Reopening: Retail Businesses

EQ Insights
EQ Works


The re-opening of the consumer economy in the physical world represents fresh new challenges for brands. Established patterns of how consumers move through the world as part of their daily routines have been up-ended by COVID-19. At the same time, new patterns are evolving from click-and-collect retail, to take-out-Wednesdays, to virtual events.

While the ways in which consumer brands connect with and service their customers are evolving, the one constant is the consumer. Deeply understanding consumer patterns pre-COVID, during lock-down, and now with re-opening, is critical for marketers to move with confidence. EQ Works offers marketers the ability to go back in time and understand real world patterns of their consumers, as well as how those patterns are evolving, to understand, predict, and influence consumer behaviour.


  • Focus your aperture: Retail trade areas have been cut in half due to pandemic lock-downs, and regions will re-open in phases. Understanding these more fine-grain areas of interest, and sequencing them based on staged re-opening, through location-based house-hold graphs and purchase history/propensity (e.g. Mastercard), can turn a challenge into an opportunity for more precise consumer engagement.
  • Know if you’re taking share: EQ footfall attribution measurement and competitor cross-walk-in insights allow you to quickly pivot spend to your most effective tactics, providing you with flexibility and insight to move fast.
  • Cut through the noise: Our award-winning creative studio can quickly turn around creative as social distancing rules and phases are eased, providing consumers with all the information they need to feel comfortable visiting your location.
  • Connect the past and future: Surging Click-and-Collect and E-commerce will impact the physical consumer journey as the economy re-opens. Connecting consumer purchase data (e.g. Mastercard) to real world location data, helps you connect the dots.



EQ Insights
EQ Works
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