Stripped By Confessions-Part 1

Edgar Eden
9 min readDec 31, 2023


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“Oh, you’re just telling us one here,” Michael said and took another sip from the beer bottle.

I thought about it for a long time and only told them about my crazy wife and her friends today, at the second men’s evening afterward. For several years now, I’ve been getting together with two old-school friends once a month for our game night. This event is nothing more than drinking beer, chatting, and playing a little poker. We meet in turn at home and today Michael and Oliver were at our house. My wife Bettina had said goodbye to the game. Up till now, she had come only briefly to us and had offered some snacks and coffee before visiting the supermarket.

“If I tell you, Bettina instigated it all and then quickly took over the direction,” I assured both of them credibly.

Oliver still looked at me in disbelief, “You don’t want to tell us now that your Bettina undressed on the sofa together with two of her friends and you waved at them?”

“I wouldn’t believe it myself, but it happened!” I countered back.

“I could hardly believe it myself. That weekend morning, my wife had just given me a big hug, told me she loved me more than anything, and hoped she hadn’t gone too far. We then talked about it from time to time over the following days. But it was quickly clear that we both had no problem with it and with time the experience faded into the background. When I was away for the night on business, the mischievous question came from time to time whether I had been playing with myself again with thoughts of the three naked girls. But also this became boring with time. At least the jokes about it…” I explained further.

Michael and Oliver still couldn’t quite picture the whole thing, which of course I could understand. We played the next round and the topics went back to the Primer League season that had just ended. After some time, Oliver shook his head and said that he didn’t need to try that with his Kathy. Kathy was Katharina, but had had this nickname since childhood and had been married to Oliver for over 5 years by now. It took me a moment to realize that he was still nibbling away at my story.

“I couldn’t imagine it either and I certainly didn’t try anything, but that’s how it worked,” I replied and went to the fridge.

When I came back, Oliver was still shaking his head and said, “You should have seen what a fuss she made when I wanted to take some photos of her on vacation.”

“What kind of photos?” Michael interjected with interest.

“Well, I just took a few pictures with my cell phone in the hotel room when she was getting ready. The fooling around was still ok, then on the beach in a bikini. At some point, I got cocky and asked if she would like to take off her top for a few snapshots. So I asked her if she would oblige. Man, the whole day was ruined. On the last day, she did play along a bit, but probably more for my sake.” Oliver explained.

“Do you have nude photos of your Kathy on there?” asked Michael, tapping Oliver’s cell phone. Oliver nodded and immediately explained that he would not show them to us.

Michael only challenged his broad grin, “Oh, come on, you can show us one in a bikini. Show off your pretty wife a little.”

Oliver picked up his cell phone, keyed in a security code, and wiped through a few folders. A short time later he held his cell phone in front of our noses and we were able to examine the pretty Kathy with her long brown hair and slightly tanned skin while reading on the beach. She was wearing a bright bikini that stood out against her skin color. Another photo showed her a little further away on her way into the water. The bikini panties stretched over her plump buttocks and we toasted her appreciatively.

Oliver grinned again and said that it was over now, “After all, we’re here to play, at least among other things.”

A few laps later, we heard my wife’s car pull into the yard.

“Hopefully she will have her friends with her again,” Oliver grinned.

“Just shut up, we have made arrangements that we won’t talk to anyone about it,” I admonished him.

At that moment, the door opened and we were all happy to see my Bettina. The long, dense hair was still wet from the shower and was tied in a ponytail. The top was cut quite loosely, but you could guess the full breasts. The highlight was certainly the pants. I got crazy about that part every time. Perfectly normal sweatpants, but they were so tight on the back that you couldn’t help but indulge yourself for a moment. She greeted us, gave me a quick kiss, and then said goodbye to the kitchen. I had the feeling that her bottom was swaying a little more back and forth than usual. But didn’t think about it any further.

“Already the second crack tonight,” Oliver said appreciatively when the door slammed shut. Then with a beer, we went to the next round.

We always play only with plastic chips that have no equivalent value. We don’t want to rip each other off but rather spend a sociable evening. After a while, Oliver got in too high and gambled himself away. His chips were gone and the usual haggling for new chips started. A 6-carrier beer, a crate of beer, a nice bottle of scotch, the driving service for the kids to school. Over time, the most bizarre things have been negotiated. Last time, for example, I had negotiated that I had to mow Michael’s lawn.

But now Michael had an extremely interesting idea, “Hey Oliver, why don’t you just scroll a little further in the pictures and you’ll get a new starter set?”

“Nice try, but you can’t see the pictures. They are for private use only,” Oliver replied.

Negotiations picked up speed, but Michael refused everything and I got a kick out of watching.

A few moments, later there was still no agreement and Bettina came out of the kitchen, “Well, are the little ones up in arms again about the plastic money?”

She always liked to make fun of us for not playing for money. She didn’t know what it was about. But had understood after a short while that Michael was not ready to negotiate.

“What have you come up with now? Oliver, don’t you feel like mowing the lawn? I hereby offer myself as a mediator,” She laughed into the round.

Oliver hesitated briefly, looked at us, and pushed out quite dryly, “Michael wants to see naked pictures of Kathy”.

Dead silence at the table. Michael was relatively unimpressed and explained, “Well, we talked earlier about new digital cameras and whether they are still necessary since you always have a smartphone with you. Then one thing led to another, and you know us men. Oliver proudly told us that he had taken photos on vacation. That’s why I’ve now demanded chips in exchange for pictures.”

Nice story, which he had once so quickly pulled out of his fingers. But Bettina’s curiosity was now aroused. She inquired whether it had happened that way. We nodded in agreement. As a mediator, she had to listen to both sides and would therefore like to find out about the content of the pictures first. There was suddenly a sparkle in her eyes and I was eager to see Oliver’s reaction. He looked at her briefly and then took his cell phone in his hand.

Bettina stood close to him and looked at the small display. She must have just looked at the first picture; at least Bettina praised the beautiful bikini and then how great it would sit in the back. Oliver and Michael looked at some more pictures and in picture 5 or 6 they both put their heads crosswise.

The photo was in landscape format and Bettina whistled softly through her teeth in appreciation. “So, what I’ve seen so far warrants a double starter pack. No more pictures are allowed to be shown. That’s my mediation offer.”

We all could see Oliver wrestling with himself and then finally agreeing. He put the cell phone on the table. Michael and I stood up to get a better look. First, the picture came again while reading, then her walk into the sea. The next picture showed the return from the water. The water temperature was quite low, at least the bikini top clearly showed Kathy’s hard nipples. In addition, the wet body was already a great picture. Now there seemed to be a jump. The next picture was in the hotel room. Kathy wore only a white dress with spaghetti straps and just let one strap slip over her shoulder. The next picture then showed both straps slipped from the shoulders, the dress was only held by the breasts. You could see the base of the breasts. What I liked best was that you could see where else the bikini was sitting. The brown skin blended directly into Kathy’s natural pallor. A very erotic sight!

For the next picture, Michael and I had to swallow to suppress our excitement. Kathy was standing on the balcony, stark naked with her back to the photographer. Not only could some vacationers now surely enjoy a great sight, but we could also see a plump butt, which again showed this stunning contrast between tan and untanned skin. The next picture was swiped over, and now we too had to put our heads to one side. Kathy was lying on the bed, still completely without clothes. She had cleverly crossed her legs so that one could only guess her lap. Her breasts, on the other hand, were more than clearly visible. Just as I wanted to take a closer look at the light brown nipples, my wife pressed the lock button, and the screen went dark.

“Come on now, out with the play money,” She said in a mocked sharp tone and took her to leave back to the kitchen.

“I’m beginning to believe your story,” Oliver said and started stacking his newly acquired chips. We tried to concentrate on the game, but the pictures wouldn’t let us go.

My Bettina must have had the same feeling and came to us again. She had four ice-cold lines of aquavit on a tray and said, “You guys must have gotten hot, you need to cool down a bit.” Even though the alcohol certainly wouldn’t help, we liked the idea.

“Here’s to our successful mediator,” Michael grinned.

Already in the next round, I had a great hand and bet everything. Unfortunately, I had no luck, and this time I was the one who had no chips left.

“Well,” Oliver said triumphantly, “Do you have some photos of your wife on your cell phone?”

He didn’t care that Bettina was still there and was about to get another round of line.

“No, we don’t do crazy stuff like that,” I answered him, knowing full well that everyone in the room was convinced otherwise.

“What a pity, that would have been just equalizing justice,” Oliver played the offended one, looking at Bettina.

“There’s something to that,” My wife agreed with him. “I suggest that you give my husband a starter set, and I’ll be your waitress for the rest of the evening.”

“We can also fetch beer ourselves,” Michael replied, a little disappointed.

Bettina looked at him a tad longer than usual and said meaningfully, “But you certainly don’t look so good doing it,” and left the room.

I got a few chips under reserve because we all did not know what would come now. Only a few moments later, my dream girl came out of the kitchen again. She had changed her clothes. Instead of sneakers, she was now barefoot, and the top had given way to a white blouse, which nevertheless stretched quite tightly around the breasts. She came to us at the table as a matter of course and distributed the four pins again. I caught myself staring at my own wife’s breasts. It even filled me with a little pride how my two buddies were also glued to the blouse with their eyes. But the sight was also really extremely sexy. The blouse was cut very tight, the top two buttons were open, and it was visible that there was no bra under the blouse anymore. I was immediately given a starter set and we clinked glasses again. This time to the hottest waitress in the country, as Oliver noted.

“But why only one set of chips?” Bettina suspected.

“Well, the sight is super sexy, but there was a lot more to be seen in the pictures,” Michael intervened again.

It was just unbelievable how my friends went ahead here. I probably should have kept the story with the three women to myself after all. But the situation made me curious.

“Oh, that’s how it is. Well, that won’t do,” Bettina agreed and offered to take off her pants. The blouse was long enough and just barely went over her bottom. “Maybe I took off my panties as well as my bra,” She philosophized. “Wouldn’t that possibly be worth another stack of chips?”

