10 reasons Why you Should Shoot your Shot.

Doreen Nwankwo//Blogger
Law Students’ Blog
4 min readFeb 17, 2022

by Doreen Nwankwo

For some people, Valentine’s Day was the best day of the year so far. Love was in the air. Gifts and sweet notes got exchanged. Date nights, romantic long walks, kisses under the moonlight, you name it.

However, for others like you, it was just another Monday. Well, a bit sadder and slower. You couldn’t enjoy the festivities with someone’s child because you don’t shoot your shots. Well, Valentine’s Day has gone but that doesn’t mean all chances of finding love are gone. After all, you are a spec. A gorgeous, gorgeous one.

If you’re still not sure of why you need to shoot your shot, don’t worry. I’m here to help you out.

1. Someone else will

In this life, you cannot be the only one chasing something. Competitors are many and if you decide to sleep on a bicycle, na your loss be that. Many are smart but few will take action.

Be one of the few!

2. You will stop settling for less

Imagine craving pizza and someone offers you flat akara decorated with all the colours of Bell pepper. Ko make sense, abi?

This is what happens when you don’t make a move. You will then have to settle for just anyone that comes by. O wrong!

Dear Kings and Queens! Don’t ever settle for less!

3. We are tired of your “God when”

Aren’t you tired of being tensioned anytime you open Tiktok or IG? Aren’t you tired of seeing those love birds in your class keep seats and buy materials for each other? Aren’t you tired of walking alone to your hostel/apartment?

Shoot that shot sis! Shoot that shot bro!

4. You will be more confident.

I won’t lie, shooting shots improves your public speaking skills. It also helps in research and improves your written and spoken English. I mean, you won’t want to embarrass yourself in front of someone you are interested in. Even if you eventually don’t get him/her, you would have learned one or two things in the course of your research and presentation. For instance, “your” and “you’re” are two different things.

5. We want you to sleep in peace.

You know how restless it is when you need to apply for a role or write an essay and how when you finally do, you calm down? Yes! That’s what we want for you. We know you would still think about what would have happened if the shots entered but for the meantime, even if you don’t smile in the sleep, just sleep in peace.

6. You would be delivered from your pride.

But wait first, who do you think you are? So full of yourself that your shoulders have reached the top of your head. Humpty Dumpty in the making. Pftt!

The Bible says that pride comes before a fall. Better don’t let your enemies laugh at you. Take away the pride and make that move!

7. He/she might just be waiting for you.

Some people are feeling you just the way you are feeling them but someone has to make the first, innit?

Be the “mature” one and tell them how you feel so that we can come as Alumni on your wedding day. Ehn, biko!

8. You are no longer a baby.

If you still identify as a child, please stop reading. I’m not talking to you. You are old enough to make important decisions for yourself. God will not create another Eve out of your ribs just for you. You have to make the move and hope it is the right one!

9. You will gain experience.

Experience, they say, is the best teacher. When you shoot your shots, you will be able to jump on Twitter trends and tell others how someone became your babe/boo. If you weren’t successful, you will be able to relate to breakfast stories and re-strategize on how to shoot better shots.

Am I making sense?

10. You would be eligible for Valentine's day gift.

Finally, you would have the audacity and eligibility to ask and receive Valentine's day gift.

And it’s a wrap!

I sincerely hope you take my advice on this one and don’t hesitate to tell us how it ended.



Doreen Nwankwo//Blogger
Law Students’ Blog

I write, create content, and make dresses while studying to become a Badass Lawyer.