Equine Exchange
Equine Exchange
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2017

Fires and Floods Can’t Stop Julie Winkel

A Standard Bearer

In the hunter-jumper community, Julie Winkel needs no introduction. She is a renowned rider, trainer, judge, clinician and course designer. She has served as judge and course designer for the Pessoa Medal Finals in Harrisburg three times, once alongside George Morris. She is Co-Chair of the USEF Licensed Officials Committee, a monthly columnist for Practical Horseman, and a founding member of the USHJA Trainer Certification Program (she helped author the manual). In 2016 the USHJA awarded her with the President’s Distinguished Service Award for her remarkable volunteer contributions. While she travels the country much of the year, her home base is Maplewood Stables, in Reno, NV, where she trains alongside her son, Kevin Winkel.

Taking Life In Stride

Julie has experienced more than her share of disasters, including fire and, recently, two floods (in Jan. and Feb. 2017) that have wreaked havoc on her beautiful facility (read about the first flood, donate to the recovery, and get the most recent update from Julie). In order to raise funds for the recovery, Julie has offered her young horses for sale. Equine Exchange will donate its services to assist in the purchase of any of Julie’s horses.

No matter what life brings, Julie finds the positive in the experience. She says, “I always have faith that things happen for a reason. I learn through every adventure what I could do different or better next time.” For example, after a fire, Maplewood began hosting a bi-yearly First Responders Clinic free to everyone who wants to participate. These clinics have taught dozens of people how to safely handle horses in an emergency situation or evacuation.

Julie’s Training Philosophy

When it comes to developing horses and riders, Julie describes her philosophy as “Basics, basics, basics! Good horsemanship through knowledge and experience, doing the right thing for the horse and continuing to learn as much as possible.” Julie focuses on providing her young horses with a solid foundation so they will possess an understanding and confidence that will stay with them for life.

On Buying Horses

Julie cautions, “Buying a horse should never be thought of as an “investment” in terms of making a financial gain. It should be considered an investment in your child or for your own happiness.” When it comes to the role of the trainer and their commission, Julie wants buyers to understand that the commission represents compensation for “much more than just professional advice on the purchase… it becomes that professional’s duty not only to insure the horse is a good match and the buyer has a positive experience but also that the horse retains its value through quality management and training and can sell for a similar price when the time comes (absent injury or age-related issues).”

Promoting Positive Change

Julie is a vocal advocate for horse welfare, emphasizing the importance of horses living in more natural environments and denouncing horse abuse and drug abuse to enhance show ring performance. Julie also speaks out to promote responsible and ethical business practices. She explains her decision to become an Equine Exchange Ambassador: “I am adamant that horse sales and commissions should be transparent. Equine Exchange not only advocates this, but also educates buyers, sellers and trainers about integrity in purchasing, leasing and selling horses.”

We are thrilled to have the indomitable Julie Winkel on our side.

