The Missing Testing Tip

Maybe the most important one

Brujo Benavides
Erlang Battleground
5 min readMar 6, 2018


I recently wrote an article about Speeding up your Erlang Tests for AdRoll. I included 4 useful tips for everyone writing Common Test suites, but as Fred and Juan quickly pointed out, I missed the main one…

Juan in our private slack — You didn’t include the tip about not using timer:sleep/1. I guess it’s too evident…

I agree with them 100%, so let me try and fix that situation.

Don’t let your tests sleep when they should wait

The Terminal (2004) — Source

The Symptom

So, your tests are taking a long time to run. You go in and try to figure out why and then you find many instances of timer:sleep/1 applications spread around in different test cases / suites (True Story: I’ve seen timer:sleep(10000) more than once! — I even wrote some of them 🙈). Of course, that’s why the tests are slow, they’re just stalling there for seconds at a time… just sleeping.

Why do we do that?

There might be multiple reasons leading us to introduce timer:sleep/1 calls in our test cases, but in the general structure of those tests is something like this:

test(_Config) ->

We evaluate some function that will return immediately while also triggering some background task. Then we wait enough time for that background task to complete and check that it, in fact, was completed correctly.

We can’t just not wait (i.e. remove the call to timer:sleep/1 entirely) because given the concurrent nature of Erlang, it’s more than likely than the expected side effect will not have happened by the time the test evaluates the next line if we do so.

But timer:sleep/1 is not the best way to write this kind of tests…

What’s wrong with timer:sleep/1?

To use timer:sleep/1 you need to choose a number (i.e. how many milliseconds do you wish this process to sleep for). Choosing the right number for that parameter is generally hard, if not plainly impossible.

Let’s assume that you know that your background task will never last more than 5 seconds (there is a hard timeout somewhere within it).

Now you need to decide for how long your test should sleep. If you choose a number that’s below 5000, your test may report an error while your system is actually working as expected. Even if you choose to wait exactly 5000ms, you can’t be sure that if the test fails it’s because the system is not working as expected. It might be some schedule-related delay, maybe message got queued for a bit, etc.

So, you choose a number that’s larger than 5000. But… how larger? 5100? 5200?… Let’s choose 6000 just to be sure. And now each test run is 6 seconds longer just because of that. When, in reality, 5000 was just the upper bound. Most likely, your background task (particularly in test mode) takes only 100ms or so.

In other words, using timer:sleep/1 forces you to make a trade off between unpredictable test results and wasting lots of time.

But there is a better way…

What we should do instead?

The basic idea for the solution proposed by Fred above and also implemented in ktn_task:wait_for/2,4 is to periodically check to see if we get the expected result and only fail if we don’t get it after a long time.

The implementation of ktn_task in github is a bit more complex since its more generic, but in a simpler way…

wait_for(_Task, ExpectedResult, _SleepTime, 0) ->
wait_for(Task, ExpectedResult, SleepTime, Retries) ->
case Task() of
ExpectedResult -> ok;
_SomethingElse ->
wait_for(Task, ExpectedResult, SleepTime, Retries - 1)

You would use it like this:

test(_Config) ->
ktn_task:wait_for(fun verify_the_expected_result/0, ok, 100, 60).

The key is in the last 2 parameters. Instead of simply waiting 6000ms and then checking once, you wait at most 60 rounds of 100ms and check each time. If, as expected, the correct result is obtained before the 6th second, you just move on with your test… like a boss 😎

Lesson Learned. What now?

My plan is to add this as a guideline, and then get Elvis to validate it for us. Those PRs are in public repos, so if you feel like +1'ing the guideline or submitting a PR to the elvis repo for this, I’ll highly appreciate it 🙏.

Conferences, Talks and other Off-Topics

Many things are about to happen soon and, if you are like me, you’ll not want to miss any of them…

#OpenErlang / CodeBEAM SF 2018

Next week, thanks to AdRoll, I’m gonna give a talk at my favorite yearly conference, now called CodeBEAM (personal note: I ❤️ this new name). Meet me there to talk about Opaque Types, SpawnFest, Erlang Battleground and anything else!!

The same week, we will celebrate Erlang’s 20th open source birthday at #OpenErlang. We have a lot to be thankful for, so let’s meet there and have a party!

And we have yet another option to meet: Erlang Elixir Meetup SF at TigerText offices on Tuesday.

So… busy week, next week. Probably one of the best weeks of the year :)

BeamBA Meetup — April 6th

Back in BA, we’re organizing the first gathering of 2018 for our local Meetup group, BeamBA. Join us on April 6th at unbalancedparenthesesLambdaClass offices to listen to Facundo Olano talk about Riak Core and Pablo Brud talk about GenStage. You can still submit a talk to the CFP if you have something to share with the community.

BuzzConf — April 27th

Finally, I want to invite you to an amazing conference that unbalancedparentheses is organizing.

It’s called BuzzConf and TL;DR:

If you live near Buenos Aires, you must be there!

Check the website, the speakers, the ticket prices. It will definitely be awesome!

