Anglerfish 03: Integration

12 min readOct 15, 2022


Photo by Stas Svechnikov on Unsplash

Start with Anglerfish 01: The Interview before reading this.

The Master roused Kay from sleep with pleasure.

It began with the sensation of a kind and gentle mouth moving lightly up and down her body. The Master added the feeling of another mouth, kissing and nipping between her legs, tongue swirling slowly around her opening and probing into it.

Kay stirred in her sleep. Lips, kissing and sucking gently, found her clit and drew it out. The tongue lightly dabbed the tip as the lips held it still.

The Master split the second tongue into two. Half of it coiled snake-like around the base of her erect clit in a tight squeezing hug, and the other half continued to flick lightly and rapidly on the tip.

These sensations were impossible. So as they brought Kay fully awake, she thought she was dreaming.

Had the Master not suppressed her natural orgasm, Kay would have exploded very quickly. But He was saving her for something special. He mixed and remixed the sensations for as long as she could comfortably tolerate them.

Then, He added a third tongue that dragged itself slowly in fits and starts from Kay’s clit, down her slit, past her opening to her rear hole. There it swirled and darted with impossible dexterity.

And finally, The Master allowed Kay to fall over the edge. She came, and then she came, and then she came some more. Kay opened her mouth to scream, but the Master had disabled her voice. Her passion was a quiet explosion of air.

After the orgasm subsided, Kay lay there alone in her bed gasping in disbelief. Then the Master spoke to her in a low-pitched feminine voice.

“Good morning, Kay.”

Starting, she snapped upright.

“Lay back down in the bed. Now!”

She was looking around frantically for the source of His voice, but with the final command, she obeyed.

“There is no one else here with you. You’re physically safe. But you’re not alone. Cameras are installed around the room. I see everything you do in here. Now, take a moment and explore your body. Do not leave the bed.”

Recovering from the surprise pleasure of the orgasm, she realized that while her tongue was sore, she could not feel a stud. Her hands went first to her nipples and then between her legs. Again soreness, but no hardware.

The Master continued in a sultry voice, “You can’t feel them, but the anchors are there. In the back of your mouth. In your tongue. In your nipples. In your labia. The last two are in your clitoris, one in the hood and the other in the glans.”

“They are truly wonderful devices. I’ll not bore you with details. But there are things you need to know. I control them. They also feed me information. They allow me to speak to you. You, and only you, hear me. Anytime. Anywhere. You can speak to me silently as well. You need not put voice to your words, just pantomime speaking them with your mouth closed.

“They allow me to exert physical force on you in very precise ways. I can lock your jaw open. Or closed. I control your tongue. There are many other things I can do as well. But their main purpose is to create sensation. They can make you feel virtually anything by directly stimulating your nervous system. That is how I can temporarily paralyze your vocal chords, and that is how I made you come.”

Her face brightened with this last comment.

“That was just the beginning,” the Master whispered. Kay’s pussy lit up, as He continued, “But I must warn you. While certainly a blessing, they are also a curse. I can induce many sensations. Great pleasure. And great pain. For example…”

Forcing Kay’s mouth open, the Master extended her tongue as if pulling it out of her mouth with the technician’s pliers. Then the sensation of a piercing. She stiffened and gasped. He shifted to her nipples, simultaneously plunging a phantom needle into both of them. Then He started on her pussy. Four sharp pains again marched down her left labia. And then four more down her right. She writhed, knowing what came next. He pulled the clitoral hood and sank a phantom needle into it. Then the glans itself felt the clamp of the pliers and the slight prick of a needle poised to pierce it. There He stopped. Her terror was matched only by her excitement.

“The beauty of the anchors is a cruel one. They create sensation without physical harm. This is a benefit of course, but it also means that I can do the same things over and over again.”

“Shall I pierce you again, Kay? Perhaps twice? Or three times? Ten?”

Kay’s eyes begged Him not to, desperate sincerity written clearly on her face.

“You beg very nicely. You’ll have the opportunity to do it again very soon. In many cases, begging will work. But not in this one.” The Master seemed to pierce Kay’s clit again. She convulsed, and her tears started to flow. He faded the pain quickly into a calming vibration, a pleasurable treat that relaxed her.

“What you have experienced is only a hint of the possibilities. My rewards are cataclysmic and my punishments are catastrophic. All this may seem complicated, but for you it’s quite simple. The anchors are a leash, Kay. And you will learn soon enough that it is these invisible chains that weigh most heavily. Earning my rewards and avoiding my punishments are now the guiding principles of your life. Do you understand?”

Kay nodded earnestly.

“In all of the morning’s excitement, you seem to have forgotten the tattoo,” the Master prodded, “You may rise and look in the mirror. Control your panic.”

Kay jumped from the bed, raced to the mirror on the door of her bedroom.

There were three words tattooed onto Kay’s face in neat blood-red block letters. Across her forehead, “toy.” On her cheeks, written vertically, “whore” and “slut.”

Kay was stricken and again tears started to flow.

The Master seized control of her, “Stay calm.” To get Kay’s attention, He unhooded her clit and clasped it threateningly with the phantom pliers. She fought to regain control of herself, and as she did, He relaxed the grip.

“Your neighbor is in the front yard. I’ll enable your voice. Put on your robe, walk out the front door, and ask her if she notices anything strange about your face. Don’t think. Just do it. Now!”

Kay hesitated, but an encouraging squeeze on her clit pulled her out the door. Despite her anguish, she was dripping. The Master was using her, and her body was responding most pleasingly.

Seeing her neighbor, Kay asked the question.

The woman was puzzled by the inquiry and slightly annoyed. “What are you talking about?” she asked impatiently.

The Master whispered, “Repeat after me. ‘It’s nothing. Sorry. I must have been dreaming.’” Kay spoke the Master’s words, and the neighbor shrugged and turned away.

“Return to your room. Close the door and stand in front of the mirror,” the Master’s deep feminine voice took on a calming tone.

Back in Kay’s room, The Master disabled her voice again. She stood staring in the mirror, relieved but flummoxed because the tattoos were gone.

The Master purred into her ear, “The tattoo isn’t gone, Kay. It’s deactivated.”

“What!?” she mouthed.

With gentle patience, the Master said, “Stop talking. Remove your robe. And watch.”

Kay stood waiting and watching breathlessly. The blood-red words reappeared on her face: “toy”, “pain” and “slut.” All at once, they seemed to melt and run like hot wax. The “ink” dripped down Kay’s face to pool at the base of her neck, a puddle of red rising higher as the color poured into it. In less than 15 seconds, her entire face was blood red.

The Master continued, “The tattoo is electronic. The circuitry involved is very complex and has to grow organically. This is perhaps a distasteful image, but it’s something like a benign tumor. It was seeded yesterday afternoon. As I speak, it’s growing and spreading into your skin. Within 48 hours, it’ll have covered your entire body. At this point, it covers only the red area that you see now, but in just a moment, a new section will come online.”

An area of skin roughly covering the right side of Kay’s chest, her breast and her right arm flickered for a few seconds and then it too was painted red. The red seemed to ripple like disturbed water and changed to green, then to blue, to purple, to black, and then it disappeared.

“It is really quite beautiful, isn’t it?” the Master mused. “It’s more than just a decoration, Kay. I can stimulate the nerves in your skin. Like the anchors, it can create any number of sensations.”

Kay felt a tickle on the tip of her right index finger. She looked open-mouthed at her fingertip. A small green seedling had appeared there. The seedling became a vine. She could feel it as it grew up her finger onto her hand. It continued to her arm, encircling it with a pleasurable squeeze. It branched at her shoulder. The offshoot spread to her chest, wrapping itself around her breast. The main trunk of the vine coiled softly around her neck, lightly tickling as it moved onto her cheek.

The vine looked entirely real, and its touch was exhilarating. A rose budded and blossomed from Kay’s nipple. She could feel the soft touch of the petals on her skin as they unfolded. Another opened brilliantly over her face with a flurry of gentle kisses.

The Master let her marvel for a second before speaking again, “Roses. How wonderful. But something’s missing, I think.”

Slowly and inexorably, thorns grew. The feeling began as dozens of light pricks that ran the entire length: her hand, her arm, her chest, her breast, her neck and her cheek. As they enlarged, Kay felt them widening and digging cruelly into her skin. The pain was all too real, but the dripping blood was inked and the wounds were painted. She gasped in pain and surprise. Her pussy flooded.

The vine and its torments faded slowly away leaving Kay’s unmarred natural skin color. She stood in stock-still astonishment.

“When the tattoo has fully matured, the possibilities for decorating and stimulating your skin will be endless,” the Master said, not bothering to conceal His anticipation.

By the pace of Kay’s breath, the rate of her heart and the look on her face, The Master knew that she was overwhelmed. It was time to give her focus. He put her into her first real predicament.

Taking hold of Kay’s tongue, the Master led her up onto her bed. Standing in the center of it, He pulled her up until she stood on tiptoe, face up, tongue pointed toward the ceiling. When she was fully extended, He relaxed the pressure.

To Kay, it felt like she was hanging by her tongue with just enough slack in the line to stand on her toes. Then, as she stood there, the Master unhooded her clit. The sensation made her shiver. He pulled Kay’s clit down towards the bed. She gasped and her breathing quickened.

So long as she stood flat-footed on the bed, the downward pressure on her clit was a pleasurable tug. But if her heels lifted at all, it became painful. And of course, if she lowered her heels to the bed, the pressure on her tongue became painful. And so the predicament: relief for the tongue or relief for the clit, but not both. The choice was hers.

As Kay suffered between the two, the Master spoke, “I’ve shown you many wonderful things today. But don’t let these things distract you. They are mine to enjoy, not yours. Here is what matters to you. You are mine, body and mind.”

After a pause, the Master continued, “After today’s lesson is over, you’ll sleep. When you wake, you’ll email your professors next semester to inquire about the assigned texts. I’ll deliver the reading material to your laptop, and you’ll begin preparing for the upcoming semester. Do I make myself clear?”

Kay did her best to nod.

“Now, let’s finish things off,” the Master said. “I’m going to make you come again. But you’re going to have to earn it. The orgasm I gave you earlier was a light kiss on the cheek, the one I’m going to give you now will be something more, like a kiss on the lips. Later you can wonder what it’ll be like when I really fuck you.”

Kay felt her wet pussy somehow get wetter. Her excitement started to drip down her leg as she struggled to keep her body straight and balanced.

The orgasm sequence was simple, direct and cruel. It began with the sensation of warm, pulsing water on Kay’s clit and pussy. The pleasure intensified until she was on the brink of coming. Then, the pleasure was replaced with the stinging slaps of a light crop on her tits and pussy.

When the orgasmic wave subsided, the cycle repeated. A long steady build up of pleasure, right to the edge … then the crop … pleasure … then pain … pulse … then sting.

As Kay shuddered and twitched, the Master allowed himself to truly enjoy her for the first time. He savored her struggle, drinking in the tension He was creating in her.

Still in her tongue-clit predicament, Kay’s body and mind were stretched to the limit. Pleasure, pain and concentration twisted her face. Her skin glistened with sweat. Endorphins surged in her brain. He’d taken her voice, so her only audible sound was ragged breathing.

With each iteration, it took her less time to get back to the edge of coming. The pace of things quickened. The sensations were building to a massive conclusion. The pleasure and pain tumbled together, and soon they became hard for her to distinguish.

Then, finally, the moment arrived. The pleasure was the pain, and the pain the pleasure. Kay was again at the brink, and then she was over it. Past the point of no return, she couldn’t stop the orgasm.

But the Master could stop it, a simple matter of blocking the spinal reflex. And stop it He did. Nevertheless, He continued to intensify the sensations. The water pulsed harder and faster, the slaps became a steady unbroken sting. The Master held Kay there hanging from the edge, suspended, denied the orgasm and release. She could not and would not come until He allowed it.

In that delightful moment of ecstasy, the Master released her tongue, enabled her voice and spoke, “Hold your position. Would you like to come?”

“Yes!” Kay gasped.

“I don’t believe you,” the Master chided.

“Please!” Kay begged like a hungry dog, “Please! May I come? Please? Please?”

The Master was unfazed. In a slow and relaxed cadence, he asked “Should I accept you? Should I take you as mine?”

“Yes!” Kay implored.

“Why?” the Master questioned sharply.

“I’ll be good, Master!”

“That’s not enough,” the Master let the pleasure fade. Kay felt that priceless orgasm slipping unrealized away. “Tell me why,” He commanded.

Kay couldn’t think and blurted, ”I … I … need this.”

The Master’s voice took on an edge of cruelty, “Closer, but that’s not good enough either. Why should I take you as mine, Kay? Tell me the truth.”

Something deep in Kay’s mind surrendered, and she told the deepest truth she knew, “I … want it! I want you to take me as yours.”

With real satisfaction, the Master renewed the sensations, bringing the orgasm back into her grasp. “There it is. The truth. You want this,” He said.

Kay was reeling now. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she panted, “Yes, Master! I want this! Please, Master. Please let me come.

But He wasn’t finished with her yet, “This is the moment of truth, your final test. Tell me what you’ll do to serve me.”

“A..a..anything,” Kay begged.

The Master was still not satisfied, “Not good enough. Tell me the degrading and humiliating things that are in your mind? Promise to do them for me. No collar, leash, whip or device can make you please me. This must be something inside you. It must come from within. Show me that it’s in you. Bare your soul. Hide nothing. Hold nothing back. If I like what I hear, you’ll come like never before, and I’ll train you. If I don’t, I’ll release you. Now, now is the time to beg.”

Losing herself in her most depraved fantasies, Kay spoke of things that she’d never said out loud to anyone, of secret desires that she hadn’t even admitted to herself. With every shameful admission, the Master let her fall a little deeper into the orgasm that He held her over.

Running out of things to say and losing the ability to speak coherently, Kay devolved entirely into frenzied begging. The Master was absolutely delighted with her, but He was able to maintain his reserve.

“I believe you. Now, come for me.” He said simply as he finally let her fall.

Kay collapsed onto her bed and writhed insensibly in orgasmic delirium for longer than she’d thought possible.

Afterwards, as she lay trembling and twitching, the Master’s voice hummed again in her ear, “You’re a good girl, Kay. I’m very pleased with you. Now, sleep, my dear.”

With the heat of her orgasm fading into a pleasurable warmth, Kay fell into a deep and restful sleep.




Taught philosophy. Tended bar. Poetry, sex, kink, ethical non-monogamy, erotica, horror, philosophy, living with depression and this thing called life.