We’re (almost) ready… Welcome to 1.0 Release Candidate version

Marcin Piwowarczyk
Published in
3 min readMar 11, 2021

It’s been a long story. From the idea that emerged back in 2018, the first system architecture decisions and the initial lines of code, gathering feedback, to the first customers who believed in our vision of product catalog management as early adopters.

Ergonode is a PIM unlike any other, it is a solution built in the spirit of composable commerce, where we are not dealing with a single monolithic application, but a series of smaller modular solutions.

It is an open-source solution because we believe that open-code, well-designed software that provides high comfort of work with products builds and enhances good relationships between people and increases creativity. It is also accessible to everyone — regardless of where you live, your industry, or your specialty.

It is extremely uplifting to read press releases where Ergonode has been called a breath of fresh air in the world of PIM systems (source: https://www.pim-verzeichnis.de/2020/09/open-source-pim-systeme-im-ueberblick)/

While it wasn’t always easy, we kept moving ahead. We are about to present to the world a version that represents a huge step forward in the go-to-market for Ergonode. Version 1.0 Release Candidate.

1.0 RC — what’s inside?

Modern architecture — consisting of two separate applications. Administration panel built in micro-frontends technology, which communicates with core system modules using REST-API standards.

Excel-like catalog management — we provide a unique approach to product information management — a spreadsheet, but turbo-charged and inside PIM.

Reinvented product pages — you can design product cards for the product families of your choice. This will make data enrichment fun and fast and onboarding your team a simple process.

Product bulk actions — you can easily update multiple hundreds of products using the dedicated bulk action feature.

Import/Export CSV — we have created an incredibly structure-friendly set of CSV files that allows you to import and export product data, option dictionaries, product templates, attributes and multimedia.

Commerce Connectors —we are already connected to the fastest-growing open-source e-commerce system in the world Shopware 6, we are working on connectors for PrestaShop, Sylius and Magento. And in the near future also Shopify and BigCommerce.

Multi types of attributes — you can create any structure of product information with our attributes. Prices, units, rich-text content, images and photo galleries, all in one easy-to-use solution.

Basic DAM — we have prepared MVP of built-in file and media management system, so all media for products are linked from one place.

Team & Product Workflow — you can create any status for products and build conditions that determine who can change them and when. All this to work easier with your team.

Multilingual inheritances — Ergonode was designed from the beginning as a multilingual solution, so you can easily prepare a language tree and decide who and under which conditions will have access to the selected translations.

System translations — if you work in an international environment and your team needs a user interface in a specific language, Ergonode will make it happen.

Product segments and collections — you can build groups of products automatically based on certain input rules (e.g. green products of size M from the category “dresses”). You can also manually or automatically add products to different series, up-sells, cross-sells.

…and much more. In the near future, we are planning other smaller or bigger revolutions. Stay tuned!

But Ergonode it’s not only a software

We are proud that our solution is already being implemented in many companies in the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland or Poland. We have also met amazing people from leading e-commerce agencies in Europe (Das Ist Web , Portaltech Reply, Shopworks, Magexo, Wexo, Divante, Unity Group, or E-point), who see great potential in our system.

If you are interested I will be happy to show you a demo version of Ergonode PIM — https://www.ergonode.com/book-a-demo

I also invite you to our official Slack channel for the community: https://join.slack.com/t/ergonode-community/shared_invite/zt-ibppxnyc-4Ykac1Gh64Qkk5SWy3sg3w

and official GitHub account: https://github.com/ergonode



Marcin Piwowarczyk

UX & Commerce geek, experienced with delivering large digital commerce projects.