She Triggers His Dom Mode with a Blowjob & a Titfuck

Ruan Willow
19 min readDec 25, 2022
Pink Infinity Publishing LLC Ruan Willow

Candy had plans. Kevin was still in the bedroom on his work call and had there been all morning. She chided herself for being impatient, but she wanted her man, as bratty and demanding as that was, she wanted it nonetheless. She licked her lips as she watched the fat fluffy snowflakes falling from the sky.

It was bright outside, but a little bit dimmed because of the thick gray clouds. A giant storm was coming and Candy knew they would be hanging out in the house for the next day or so without venturing out into the snow. It would pose too much danger to go out in it, and they really didn’t need anything but each other anyway. They had enough food and wine because she had just grocery-shopped. They were all set for a snow-in.

She pressed her body to the glass. The coolness ate right through the thin fabric of her robe, and she shuddered as her nipples became erect. Her mind flitted to yesterday. Kevin had spontaneously bent her over the couch in a rage of passion. He had hard-fucked her into a plethora of juicy orgasms in the brilliant glow of the Christmas tree lights.

She smiled. She loved it when his passion consumed him because he then consumed her.

She took a step away from the glass. With a raise of an eyebrow, she nodded as she cinched the fabric belt of her robe, pulling…



Ruan Willow

Ruan Willow is an erotica author, sexuality/erotica podcaster at Oh F*ck Yeah with Ruan Willow, & a voiceover narrator.