How to Setup Calibre with Gmail [Step-By-Step Guide] —

Shehraj Singh
eReader Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2022


Discover how to integrate Calibre with your Gmail account.


Note: Make sure you’ve enabled 2 step verification for your Gmail account before creating a Gmail app. If you don’t know, here is the guide to do that

Step #1: Create a Google App

You need to generate a google app password in order to create integration between Calibre and Gmail. Here is how to do that;

Here is the official guide from google to generate an app password but here are the basics:

1. Go to Google Account > Under “Signing in to Google” select App Passwords

Now, You may be asked to enter your account password. After that,

2. Select the app you want to generate a password for (for this case “Mail”)

3. Select the device you’re operating your calibre software on. For me, It’s Windows

3. Click “Generate”

4. Copy the generated password and paste it into the notepad for something for the next step

Step #2: Configure Calibre with your Gmail account

