Genshiro Has Launched The Second Round Of Its Crowdloan Campaign

Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2021

There’s no time like the present to show your support for Genshiro.

Our crowdloan is live, users can stake their KSM here in support of Genshiro. Despite Kusama parachain auction starts only on September 1st and we intend to win eight six-week leasing periods for our Kusama parachain slot, now is already a great time to throw your support behind Genshiro. Those who participate will get up to 2,400 GENS for each KSM they contribute, plus a substantial bonus beyond that.

Our Protection Mechanism Against Downside Of KSM Staked For Our Parachain

We were the first project on Kusama to announce our protection mechanism against downside of KSM staked for our parachain during the period of parachain lease (48 weeks). Those who stake KSM in support of Genshiro to win a Kusama parachain slot will enjoy knowing that their stake is protected against negative price movement.

We have allocated a maximum of 10% of the total GENS supply as a hedge for our community. In the case that at the end of parachain lease KSM price should decline below its level as of the beginning of crowdloan, we will distribute it to crowdloan participants, covering up to 50% of the downside. Check out this blog post.

Bonuses For Crowdloan Participants

Here’s what you need to know about the bonuses available during this crowdloan campaign:

  • 25% early bird bonus for those who contribute during the first 14 days of the campaign (starting from August 27).
  • 20% bonus for contributions over 50 KSM.
  • Doubled rewards on any contributions made in the first round. (Please note that only participants from the first round are eligible for this bonus. Also, if you have doubled rewards only early bird bonus is available for you, other bonuses don’t apply to you).
  • Plus a very special offer for any contributions over 500 KSM. Please contact us for details if you’re interested in participating at this scale!

Crowdloan Referral Program

We are also running a referral program that lets you earn bonuses on any contributions made to our crowdloan via your personalized referral link. Join our referral program and share your link with your friends and community so you can earn 3% of their contributions to the Genshiro crowdloan! Meanwhile your friends who used the link will also receive a 3% bonus. Read the detailed program description here.

GENS Distribution

After Genshiro wins a Kusama parachain slot, 10% of the participant contribution in GENS will be unlocked immediately. The rest GENS will be claimed by way of linear vesting during the parachain lease period (48 weeks).

We’re excited to see Genshiro win its parachain slots and we’re glad to have our community along for the ride. We can’t do it without you, so please show your support and collect some great bonuses in the process.




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