Anglerfish 05: The Chair

11 min readNov 17, 2022
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Start with Anglerfish 01: The Interview before reading this.

The pleasures of the dinner party were coming to an end.

Kay lay gasping as Stephanie’s tongue danced around her pussy. As Kay looked down into her eyes, the woman’s lips opened wide and took her in. The lips slowly closed around Kay’s clit. Stephanie sucked it in and tongued it to climax. The shared orgasm erupted, echoed between them and faded, very slowly, away.

Then, Julia spoke, “You have tasted the pleasures of the Network. Now it is time for the next step.”

Stephanie stood, and her expression darkened.

Julia’s command was silent, a sharp gesture towards the chair. Kay felt the threatening torch against her clit. Leaping to her feet, she rushed to the chair and sat down. She caught only a cursory look at it. It was dark and metallic with a complex web of etched grooves covering it. But it wasn’t a chair so much as a machine, and it grabbed her like a pouncing lion.

All of the large articulated joints of her body were instantly immobile. Only her fingers, toes, eyes and jaw were free to move.

Julia motioned to Tyler who brought her a black leather briefcase. She turned her back to Kay as she opened the case and pulled something out of it.




Taught philosophy. Tended bar. Poetry, sex, kink, ethical non-monogamy, erotica, horror, philosophy, living with depression and this thing called life.