Why I Love To Do “Manly” Things

If you are a ‘girly girl’ or ‘manly man’, more power to you, but no one has to be only one way or the other.

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Equality Includes You


Photo by Abby Savage on Unsplash

Do manly stuff

I love chopping wood. I hate our wood pellet stove because it does not allow my husband and I to chop wood. Instead, we have to burn CO2, haul plastic bags of pellets around, and stay out of the woods where we used to gather downed wood.

I am slowing down, but I used to love climbing mountains. These are high-elevation mountains called “fourteeners,” that is to say, mountains that require gear and used to have glaciers before the planet heated up.

I loved science fiction, and most other fans were male when I joined up.

When I was a climber, there were few other women.

The same thing was true when I did logging jobs. Or with explosives.

I love hammering. Sawing. Repairing things. Working in the yard. Repairing a plumbing issue is a particular accomplishment. One of my closest friends growing up, another woman, was a journeyman carpenter, and another owned a tree surgeon company. Sue, a cousin, was a truck driver.

Masculinity is simply magnificent



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Equality Includes You

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.