To Win Back our World, Think Small, Think Big, Think Outside your Box

It’s never “either or,” it’s always up to you to see where you fit in.

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Equality Includes You


Photo by Rob Mulally on Unsplash

Either you do this, or you die

It’s an election year, so it feels even worse right now.

Reading articles in the news each day, you would think we have to choose sides, and fast, choose: jobs or planet? Social justice or restrictions? traditional values or chaos? Religion or immorality? Social media or disconnection? Left or right? Black or white?

We are faced with almost every issue as if it is binary.

Most events and situations in life are not either/or, in reality, they are some of this and some of that.
We put ourselves into boxes that we have to cognitively leap out of when we hear the words “either/or.” When you are told “either we do…” followed by some directive to choose a herd, “or we die due to…” Remember the box you are in.

Jump out.

Zoom and doom

When the Covid-19 pandemic arrived, we quite quickly switched from in-person office jobs to zoom meetings.

Remarkably, this set the stage for the possibility of less CO2 due to commuting cars. Yet, it…



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Equality Includes You

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.