72% of Senior PR Pros Say They Have Good Data Only ‘Sometimes’

Koraljka Baričević
Published in
2 min readDec 8, 2017

Published by Steve Goldstein, on 5 Dec 2017, www.prnewsonline.com

There is profound uncertainty about the uses of data and of the value of the communications data that communicators share with senior leaders, according to a recent survey of communicators at the director level and, separately, at the VP level and above. The survey from PR News and PublicRelay, a media monitoring and ana­lytics firm, looks at the day-to-day role of measurement and media analysis.

Nearly 75% of director-level communicators said, when asked how prepared they are with quality media analytics data to make decisions, that they “sometimes have good data, but the quality is not consistently reliable.” Only 19% of director-level communicators said they are prepared with accurate data they can trust.

Similarly, 72% of VP-level and above communicators said they have good data only sometimes, but the quality is not consistently reliable. Only 25% of respondents in this group said they are always prepared with accurate data they can trust.

(Source: PR News/PublicRelay, communications pros, VP level and above, Nov. 2017)

For VP-level and above communicators, that sense of a lack of reliable data is compounded by growing demands from CEOs and executive boards for more data-driven analysis. 60% of respondents said they are under increasing pressure from CEOs/executive boards to defend their work with data.

See the complete report and full results of the PR News/PublicRelay survey on data-driven communications strategies.



Koraljka Baričević

A seasoned professional with almost 15 years of corporate and NGO experience. Client Services Director at EQUESTRIS.