Welcome to America

Millions of Americans feel today what POC have been feeling for a century.

Ron Dawson
Equality Includes You


Today, after overwhelming evidence that convinced a majority of the Senate, (including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell) that Donald J. Trump was guilty of inciting a seditious insurrection, nonetheless, with a 57–43 vote, the Senate failed to convict him during his historic second impeachment trial.

Today, any notion of what you thought America stood for, died. We as a country officially abdicated any semblance of moral authority on the global stage.

I believe there are millions of Americans today who feel a certain level of disgust and frustration at what happened in the Senate today that POC have been feeling for literally 100+ years. Take that feeling you’re having, and imagine feeling it EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. For nearly your entire life. What would you do in your community if EVERY YEAR, the frustration and miscarriage of justice you feel today, happened EVERY YEAR. Seriously. Stop and think. Take ALL the anger you have now, and multiply it year over year. That is the kind of frustration that led to the protests and uprisings after George Floyd’s, Ahmad Aubrey, and Breonna Taylor’s killings. So, when people compare what happened on Jan 6 to the uprisings last year, you have a clearer idea of why that false equivalency is both disgusting and immoral.

This is America.



Ron Dawson
Equality Includes You

Content marketer @ bladeronner.media. Satirical author @ DnDBook.com. Opinions my own & (mostly) correct. Get free insights & inspiration @ bit.ly/substack-ron