Earn EQ Tokens On Staking Via xDOT

Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2021

We are opening up a money bin with EQ tokens allocated for liquidity farming and it’s 10% of the overall supply! The first-ever activity we are supporting on Equilibrium is staking DOT via our xDOT platform. xDOT allows for keeping liquidity for DOT locked in crowdloans for two years.

Starting today, you can vote via xDOT for almost any project running a crowdloan on Polakdot and get an extra bonus of up to 1 EQ on each DOT you stake! This bonus is accrued on top of regular crowdloan rewards. As of now, the list of supported projects includes Astar, Acala, Litentry, Manta, Clover, Parallel, and others.

Currently, Equilibrium is also accepting contributions via xDOT. All supporters can expect a 20% early bird bonus on top of Equilibrium’s crowdloan rewards. The 20% bonus is active until December 23. Grab your early bird bonus here!

Another option to earn EQ on xDOT staking is participating in our referral program. We offer 0.1 EQ for each DOT staked via xDOT and this amount is split equally between referral and referrer — 0.05 EQ for each party. Referral links will become available to generate starting next week.

Summarizing all of the above, we give users even more opportunities to earn with xDOT. Make the most of our bonuses and keep your participation in crowdloans on Polkadot extremely rewarding!

Still have questions about xDOT? Join our dedicated AMA next Thursday, Nov 18 at 1 PM UTC!




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