You Asked, We Delivered: Introducing Our Private Client Marketplace

Equine Exchange
Equine Exchange


We founded Equine Exchange, the first online horse transactions platform, to provide an easy way for anyone to ensure they’re well-informed and protected when buying a horse. It’s a notoriously high-risk purchase due to the multitude of pitfalls and potential missteps, the high cost of maintaining an unsuitable horse, and the prevalence of misrepresentation and deceptive practices in horse sales (think used car sales before CarMax came along). Alongside top riders and trainers, we applied our business backgrounds in law and investments to create a common sense, standardized system that makes life easier and greatly reduces risk and cost for everyone involved.

Soon after we launched, we began hearing from anxious horse shoppers, many of whom had been burned in the past, all with the same question: “Who can I trust?” After one such conversation, a lightbulb came on. We realized we could help our customers identify sellers who support disclosure, transparency and professionalism in horse sales. The matchmaking began and the Equine Exchange Private Client Marketplace was born.

Here’s How It Works:

If You’re a Buyer: Join our Private Client Group in 2 simple steps (1) log in or register and initiate a new transaction on Equine Exchange using horse name “Private Client Search” (this requires payment of the initial transaction fee, $300) and (2) tell us more about what you’re looking for by completing this brief questionnaire.

We’ll begin sending you pre-screened horses for your consideration, all of whom have a completed Horse Profile (a signed extensive disclosure + all pertinent records, photos and videos collected from the horse’s current owner). Equine Exchange will be available for private consultation at your convenience during your search and purchase.

If You’re a Seller: Sign up here to connect with our private pool of serious buyers. The deposit to add your horse to our private marketplace is $100, but once your horse is sold using the Equine Exchange platform we refund $50.

Once you’re signed up, we’ll send you instructions for completing the Horse Profile for your horse. Once we’ve reviewed and accepted the Horse Profile, we will begin marketing your horse to our private pool of serious buyers and issue your horse a personalized “Equine Exchange Verified” designation and seal, which can be used anywhere you choose to market your horse.

That’s it! Simple enough.

When a match leads to a purchase, Equine Exchange ensures the transaction is handled fairly and professionally for all parties — above-board, complete information, fully-documented, with lower risk all-around.

Questions? Email us for more information.

