We are live on Crowdcube!

Cristoforo Mione
Ernest Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2017


Today our equity crowdfunding campaign goes live on Crowdcube, the world’s leading investment crowdfunding platform. It’s been quite a journey to get to this point and we are incredibly excited.

You can access our campaign here.

Three reasons to invest:

1. Product, Team and Execution

In May 2016 we raised a pre-seed funding with just a vision and a committed team. Now Ernest is live in private beta, connected with real bank accounts, and we have over 2000 subscribers on our waiting list.

2. Market Opportunity

Today’s biggest investor returns are going to early investors in high ­growth technology private companies. More than $5 billion were invested in Artificial Intelligence in 2016 alone.

Until today, these opportunities were only available to Venture Capitalists or professional Investors. Ernest crowdfunding campaign is the first equity campaign on Crowdcube to offer investment in an A.I. chatbot service.

3. Equity Crowdfunding

The Crowdcube platform is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Moreover, no money is collected unless we reach our initial target.

Ernest crowdfunding campaign is the first equity campaign on Crowdcube to offer investment in an A.I. chatbot service.

You can invest from £10 to as much as you like to buy an equity stake in Ernest and join us in this amazing journey. Don’t miss your chance and please share this opportunity!



Cristoforo Mione
Ernest Blog

Serial entrepreneur, gamer & part-time angel investor • Co-founder Ernest (sold to MoneyFarm) • Co-founder Tribecube, Mirial (sold to Logitech)