Welcome 46: Imagining Four Years

What does the view look like on Biden-Harris inauguration day?

David Valdes
Equality Includes You


On inauguration day, I imagine…

Josh Haner. NYTimes.

Four years without worrying that the White House will create new rules that target me as a gay person and my friends as transgender people…

Four years where the President won’t fly from rally to rally making comments he well knows will stoke racism and sexism and xenophobia…

Four years where religious minorities will again be welcome in a nation that enshrined the separation of church and state into its Bill of Rights…

Four years in which immigration, without which the nation would not exist and could not survive, is no longer inherently treated as criminal…

Four years of science not being a dirty word but instead elevated to help us combat crises…

Photo: August de Richelieu

Four years in which Black communities are not targeted for voter suppression…

Four years in which dictators are not praised and love-letters do not fly between the White House and strongmen…



David Valdes
Equality Includes You

David Valdes is a Cuban-American author who writes about family, race, and LGBTQ issues. His book Brighter than the Moon releases in January 2023.