A very practical form of fusion power may be almost here!

Thanks to growing interest and investment capital, revolutionary “cold fusion” heating systems are now being developed for market testing


David Firshein, CFO of Brillouin Energy Corp., interviewed by Julien Uhlig of EX Venture Speaker Series

BREAKING NEWS: Our fusion-powered future could begin in 2022, not many years or decades from now, as most experts have predicted.

So says David Firshein, Chief Financial Officer of Brillouin Energy, a leader in the low-energy nuclear field, originally called cold fusion and now more commonly known as LENR (low-energy nuclear reactions).

On July 30, 2020, Mr. Firshein was interviewed by Julien Uhlig of EX Venture Speaker Series, which, among other things, brings inside information to the angel investment and family office communities.

Firshein’s message is aimed at investors but may be of interest to everyone eager to move beyond fossil fuels. “Assuming investment interest continues to grow,” he says, “it appears entirely possible that we could see the first actual LENR heating products on the market within two years.”

David Firshein, CFO of Brillouin Energy, interviewed by Julien Uhlig of EX Venture Speaker Series

Mr. Firshein backs up his spoken words with this short introductory document: Brillouin Energy Corp — a Clean Nuclear Company that will revolutionize the Global Power Industry, available on request.

Investors (institutional, angel, family office):
For more information or an introduction to David Firshein at Brillouin Energy Corp. in Berkeley, California, contact EraNova Director Dick Samson.

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See this related article featuring Brillouin and other LENR leaders:

More from EraNova Institute

