Why It’s So Important for Women to Write Sex-Toy Reviews

A woman delves deeper into her relationship with herself when she writes up the results of using a sex toy.

Elle Silver
In Vain Asylum


Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

You wouldn’t believe how backward I used to be. Years ago, the editor of a magazine I was writing for asked me to do a sex-toy review, and I was like: no way.

This was the early 2000s. Very few women were writing sex-toy reviews for magazines back then if any were.

The first time I ever heard of a woman writer reviewing a sex toy was when Anna David did for Playboy. I remember thinking that was cool for her, but I would never.

Sure, I wrote about sex. But write about my own sexual experiences? No way!

The editor wasn’t pleased with my answer, especially because I was being paid a monthly fee to write. I’m not saying that I should have just gone ahead and done what the editor of this magazine wanted me to do even if it made me uncomfortable. No woman should have to move out of her personal comfort zone to keep her job.

Still, the reason I didn’t want to write this review was the issue. I believed writing a sex-toy review was beneath me.

That was porn. I was a writer. “Real writers” didn’t write about sex from their…



Elle Silver
In Vain Asylum

L.A.-based writer. It's all about ME! Reluctant health advocate. Self-proclaimed relationship expert. Please, don't take my advice.