PART THREE: Embracing our truths, Reflections a year after the death of George Floyd

Equinox Media Technology Blog
Equinox Media Tech
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2021


Last May, the death of George Floyd stung many across the country and around the world. Although incidents of racial injustice are not novel, the timing of Floyd’s murder in the midst of a global pandemic and economic uncertainty brought new pain. Fortunately, they also sparked deeper conversations at home and in the workplace. Like many other companies, we at Equinox Media were challenged to examine our own record both internally and in the larger community we serve. This process has been rewarding, difficult, at times uncomfortable, but necessary. In a 4-part blog series we give you a look into how we at Equinox Media have been affected by the murder of George Floyd, as well as how we hope to be a part of affecting long-lasting change toward racial justice.

Written by: Kofi James

Shortly after protests erupted following the death of George Floyd, an informal Slack group was created for Black employees at Equinox Media. Since then, the group has evolved into a formal Employee Resource Group (ERG). ERGs, or often called Affinity Groups, are small communities of individuals sharing a particular identity factor or life experience, such as race, sexual orientation, gender, or parenthood. The group serves as a first point of contact for new Black employees and has tripled in size since its inception in June 2020. ‘Black at Equinox Media’ also offers a reference-point for cultural programming at Equinox Media.

To better understand the impact of ‘Black at Equinox Media,’ we chatted with one of its members, Kofi James, Technology Operations Manager at Equinox Media.

Hi there! Please introduce yourself.

Hi, I’m Kofi. My team and I manage and administer all the internal facing tech platforms and systems at Equinox Media. This ranges from platforms like Slack and email to processes like our on-boarding and equipment requests. Outside of that I’m a father, avid runner, and fitness enthusiast.

Why did you decide to join Black at Equinox Media?

I joined the group on my first day with the company and it has been a great experience from the start. I joined the company in June of last year and started the interview process while the world was still processing the brutal murder of George Floyd. As a Black man in America, I was still trying to process what was happening in the United States and the rest of the world at the time.

Starting in a new role during a global pandemic amidst growing civil unrest due to racial injustice was not easy, so having a safe space for people of color to connect, express themselves without judgement, and share resources and experiences at a time like that was very important to me.

What benefits have you experienced as a member of this ERG?

The biggest benefit for me thus far has been having a consistent space where I can reach out to other people of color who might be having a similar experience inside and outside of the workplace. This has helped me countless times over the past year, even when I didn’t know I needed it. I also enjoy our monthly open meetings where our group shares knowledge and events, like our seminar on the power of generational wealth.

How do you envision Black at Equinox Media growing in the future?

I would like to see us do some community outreach events and maybe a quarterly social get-together in the future.

How do you feel companies can support ERGs?

Companies can best support ERGs by giving them a platform, a voice, and resources they need to be the change they want to be in the company and the world outside of that. Also, companies should be involved in an active conversation with all of their ERGs to get familiar with their wants, needs, and goals.

Would you recommend others join an ERG?

I would urge everyone to see what ERGs are available to them, and if there is not one you align with, reach out and try to create it.



Equinox Media Technology Blog
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