Equilibrium Money Market Beta Launch Offers More Assets

Published in
4 min readJul 26, 2022

The DeFi space is built on innovation and expansion. Builders and users want ecosystems that allow the maximum possible utilization of their funds for maximum gains.

At Equilibrium, we understand the importance of capital efficiency and aim to create an environment that offers this to our community. With this in mind, we will launch the beta version of our money market with a wide variety of assets available to users.

Available assets in beta

The beta version is only the beginning! Initially we will offer assets including:

  • EQ
  • EQD
  • DOT
  • USDT
  • iBTC
  • ACA
  • aUSD
  • GLMR
  • BUSD
  • BNB
  • XDOT
  • XDOT2
  • XDOT3

Our latest offers will push us towards our goal of being the most powerful money market in the DeFi space with the largest list of assets. Whereas other platforms offer only a limited amount of token interaction possibilities, we are creating a one stop spot where our community can act on all assets on one platform.

We’ve created the ultimate benefit for users which is interaction with all assets on one platform.

Here’s what you can do:

Leverage DOT exposure

The first example of this at work can be seen when borrowing DOT against a portfolio of collateral. Users can then use this to participate in crowd loans or stake it to make available for validators.

Usage of a diverse portfolio as collateral significantly reduces liquidation risks, because users end up with a variety of assets not particularly related to backing the loan.

  • In one instance xDOT could be used as collateral in a portfolio, while borrowing DOT against it. Such a combination eliminates risk due to price correlation of the assets.

Dollar liquidity

Another example is borrowing dollar liquidity (i.e. USDT) against a basket of assets to utilize the funds elsewhere.

  • This option is especially viable for users who wish to keep their crypto, but need access to funds.

Borrow external ecosystem tokens

Another example of the expanded functionality of our money market can be seen in through the borrowing of tokens for outside ecosystem participation without ever leaving Equilibrium.

  • In one instance, a user could borrow ACA tokens through Equilibrium’s money market and still participate in Acala governance.
  • Learn more about our recent Acala integration here.


DEX launch

The impending launch of the Equilibrium DEX also brings more opportunities to the wide variety of token offerings we’ll incorporate into the money market.

Borrowing and lending on the Equilibrium money market will facilitate trading on margin on different spot markets via the DEX.

  • If a trader wants to go long ACA, they would need to borrow EQD in order to lever up. Whereas if they want to short ACA, ACA would have to be borrowed itself to sell it short.

This example with ACA is just one of the wide variety of possibilities with our available currencies. Moreover, the DEX is yet another upcoming development in our ecosystem, in which users can interact with DeFi assets.


Our on-chain orderbook DEX already launched on Genshiro — Equilibrium is next.

Future potential

However, our plans of expansion don’t stop here. We want to offer users the ability to interact with the ecosystem through various outputs.

Therefore, the future of the Equilibrium money market has the potential to contain all assets of projects in the ecosystem to use as collateral, bailsman liquidity, lending liquidity, or market maker pools for later use in the Equilibrium DEX.

This includes projects which have already obtained slots such as Centrifuge, Astar, Composable, Efinity, Unique, and Polkadex.

An additional feature of our money market is farming reward payouts in EQ tokens for all the liquidity which settles in our system.

Don’t miss an update

As we implement these new developments into the Equilibrium ecosystem, you won’t want to miss any update!

Make sure you follow us on our social media to stay current with the latest news in the Equilibrium and Genshiro community, new token additions, DEX developments and more!

About Equilibrium

Equilibrium is a one-stop DeFi platform on Polkadot that allows for high leverage in trading and borrowing digital assets. It combines a full-fledged money market with an orderbook-based DEX. EQ is the native utility token that is used for communal governance of Equilibrium. xDOT is a liquid and tradeable wrapped DOT that unlocks liquidity of DOT locked in parachain auctions and delivers multiple crowdloan bonuses on Polkadot.

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One-stop platform to earn, borrow, trade at max efficiency