Conservatives, liberals, here’s your killer “green deal” and survival plan!

Background photo by Max Rovensky on Unsplash

Not to be confused with the Green New Deal, the Smart Green Deal™ is a private-sector strategy with similar goals. It may be used within all government plans, like the Green New Deal, to maximize their results. It also works just fine on its own.

It requires no legislation and is already making good things happen fast. It’s what the world needs now for two reasons:

  1. It focuses on both of our big existential threats, not just the environmental crisis, but also the tech apocalypse (human displacement by technology).
  2. It’s very green and very smart, taking full advantage of intelligent technology (guided by human intelligence) to implement humanistic, green solutions rapidly — actually saving more money than it costs.

So everyone can make out economically. Everyone has a place, and everyone has less cause to strike out and more reason to pitch in.

The Smart Green Deal is an outgrowth of the private sector and ideally suited to it. It’s already in operation and working profitably. It’s already a widespread megatrend — just waiting for public awareness and broader adoption.

It’s not an alternative to any government programs, such as the Green New Deal or European Green Deal, but may work synergistically with them for spectacular overall results.

Rolled out aggressively along with sensible governmental programs, the Smart Green Deal promises two key advantages:

  • Large cost reduction: In the United States, for example, the scope of climate plans (up to $16 trillion) might be halved — through project offloading and high-tech creativity.
  • Less government control and more independence: When private-sector intelligence and drive are unleashed, fewer regulations and prescriptive plans are needed.

The ultimate green deal is an amalgam of right and left, private and public; and (surprise) may end up saving far more than it costs!

Read all about it here, and spread the word:

Smart Green Deal (opportunity alerts)

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