Νικος Μαυροματης
Erasmus Plus
Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2023


A trip with Erasmus+ that will be unforgettable

I feel very happy that I had the opportunity to participate in this project. I became more creative and open-minded, and it was a life experience for me.

On the first day, we got to know each other through some ice-breaking activities, the theme of which was self-awareness. For example, each person had to write their character’s positive and negative aspects on a piece of paper. For me, it was kinda tricky in the beginning to share aspects about myself, especially the positive ones, because, as a person, I always see my “bad” side.

Moreover, the first day was a little bit strange for me, being in the same room with people I didn’t know, speaking all different languages, and trying to communicate in English, which wasn’t our mother language. Little did I know that these new people, in just one week, would be my new friendships.

For the next two days, we did some activities and talked about mental health and the problems people face at a young age. These activities and discussions helped us better understand the project topic. Also, we discussed different scenarios that we face in our daily lives, and we tried to find different ways of reacting or even helping other people who might be in these situations.

On the fourth day, each group had to prepare and present a task or a group activity that they had chosen before and present it to the rest. The group activities were my favorite because we had a lot of fun during them, and they gave me the opportunity to get to know other people better. Also, through these activities, I learned about the cultures and customs of different countries, and they helped me create the friendships that I mentioned before and will remain unforgettable.

The last day was a little shorter. We talked about Europass and we had a discussion about the positive and negative things of our whole trip. For example, we discussed what we liked and didn’t like about the city, the food, the culture, etc, and how we felt about it. Then, at the end of the day, we had a really emotional goodbye because we created a strong bond.

