Tuesday Night Finger Food

Yummy fun in a restaurant booth

Scarlett Cox
Erotic Delights by Scarlett Cox
3 min readNov 15, 2019


The lovers sat in the back corner of the dark sushi restaurant. It was a rainy Tuesday night, and they had the place to themselves. Their server, seeing that they were happy to linger over their drinks and talk quietly, was sitting at the bar talking to the pretty bartender.

The man got up from his side of the table and slid into the booth seat beside her. As always, she welcomed his presence.

She loved how simply being close to him could make her feel. When she smelled his natural essence and felt the warmth of his skin near hers, so almost always began to get wet.

“You look good enough to eat tonight,” he whispered in her ear. Sometimes he was clean shaven, but other times he let his dark, quick-to-grow shadow turn into a sexy beard. She could feel his whiskers brush up against her ear when he whispered. It sent a chill down her body, from that ear all the way to her pussy.

She smiled coyly in response to his sexy compliment and said “aren’t you full from the sushi?”

“No way,” he said. I always leave room for dessert. And you’re my favorite treat. As he continued to whisper in her ear, he slid his warm hand up her inner thigh, pushing her dress dangerously high.

“Stop it,” she protested. “Someone will see.”

“Oh you know you don’t want me to stop. Don’t act all innocent with me. I know what you’re really like…”

And with that he slid his hand up higher, pushing it between her thighs. He began to stroke her through the outside of her wet panties.

“See,” he said. “Your panties are telling me you love this.”

She exhaled and let her head fall back as he stroked her. Then, he hooked his finger into the crotch of her panties and pulled them to the side. She spread her legs to accommodate his touch.

“Let’s see what’s on the menu for dessert tonight.” he said. After stroking her wetness a few times, he pulled his hand from between her legs and brought his fingers to his mouth, tasting them. “Now that is decadent. Try some,” he said, pushing his index finger into her mouth.

“Mmm…I taste good, don’t I?”

“You’re fucking delicious, baby. I want some more.”

“His hand went back down for more of the same. He let his finger run along her slippery wet slit, and then began to push his finger into her pussy.

“Ohhh,” she sighed as his finger pushed inside. She loved that feeling, that first moment he penetrated her. Whether he’s using his finger or his cock, she loves that exact moment of entry.

“You like that, don’t you? You’re my horny girl, aren’t you?”

She nodded her head silently as she concentrated on controlling her noise level. She further showed her assent by beginning to rock her pelvis, fucking herself on his finger.

He put his other hand to use by slipping it down the top of her dress. He pulled her lacy bra cup to the side and began to fondle her nipple. He loved how big and puffy her nipples were. Even though they had fucked a million times, he still got a high every time he played with his lover’s big, soft tits. With his hand inside her dress, he lifted her breast, letting the weight of it fall into his hand.

Between the finger working inside her pussy and the rolling of her nipple between his forefinger and thumb, she wasn’t going to last very long. Finally, she threw her head back and let out an audible moan as she came.

The server and the pretty bartender both stopped talking and looked back at their booth.

Removing his hand from the top of her dress, he gestured to the server and said “check please!”

Want more sexy delights, Sugar? Subscribe to join my playhouse: https://scarlettcox.substack.com/



Scarlett Cox
Erotic Delights by Scarlett Cox

I write erotic delights. 18+ only. Want more sexy delights, Sugar? Subscribe to join my playhouse: https://scarlettcox.substack.com/