job creators’ and their pundit accomplices.

jude folly
Equality Includes You


The Wrong Debate about the Minimum Wage jude folly income inequality unions minimum wage livable wage
Photo by Denis LORAIN on Unsplash

Very recently we passed the 12th anniversary since the last minimum wage hike was approved by Congress, lifting working class pay to $7.25 per hour. The twelve-year gap represents the longest stretch of time between increases since the minimum income standard was adopted by Congress over 80 years ago.

To mark the occasion, let’s take a look at the two most commonly plied arguments against raising the minimum wage:

  1. Increasing the minimum wage will lead to loss of jobs.
  2. The minimum wage should be abolished — it’s keeping wages down.

Considering argument number one comes from supply side charlatans, it should be dismissed out of hand since it’s an argument made in bad faith; an intellectually dishonest rationale. The very same crowd wouldn’t bat an eyelash if laying off employees meant fattening a company’s shareholder value.

As for argument number two, I think comedian Chris Rock said it best: It’s called minimum wage because if ‘job creators’ could pay you less, they would.

Minimum Wage and Productivity Gains



jude folly
Equality Includes You

jude folly explores politics & human condition in essay, fiction & verse. his writings won’t make you smarter, but they will make you think.