Introducing Equilibrium’s Crowdloan Strategy: Up To 40% Bonus!

Published in
4 min readDec 9, 2021

Here’s the information you’ve been waiting for on Equilibrium’s Polkadot crowdloan! We know you’ve been holding on a while for these updates, so your patience will be rewarded with details on all the interesting mechanics and bonuses we’ve prepared for our outstanding supporters.

First and foremost, we’ve increased the parachain auction allocation to a substantial 20% of the entire EQ token supply, amounting to 2.4 billion EQ tokens. 400 million of these tokens were already distributed among those who participated in Phase 1 of our raise. That leaves a whopping 2 billion EQ tokens up for grabs during the upcoming crowdloan campaign.

Another pleasant addition is Equilibrium’s xDOT capabilities. By using them, you will get xDOT on each contributed DOT once Equilibrium secures a parachain slot. You will be able to trade xDOT for DOT, stake to earn yield, or pledge to take out loans in any available asset (including major stablecoins and hDOT). This will help you raise liquidity of your portfolio even when your DOTs are locked for two years.

Campaign summary

Now let’s get a high-level overview of the campaign:

As you can see, there are two EQ pools for distributing to crowdloan contributors: the core reward pool and the bonus pool. Let’s give you a breakdown of the distribution plan.

Core rewards

The pool of core rewards (1.5 billion EQ) will be distributed to contributors.

Each contributor can expect a base reward of 200 EQ per each DOT locked for Equilibrium. We reserve the right to increase the base reward ratio if required.


Bonuses will accrue on top of your core rewards. There will be three separate bonus streams: one for community supporters, one for institutional participants, and one from the referral program.

Streams for the community and institutions include a schedule of bonuses that fall under two categories — time bonuses and conditional bonuses for a specific user group. The former is active during specific periods of time, while the latter is active at any stage of the campaign.

Though bonuses are not cumulative, every participant is eligible only for the maximum bonus out of all possible cases. The only exception is a referral bonus that combines with any other bonus of the list.

Community bonus stream

Our community will be rewarded according to the following model:

We reserve the right to establish boost bonuses for our community to help us achieve specific TVL milestones during the campaign. Boost bonuses will accrue on top of the existing bonus schedule.

Institutional bonus stream

If you are contributing more than 10,000 DOT at once from a single Polkadot address, you can expect a bonus for this particular contribution according to the following table:

Like for the community bonus stream, we reserve the right to establish boost bonuses for institutions as well. Those will of course be communicated accordingly.

Referral program

We have introduced a referral program that lets you earn EQ on crowdloan contributions made by your friends. Your friends will also be getting a bonus for using your referral link.

Here is the referral bonus structure for your eyes:

Having said, referral bonuses are accrued on top of any other bonuses in the crowdloan.

You can join Equilibrium’s referral program any time to start sharing your unique referral link and earning bonuses when people use it.


Equilibrium is a comprehensive cross-chain DeFi super-app that combines a full-fledged money market with a spot market, synthetics, and perpetuals. We are the first to bring the best practices of mainstream finance on-chain, including risk-based pricing, portfolio margining, and insurance. Our developments have received several grants from the Web3 Foundation.

Our crowdloan on Polkadot is currently the only way to get your hands on the EQ token, which is the key asset of our all-in-one platform. Given the diversified bonus structure, ultimate liquidity for locked DOT via xDOT, and the generous referral program, Equilibrium’s campaign can be considered one of the most balanced out there.

We highly appreciate our community support! It’s exciting to build the multi-chain future of DeFi together.

About Equilibrium

Equilibrium is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform with the aim of maintaining a high-speed, low-cost and easily accessible cross-chain DeFi and DEX system. Subscribe to Equilibrium’s Twitter, Facebook, and Medium. Stay posted and be the first to know about our bonuses and special offers!




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