Why it Matters When We Call a Thing a Thing

Say it with me: Abortion is healthcare.

Emily O. Weltman
Equality Includes You


Image from Unsplash in Canva

Like they told us in sex-ed: If you aren’t comfortable talking about it, you probably aren’t ready. It’s true — you probably shouldn’t be in that position or that room if you are not ready to say the damn thing.

Sometimes you are ready, you do care, but are afraid of sounding silly, alarmist, off, weird. Well, eff that. You need to get comfortable talking about it, and fast…or you will miss your opportunity. Decisions will be made for you. If you couldn’t just say “penis” or “sex” or “YES!” and give consent, well, that becomes the issue.

You have to speak up, or your rights will be written by another party. If you can’t say The Thing, you are not in charge, not in control. This is true of sex, relationships, parenting, money. Communications — words are everything. It’s why Biden and Pelosi failing to say “abortion” and watering down their position to play to moderates was such an epic fail.

It’s not presidential to walk on eggshells. If you can’t talk about it, are you really ready to be in control of the free world? You’re not ready to lead and should not be in the room if you can’t say abortion is healthcare as easily as my kids can. It sets the tone for the nation if you only talk vaguely about choice. This allows someone…



Emily O. Weltman
Equality Includes You

Emily Weltman, M. Ed., strategy consultant, social entrepreneur + coFLOWco founder is “Leading with Purpose–because the patriarchy isn’t going to fix Itself.”💫