Your Right to Hate Speech

Your ideas would bore most of us if they didn’t lead to violence and the destruction of lives.

The Good Men Project
Equality Includes You


Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

By Gint Aras

This should only be said once.

Dear Nazis, no one is taking away your right to spew your hatred. You’ve been doing it all along: on the Internet, at dinner parties, on bar stools, during Thanksgiving dinner, and at the Capitol, where you were met with opposition.

The reason you believe you’re being oppressed or denied rights is because you conflate your right to spew blather, ignorance and mental sewage with the listeners’ need to believe you or agree with you. This is how freedom of speech works. You stand up and spew your hatred, express your ignorance, make public fools of yourselves, and your peers duly note it.

When you stage your protest, the counter-group stages theirs. That’s not a denial of your rights. On the contrary: it’s you expressing your right to stand up in public and say “I’m an imbecile!”

We know, and we’ve known all along.

There’s a reason most people don’t believe you. You’re blatantly and idiotically wrong, and your worldview is psychological and sociological pollution. Your loathing is based on a false perception, on constructs you’ve never taken the time…



The Good Men Project
Equality Includes You

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