Shopware Community Day 2019: Post-conference roundup

A few days ago, we returned from Shopware Community Day — an annual conference for e-commerce enthusiasts centered around the platform. It is one of the biggest events of this type in Europe — this year it gathered over 2.5 thousand participants, exhibitors, and speakers.

Katarzyna Gądek
6 min readJun 4, 2019


The agenda included presentations by e-commerce experts, entrepreneurs, business owners, and TV personalities. And after the official part, there was traditional afterparty which gives the opportunity to network and to share the knowledge after the whole conference day.

The event agenda was divided into several stages, e.g. Solution, Inspiration, Technology, Ecosystem, Dev. Among the main topics discussed at the conference were the future of e-commerce and thinking outside the box. The highlight of the day was the announcement of Shopware 6. For all developers and technology enthusiasts, the technical keynote was given by Daniel Nögel, Product Manager Shopware. He tried to find an answer to the following question: What does an eCommerce system have to look like in order not to hinder, but stimulate the creative use of new technologies?

In addition to informative talks surrounding Shopware, inspiring presentations from Heather Mills, Ken Hughes and Judith Williams provided new ideas and looked beyond the horizons of digital commerce.

Strix, as a company with many years of experience in implementing e-commerce systems for stores in Europe and around the world, became a silver sponsor of the event.

Rafał Przędzik and Maciej Kaczorowski at Shopware Community Day 2019

Four people attended the event from Strix. We asked two of them about their impressions.

What does a Magento implementation specialist do at a conference for the Shopware community?

Marcin Warzyński, Project Manager: Gets rid of the label of a company that only implements Magento. Business customers on the German and neighboring markets are a segment that cannot be omitted in any way. Strix, as a certified partner of Shopware, is taking the opportunity to strengthen its awareness and present the latest products to the community associated with this platform. We are extremely pleased that the European premiere of the new PIM (Product Information Management) solution could take place in Germany!
For developers, it was also a great opportunity to grow. There was time for networking and knowledge sharing, and of course an opportunity to listen to numerous presentations.

Last week you were at Magento Imagine in Las Vegas. You probably didn’t even unpack your suitcase, and you had to get ready for the trip to Germany. What are the differences between Shopware Community Day and similar events organized by Magento?

Maciej Kaczorowski, Frontend Developer: Good point, I am more often abroad than at home now. Two of the companies are paying a lot of attention to make the show spectacular. Both keynotes were stunning in all aspects. The main difference was localization. Magento events are organized in big cities, and Shopware not necessarily — that’s why transportation is sometimes difficult. But the main purpose remains the same — sharing experiences and presenting different approaches with people.

Were there any companies offering competitive solutions? Or were most of the exhibitors connected with Shopware?

MW: Shopware is a platform that brings together a lot of solutions from different fields. That is why companies want to exhibit at this event and present their offer. At the conference, you could, of course, meet agencies implementing the Shopware platform, but also payment providers, consulting firms and graphic design studios. However, one both stood out in particular, offering a platform for comprehensive product information management — and it was our stand!

As you mentioned, at Shopware Community Day you presented Ergonode — a new PIM system. What was its reception?

MW: Well, it’s not an everyday situation when a potential business partner approaches the stand asking about the details of the platform, and during this short presentation you can see how their jaws drop. This is probably the greatest value and huge satisfaction for the development team, which sees the enthusiastic reactions of people — it is a reward for the hard work they have done on this project. Stefan Hamann, CEO Shopware, also visited our stand. I have to say that this discussion about our product was very inspiring and gave us the kick to keep working.

MK: During such conversations we also collected feedback, noting down each observation. This is valuable information needed for product development. From what we’ve learnt during the conversations, people really like the ergonomics of the tool, Excel-like experience, intuitive way of management, high efficiency of the system.

What were the most frequently asked questions in terms of Ergonode?

MW: Oh, there were a lot of questions. Visitors represented various industries but with a common thread — Shopware.
Therefore, the implementing agencies asked mainly about the integration with the platform and the business model in which Ergonode is available. Let me just add that Ergonode is an open-source solution, so anyone can use it under OSL 3 — Open Software License. Additionally, we also provide two paid options for using Ergonode: in the cloud model and on-premises.
Developers asked about the technologies and frameworks mostly. We were extremely pleased with their reactions: “Great! It’s something for me”. And as for the open source version, you just have to be on Github — that’s what we encouraged all developers to do, and to co-create Ergonode by contributing the code.

MK: Owners of large e-commerce businesses were interested in improving the efficiency of product information processing. In particular, there were questions about the functionality such as product template (a product card that allows you to verify how the product and its attributes will look like in an online shop or a printed catalog), side by side translation of product attributes or own composition of attributes on the screen, where, as in excel, you can fill in missing data or edit them.

You mentioned the great interest in Ergonode. Did you have any time at all to listen to the speeches? As far as I can see on the event’s agenda, the schedule was very tight.

MW: Indeed, unfortunately, there was not enough time for presentations. To be honest, I spent most of the day standing at the booth and presenting Ergonode. The interest was so great that even queues were formed, which was a bit awkward (laugh). Of course, we are glad that despite so many interesting presentations, people preferred to stand in line to learn more about Ergonode.

MK: Together with my colleagues, we tried to change roles so that each of us could attend the speeches at least a little — because apart from presenting the effects of our work, we also need to draw inspiration to continue and improve it, right?

Which speech was the most inspiring for you?

MW: Well, I don’t think I’m going to have much to say about it. But to my excuse, one time, when I was going to a presentation, I was approached by someone from the developers to talk about Ergonode, and before I realized, the presentation was over. But I’m not complaining, not at all! On the contrary — I think it’s the most important lesson I’ve learnt during Shopware Community Day because I could also look at Ergonode from the perspective of a potential contributor. I hope that some of the developers I had contact with will soon join our community on Github. We want Ergonode, as a human-centric PIM, to be a product focused on both those who create it and those who use it. Developers and users are equally important to us.

Any conclusions for the future?

MW: First of all, remember to listen to business clients, application users, and developers — and give everyone equally big space to express their opinions. And finally — yes, I know it sounds cliché — you have to work hard and set yourself ambitious goals — and the results will surely come with time.

And you, dear readers? Have you been to Shopware Community Day? If yes, share with us your thoughts and impressions in the comments section below.

