TOP 10 Ideas from the Eristica Community😻

Stas Oxanii
Challenge App (by Eristica)
7 min readApr 20, 2018

Howdy Family! Hello Eristicaaaaaaans!

How are you?

Let us start this post by saying a HUGE thank you for submitting all the amazing suggestions and feedback to make Eristica better and more valuable for you — our family, our customers, our community.

Our team has processed, recorded and discussed every single suggestion and piece of feedback you guys have sent us.

We have ranked and rated all of these suggestions and picked the ones which fit best with our current roadmap and development plan right now.

Below are the suggestions and our feedback and thinking about them.

Thank you once more to everyone who submitted suggestions so far. If your suggestion was not picked and does not show up below don’t worry, it’s in our list of “ones to revisit in the future”.

Without further ado, here are the suggestions and our responses:

Nico Rabarisoa (30 March 2018)
When eristica will be big (or not) with partenership etc. It may be cool to help defaforised people, not a “give sandwich to the homeless guy challenge” but something more serious like when a challenger won a challenge he could give a percentage of his gain to a caritative association partenering with us

✅ Pros:
That’s very smart. We are thinking to create a category “Charity Challenges” where we donate all the generated revenue to Charity organizations.

⛔️ Cons:
Other question is — would Charity organizations like to partner with us? How would they like ERT transfers? Need to clear this up and do some research.

Leviathan (3 April 2018)
1) Fitness-orientated challenges such as maximum pullups/chinups/pushups in a minute etc.
2) Sports-related challenges such as football ball skills tricks, pool shots, basketball shots, etc.
3) A potential ranking system for such sports-related challenges so that people can compete to gain top ranking.
Also, I strongly recommend a small (cheap) paywall or premium app option that allows access to 18+ content. This would keep the main challenges sections relatively clean, and allow for the ENORMOUS revenue potential for nudity/sexual content challenges.

✅ Pros:
An access to exclusive content is something that is planned to be done. That fits very well!

Raul CP (3 April 2018)
I also recommend to do cultural Challenges for Kids (but not only), like: — reading a piece of a book as fast as possible. — write a phrase with capital letters as fast as possible. — to recite Tongue Twisters as fast as possible. — to play with Musical Instruments, technical exercises, as fast as possible. — to recite by memory (with eyes covered), the longest possible part of a book, for example “Don Quixote” from Cervantes. Suggestions is to have a KIDS DEPARTMENT, that father’s could use for stimulation of their kids… Also, as Sean said, an ADULTS one…

✅ Pros:
AWESOME! Please contact @stasox if you have more challenge ideas for that category which can be proved with videos!

Leviathan (3 April 2018)
I have a feeling the 18+ section will account for at least 1/3 of all revenue. Absolute guaranteed success. DoubleDog already have loads of people engaging with such dares, but they lack the monetisation method that Eristica has. As funny as it is, people eventually get bored of watching other people eat soap. People NEVER get bored of breasts. Absolutely massive potential… Just make sure to research other online adult webcam sites like Chaturbate etc and copy their general guidelines for things that are banned: blood, defecation, illegal or dangerous acts, etc.

✅ Pros:
Sure, 18+ has a lot of potential and it’s actually a very smart thing to copy adult websites’ guidelines.

⛔️ Cons:
Not sure if DoubleDog generates a lot of revenue, but users are mostly stressed seeing nudes all the time (go through their app reviews). Also that move would mean a focus switch from FunTech to SexTech — and that’s not what we want :D

Leviathan (4 April 2018)
Support, have we got an English speaking Instagram account? With all these bans on advertising on Google and Twitter, etc., I think it would be great to make sure we have a strong IG presence. We could have a series of very clear promotional posts for Eristica, clearly defining what Eristica is and does. Then, we could have some great examples of people doing challenges. These could of course be linked to an Eristica YouTube channel in English. I don’t stress the English language because I’m a native speaker, but because it’s the world’s second language, hence why we use it in here. I think a strong Eristica YouTube and IG following would really help build anticipation in the US for when it is released to their market.

✅ Pros:
YouTube and IG are great for marketing! Definitely gonna use that as soon as we’re ready to blast out.

Don’t forget that IG belongs to Facebook and YouTube — to Google :)

Angry Beur (6 April 2018)
Btw I have an #ideaforeristica. May be it s already planned but what about doing a business place. For example challenge for designers, then if a company would like a logo, they can launch a challenge for the best logo design. I will be happy, personnaly, to participate to some hacking challenge, if a software company or indies want to find some breach security.

✅ Pros:
A nice thing, should be done in web for sure. That would allow lots of audience types to be involved in the project.

⛔️ Cons:
Not saying it’s a con, but just not sure if ERT prizes would be interesting for challenge creators. Also not sure how to upload a ‘video/photo proof’ of a hacking challenge (e.g.) or to verify an indentity of the contestant or vote for the best one. This might require some serious concept changes.

Baha (April 10th 2018)
Can you guys here in telegram add more stickers and emojis with eristica logo on it or put some gif’s with eristica logo on it.. to use it in any other chat room.. do free advertise with that emojis, but make them smart way that other admins not gonna ban us for using them

✅ Pros:
Spoiler alert: ERT stickers are coming ;)

Mike Baker (11 April 2018)
Want to make Eristica really huge? Take your 3% fee per challenge/bet and distribute 1% of that back to your token holders. Why will this make a huge impact? Your token holders will hold longer thus price going up. They want to hold longer because you just made them part of your company. Why would they sell if they get a part of that 1% everytime e new challenge/bet is placed. They will even buy more tokens, because that way they get a bigger share of that 1% and again due to that price goes up. What’s the benfit for the ERT team? 2% will make you filthy rich anyway, however when the price keeps going up your 2% means more income. Better to have 2% of a lot then 3% of less. Investors get way more involved because now they will grow and promote ERT way more, they are part of the company now and it’s their income too. In my opinion 1% distribution among all the token holders will guarantee an income and will blow this up very very fast.

✅ Pros:
Sounds good.

⛔️ Cons:
That being said, it’s still not 100% clear if this case violates SEC’s and MAS’s regulations. It’s very serious. Making token holders wealthier and motivating the community to HODL is good, however we need to get a strong legal opinion that this feature is not transforming the token to a security.

Joe (April 15th 2018)
Can we try to implement the games into the app? Somewhat like a weekly side challenge to earn tokens, free to all that join! These games were a big hit with members wanting to be at top of leaderboards and earn tokens. Of course the hard part is find a way to do it without it getting hacked! Good luck there lol.

✅ Pros:
Games are awesome, easy and viral. That’s why we’re rebuilding our API for games where every developer can implement our challenge system into his platform.

⛔️ Cons:
Implementing games per say requires a lot of time and effort and it’s almost the same as developing them :D However, with the API users will be able to compete for ERT in every game which has this API in it.

Baha (April 15th 2018)
Can you guys introduce “like” and “dislikes” right away after video ?! like usually here youtube does, after sharing videos.. or any challenge vote buttons ?! it will come automatically after video, like we do for Yobit now., i guess it will bring more audence.. if it will be implement “like” and “dislike” buttons.. also will be perfect if anybody able to share in any chatting room.. 1) more audence, more popularity around telegram community 2) free advertising (key) and there’s many other good things…

✅ Pros:
Indeed we’re implementing a decentralized voting where user will be able to decide whether the challenge was completed ot not.

⛔️ Cons:
We’ve already tested out the ‘dislike video’ function and most of the times it was massively used for humiliation of creators :D. Now we’re offering an anonymous voting system instead.

Thank you to all of you for being so passionate about our company and helping us make a better, bigger and more valuable Eristica!

