Ergonode 1.0.0-beta Release

Martyna Arent
Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2020

It’s official — you can finally check out our beta and see what we have been working on for the past year. It was the time full of excitement, hard work, endless cups of coffee and thousands lines of code.

Ergonode’s idea is to be fully customisable — so you’ll find many functionalities and modules that can be adjusted to your team’s or organisation’s specific needs. I’d love to present the features that fulfil this idea. I divided them into modules, so you can follow the most common path when working with products.

Start with Attributes:

  • Define unlimited product attributes.
  • Create pre-defined product templates for product families with easy drag & drop system to quickly set up new products with a specific set of attributes.
  • Define groups of attributes.
  • Use a wide range of attribute types: single text, textarea, single select, multi-select, unit, single image, gallery/set of images, set of files, date, number, price.
  • Use a special widgets to better organise the pre-defined product template layout.
  • Use a specific unit from the default set (standardised SI system) or define your own units with easy creator.
  • Choose a rich-text editor or plain textarea feature.
  • Set the required attributes to allow managers to check the product completeness.

Choose product categories:

  • Define unlimited catalogs with category trees.
  • Create unlimited categories.
  • Create a structure of catalog with easy to use drag & drop system and unlimited level of branch-hierarchy.
  • Add products to multiple categories and category-trees.

Add product relations:

  • Define unlimited number of products related collections.
  • Create manual (by SKU’s) or automatic (with segmentation rules) linking between products in collection.
  • Set types of relations to present products as up-sells, cross-sells to different customer groups.
  • Create dynamic-calculated segmentation rules with ease to manage a condition-based designer.
  • Change visibility in collection to decide what specific collections should be presented on product’s page.

Manage the products:

  • Change the view mode on products listing: spreadsheet and gallery view.
  • Set the default image and label for gallery view mode.
  • Define unlimited columns using all of your customised product (e.g.. color, weight, description, name, etc.) and system attributes (like edited by, created by, product status, categories, category-trees, etc.).
  • Set filtering options using all of your customised product (e.g. color, weight, description, name, etc.) and system attributes (like edited by, created by, product status, categories, category-trees, etc.).
  • Edit products directly on the listing page using spreadsheet mode.
  • Update products in bulk by easily copying data by dragging cells in spreadsheet mode.
  • Create a product by selecting a pre-defined template with a specific set of attributes.
  • Edit product data on product page with customised layout.
  • View all the historical changes on the product page.

Media management

  • Upload media images or files without any limitations.
  • Upload single files and/or sets.
  • Link your assets to specific attributes types (e.g. image, gallery, files) and simple check all relations of products and attributes to the single asset.
  • Explore the basic information about each asset (e.g. create date, modify date, weight, profile).
  • Create alternate text to each asset in any language.

Syndicate sources

  • Prepare different types of import profiles to connect your internal systems (e.g. ERP, WMS, etc.).
  • Use ready-to-use CSV import profiles for easy initial PIM loading with product data.
  • Duplicate unlimited import profiles and view the errors with an easy reporting tool.

Distribute data

  • Define unlimited number of channels.
  • Prepare different types of channel export profiles to connect PIM with external systems (Shopware shop available for now).
  • Use a ready-to-use CSV export profile to fast export.
  • Use the export scheduler to avoid manual work.
  • Check the errors and eliminate the problem with error information.

Cooperate with team

  • Define unlimited number of product statuses.
  • Create, edit and manage lists of users.
  • Create and manage the specific user restrictions and user roles privileges.
  • Set the rules of transitions between specific statuses (e.g. “new” to “draft”, “draft” to “ready to approve”) based on the wide range of conditions (e.g. product completeness, user roles, product attributes).
  • Manage workflows independently with a multilingual approach.

Build multilingual experiences

  • Define an unlimited number of languages.
  • Create the languages tree to set global and local scopes of attributes.
  • Create attributes and products with translations related to inheritance based on pre-defined languages tree.
  • Manage languages using a spreadsheet by simply creating personalised columns with specific attributes and translations.
  • Set the user language restrictions to better manage products that belong to different markets.
  • Manage workflows independently with a multilingual approach.

As you can see, the list is quite long, and the good news is that it’s still growing. We decided to release Beta because we feel the product is mature enough to be seen by the public and receive feedback. We’re open to your suggestions and analyse each product improvement that we’ve already gathered. If you see any bugs or inconsistencies, feel free to let us know on our GitHub page.

