The Thong in the Kitchen Cupboard

Ruan Willow
7 min readJan 20, 2022

[Image Ruan Willow]

I enter the living room, enjoying how you raise your electric blue eyes from your book. The flicker of lust that rages there thrills me to my core. A shudder runs through me as I let out a slow breath. Ogle me, let your eyes roam me lover as I tongue fuck your horny brain with my dirty talk. I smile standing in front of you half-naked with only a shirt on.

“You gonna fuck me right like the whore I am?” My pulse quickens as your eyes follow me as I dance before you, where you have been lounging on the couch for more than an hour.

I snicker as a laugh grows in your gaze.

“You know I will,” you say, stroking your goatee, right where I want my juices. “In a heartbeat and a half, no less.”

I scamper back away, leaving you saturated with pre-cum already seeping through your grey sweat pants. I gyrate my hips, trying my best to belly dance for you in front of the fire, like the dancers we watched online earlier tonight as we searched for a honeymoon spot. I’m an epic fail but I’m gonna fuck you so you smile, your teeth gleaming in the dim light.

“I’m a for sure thing.” I run my hand down my breasts, down my taut tummy, dipping my fingers into my cleft.



Ruan Willow

Ruan Willow is an erotica author, sexuality/erotica podcaster at Oh F*ck Yeah with Ruan Willow, & a voiceover narrator.