An Amazing Experience in Lutomiersk, Poland

Ilias Kalantzis
Erasmus Plus
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2024


During the 21st and 24th of March, I had the opportunity to visit the village of Lutomiersk, a religious region close to Lodz, which is the third largest city in Poland.

There, I had the opportunity to cooperate with a wonderful team, comprised of individuals from Italy, Spain, Poland, Germany, and Turkey. The largest part of the APV took place in the village, where we had the opportunity to discuss the procedures, the guidelines, as well as the rules that should be implemented In the upcoming Erasmus Plus projects, to ensure their effective materialization.

On the last day, we visited Lodz and spent the whole day in the city. The aspect of the city that excited me the most was the plethora of murals, hidden in every corner, making the city a labyrinth of hidden paintings and pieces of art. Finally, in the late afternoon, the whole team gathered at a restaurant and enjoyed traditional Polish food, like pierogi and zurek. Even though the weather was overall moody and rainy, the multicultural team made this short visit an experience worth remembering.

I can't wait to see how all our preparation will create a beautiful project. I'm so excited about the results because I will know that I put my love and passion into the next project that it will take place again in Poland.

An Erasmus+ opportunity that I would recommend to everyone. Find a project, and go for it. Don't hesitate at all:)

