Zack Gall AMA recap: “You don’t really have to choose a chain anymore.”

Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2020

Zack Gall is the host of the Everything EOS podcast and works in community and developer relations at LiquidApps. His podcast boasts more than 4,000 YouTube subscribers and famously lays claim to the title of “the longest-running EOS podcast.”

On top of the generalized EOS expertise that this experience affords him, he also has an eye trained on asset-backed stablecoins: Gall is a member of the Vigor decentralized autonomous community, which does work similar to Equilibrium on the same EOS blockchain. He cares about DeFi.

In light of all that, we were glad to have him answer some questions from our own community in the most recent installment of our AMA series. Read on to check out the highlights in case you missed the live event, and be sure to catch the next AMA, happening on February 19 with Luke Stokes of the EOS Foundation.

These soundbytes express Zack’s answers during the AMA session, but have been edited for length and context.

On his start in crypto:

I joined a company by Rob Finch in 2017 called ICO Alert. It was the beginning of the crypto run and ICO Alert was simply a calendar that he had built for himself to keep track of upcoming ICOs. I don’t want to say pure luck, but it was a lot of luck — that website ended up getting the number two spot on Google for the search term “ICO,” so it generated a lot of money. I was their first non-friends-and-family hire to help them build ICO Alert into a business, I worked as a research analyst.

On starting a podcast:

It was Rob (Finch’s) idea. He had left ICO Alert to work on a company called CypherGlass fulltime, but he’d show up once a week to record episodes with me. The idea was simply to have the conversations we were already having, but with microphones recording it.

I’d spend a full 7 or 8 hours doing research and writing an outline for the show on days Rob would show up. Then I’d spend the entire next day editing it to get things perfect. I did it because I really valued the time of everyone listening to the podcast and wanted to make sure it was worth their while.

On debates of EOS vs. Ethereum for DeFi

We position ourselves at Liquid by saying that we’re ending maximalism. You don’t really have to choose a blockchain anymore. You do have to choose a settlement layer. Some of the technology we’re building allows an Ethereum developer to keep their settlement layer in Ethereum. That’s the biggest difference among consensus mechanisms — where you settle.

Nowadays you can spin off liquid chains, offload your computation from Ethereum, spin up a temporary EOSIO child chain, run the computation like a process thread, then send the answers back to Ethereum. You’re technically an Ethereum app, but also EOSIO. You’re multi-chain, each chain has its own strengths, and that’s the future.

Check out the full AMA here.

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