Coffee Shop Encounter

Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales
Published in
30 min readOct 13, 2023
Photo by Joshua Rondeau on Unsplash

I had a bit of fun with this one. It has a touch of the ridiculous about it, I must admit, but hopefully people can still enjoy it. The start is slow, but from there it goes from zero to a hundred fast.

Carpe diem!

I stared blearily at the erratically scrawled message on the bathroom mirror. After a few seconds the memories started to materialise, pushing through the fog inside my head. That’s right. I’d scrawled it there hastily late last night in a moment of drunken clarity. You know what I mean. Those moments where an idea makes perfect sense and you wonder why sober you had never thought of it. I’d written it using some lipstick I’d dug out of a drawer in the bathroom cabinet. I wondered now whose it was and how it came to be there. Probably a relic from a past girlfriend I guess. I shook my head. That wasn’t the point. Drunk me had left sober me a message, and now I had to decide whether to listen to the half cut rambling bastard, or do what I’d been doing every week for the last six months and pussy out.

Carpe Diem!

I guess I should introduce myself properly. My names Tyson, Tyson Jones. But everyone calls me Ty. I’m an accountant at a large firm in the middle of the city. For the last six months I’ve been buying my coffees from a small cafe six blocks away from where I live. Every morning I make the long walk down to pick up an overpriced flat white before crossing the street to wait at the bus stop. Must be some amazing coffee, huh? Wrong! The coffee is mediocre at best.

You might ask why would someone walk six blocks for some mediocre coffee? Most of you have probably already guessed why.

A girl.

And not just any girl.

Her name was Shazza.

I know, you’re probably thinking “no one has every waxed lyrical about a girl called Shazza” and I may be the first, but here goes.

Shazza is the girl at the checkout who takes my order each day. She’s about five foot five with long brown hair and the brightest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. Her body is slim and toned. Somehow she manages to make a polo shirt, pencil skirt and cap look like a sexy ensemble. She seems to have an aura about her, a certain energy. For those few moments each day, it’s as if time stands still and unfortunately so does my brain, as I turn into the most incoherent imbecile to ever to walk the planet. Shazza doesn’t seem to care though, she just laughs and smiles as I stumble along.

I paused to look at the mirror a moment longer.

“Fuck it.”

I then proceeded to follow my normal strategy which was to defer any important decision until the last possible moment and pray that in that moment I will be struck with a bolt of clarity or reason.

Twenty minutes later I found myself back in front of the mirror. I’d showered, shaved and necked a berocca by this point. I looked past the words, examining my reflection. I tried to psych myself up. I mean look, I’m no body builder, but I’m in decent shape. I have short blonde hair and light blue eyes. If I’m being honest I don’t think I’m too hard on the eyes. The problem is that compared to the goddess who serves me coffee I look like a bag of potatoes.

I sighed as I rolled the sleeves of my white dress shirt back past my elbows. I had on my best pair of tanned dress pants and a brown pair of RM Williams.

My eyes focused in on the words again. Suddenly I was filled with a surge of energy.

“Fuck it!” I said out loud. “You miss all the shots you don’t take.”

I’d been walking in every day and passing up my opportunity. Well not today. Today I’m shooting my shot.

I grabbed my wallet, phone and keys off the kitchen table and headed out the door with my head held high and a sense of purpose to my stride.

So the problem with sudden surges of confidence is, they don’t always last as long as you’d like. The longer I walked, the less I felt confident and the more I felt nauseous.

Six blocks later, I ground to a halt in the alley that ran adjacent to the coffee shop. I looked down, checking my watch.


I had a ten minute window to get in, get shot down and get out. Otherwise I’d miss my bus and be over an hour late for work.

At this point you may be judging a little and wondering why I was hitting the piss on a Sunday evening before work. But hey, no one’s perfect.

I’m in the unfortunate situation many people find themselves in, where their job is too good to give up, but not good enough to make me want to get out of bed in the morning. I was well paid, with good benefits, but zero opportunities to move up the ladder. The job too, was relatively simple, after six months I had a handle on what was required and I’ve pretty much been coasting ever since.

Anyway, I digress. So I’m standing in an alley

and I look up at the sky searching for a sign and can you believe it there were zip, zilch, nada. Apparently the gods had bigger issues than my pathetic love life.

I began to weigh the pros and cons. If this went badly I would lose my thirty seconds of magic every day. On the plus side, I could get a coffee from the place on my block that actually sells nice coffee for almost half the price, and I’d only have to walk 50m to catch the bus. That still wasn’t enough of a pro, but then I had a thought…

Regardless of what I do, one day things will change. She will quit, or move. Anything could happen. If I asked her today, then at least it would be on my terms. I wouldn’t just turn up one day to find her gone, ripped from my life.

I practically charged out of the alley and around the corner.

I slowed myself as I entered the coffee shop, being careful not to slam the door. My gaze turned to the front counter.

It was empty.

I could see the tops of a few baristas heads behind the machines, but I knew none of them were hers.

My chest constricted with fear. Was this the day? Was I too late?

Then she appeared like a vision, gliding out from the back kitchen.

Our eyes met and she gave me a warm smile.

“Hey Ty,” she greeted me.

“Just the usual?”

“Mmmhm.” I nodded awkwardly stepping forward to the register.

“Great,” I thought. “ The mindless idiots back.”

I looked at her as she punched in my order. I took a slow steadying breath and shot my shot.

“Hey Shazza,” my voice came out choked at first but grew in clarity as I spoke. “I was just wondering, I mean I’ve been meaning to ask you. No pressure of course but I just thought.”

I was blowing it. I gave a long sigh. I raised my eyes, staring into those deep blue orbs. They seemed to calm me and I felt a weight lift off my chest.

“Would you like to get a bite to eat with me sometime?”

Shazza paused, staring at me intently. Her eyes travelled up and down my body. I got the sense that she had never really looked at me in all this time, at least not as a potential romantic suitor. In one simple sentence I had changed the whole dynamic of our relationship.

She seemed to hesitate, undecided.

“I totally understand if it’s a no. There’ll be no hard feelings,” I said. Trying to soften the blow.

Then she gave me the thrill of my life. “No I’d love to get a bite, I’m actually due to finish in fifteen minutes if you’re free now?”

I hesitated for the barest of seconds before blurting out “Yeah, absolutely. That sounds great.”

Shazza gave me a smile and it damn near melted my heart.

“Why don’t you grab us a table and I’ll see you very soon.”

“Ye-yeah no worries. Absolutely.” The words seemed to fall out of my mouth awkwardly as I attempted to keep a lid on my excitement.

She gave me another one of those smiles and then tilted her head to the side seeming to peer around me. It was then I realised that a line had formed behind me and I was holding up traffic.

“Oh god. Sorry. Sorry, sorry.” I apologised profusely as I shuffled to the other end of the counter where I knew my order would be served.

A few minutes later my name was called by a short, dark haired barista and I stepped forward to receive my coffee. I peered back towards the register, hoping to make eye contact with Shazza, but she was busy taking a customers order.

The cafe was filled with white square shaped tables with black chairs. I picked a table only a few steps from the counter and sat down. Immediately I realised my mistake. I’d sat with my back to the counter meaning that every time I wanted to see Shazza I would have to turn myself around, making it bleedingly obvious that I was pining for her. I sighed and accepted my fate. After a few more minutes of waiting I did what everyone does when they find themselves alone in public. I whipped out my phone and started to mindlessly scroll through social media. I don’t know why but it seems like the modern day version of a security blanket, as if by having my phone out I’m telling the rest of the world “Hey I have friends and people who care about me and a job. I’m not just some loner sitting at a cafe.”

Oh yeah… My job. I hastily scripted a rather convoluted text message about an imaginary illness. I sent it off to my manager and put the phone back down. Would she be pissed? Absolutely! But opportunities like this don’t come around every day and to quote the Thundamentals, “I ain’t employee of the month.”

I went back to waiting. Another twenty minutes went by and still no sign of Shazza. I figured it had been long enough, I twisted in my seat hoping to see her striding towards me with a big smile on her face. No such luck. She was still standing at the register taking orders. I checked the time. It was ten past nine, already ten minutes after she was meant to finish. “No problem,” I told myself “maybe she’s just waiting for a lull so that she can get away. I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation.

I went back to waiting. I pulled my phone back out. I had my adult safety blanket and as pathetic as it sounds, I felt a little better. Instead of looking at it, I began to survey the café, observing the other patrons. A couple had sat to my right. They looked to be early forties, both of them were wearing fitness gear and appeared to be in good shape. The woman had long dark hair and a tanned complexion. The man had shoulder length blonde hair that hung loosely. I didn’t want to assume that he was a surfer, but he certainly would have fit the stereotype.

Diagonally to my left was a group of three tables that had been joined together. Sitting around it were eight elderly women who I surmised were part of some sort of book club.

There was another table against the wall directly in front of me. A young couple who looked to be about twenty were seated there. I could only assume that they were madly in love, based on all the excessive hand holding and long meaningful pauses, where they stared lovingly into one anothers eyes. I rolled my eyes. Okay maybe I’m just a bit bitter because my date was now thirty minutes overdue…

I checked over my shoulder. She was still at the checkout and once again I failed to catch her eye. I turned back to the table and stared blankly at my phone. I started to wonder if this was a set up. Get me sitting over here on the hook and then they would all put bets on how long I’d wait. I looked around suspiciously at all the staff but they all seemed engrossed in their work and paid me no notice. I looked back at Shazza. Surely she wouldn’t… I examined the line of customers banked up back to the door. She certainly had a reason to keep working. “Screw it,” I thought. I had nowhere to be and while there was still hope, I wasn’t giving up.

Another five minutes later and my confidence was starting to waver again. Then I heard a voice come from beside me.

“Hi Ty, this is for you.”

I looked up to see the young dark haired barista who had served me before. She smiled at me.

“Shaz says she’s sorry to keep you waiting. We’ve had two people call in sick. She said if your willing to wait then she should be free in half an hour. She said if you do she promises to make it up to you. She told me to bring you this muffin.”

I practically beamed up at her.

“That’s fine. Tell her not to worry, I’m happy to wait.”

She nodded in affirmation and headed back towards the kitchen. I felt like a large weight had lifted from my shoulders. “I knew there must be a good reason,”I said to myself.

The next thirty minutes rolled by quite quickly, the young couple across from me had stepped things up a notch, breaking up their conversation with the occasional passionate kiss. Meanwhile the elderly ladies continued to debate the finer points of To Kill a Mockingbird.

Then it happened, I heard her voice.

“Hey Ty, sorry to keep you waiting we had two people call in sick and I just couldn’t get away.”

I looked up quickly, there she was in all her beauty, standing with one hand on her chair and an apologetic look on her face.

“It’s fine,” I reassured her.

Shazzas face split into a smile and it was as if the sun had come out from behind the clouds. As I recovered from that dazzling experience, I examined her further. She had removed her black cap and apron, leaving her long dark hair tied back in a ponytail. Her black polo shirt whilst not being a particularly flattering garment, gave a hint to the incredible curves beneath. Her legs were clad in a pair of tight black exercise pants. Where her polo had shielded her figure, her pants left little to the imagination, putting on display a pair of toned and athletic legs. My gaze came back up to meet her intelligent blue eyes.

It was at that point I realised I’d become distracted by her presence and had been looking at her dumbly for way too long. I shook my head slightly, breaking the trance. Shazza was looking at me with a look of uncertainty on her face.

“Sorry,” I apologised. “You just took my breath away. I just can’t believe you’re actually here with me.”

A saw a touch of colour on her cheeks and her smile took on a coy almost embarrassed quality. I wasn’t sure if I was making things better or worse, but I plowed on.

“Please Shazza, just sit with me for a little while, I promise you won’t regret it.”

Her smile went from coy to mischief as she cocked an eyebrow at me. Slowly she slid her chair out and sat down.

“My friends just call me Shaz.”

“Oh. Right. Sorry Shaz.” The name certainly fitted her better. It rolled off the tongue sounding chic and elegant rather than downright bogan.

“Why the name tag?” I asked pointing to her badge.

She smiled sweetly. “That was my new manager having a quirky sense of humour. They gave me this badge the first week I started and the name kinda stuck with all my customers.”

“Oh. That’s funny.” I said giving a polite laugh.

She smiled at me and gave a small nod. At that point my brain seemed to stop working and I stared back at her trying to hide my fear and self loathing as I searched my brain for an intelligent topic.

Shaz put me out of my misery mercifully.

“So Ty, tell me a bit about yourself. What do you do?”

“Ahh, I work in finance at Finance Global in the city. It’s not a bad gig and I live in Auburn so it’s an easy commute in and out.” I paused and she just smiled at me, waiting for me to go on.

“I’ve been there three years now. I got the job straight after I graduated and I’ve kinda been coasting ever since. It pays the bills so I can’t complain. How about you?”

Shaz looked at me, seeming somewhat bemused and immediately I realised my mistake.

“I work at a coffee house.” Her smile teased me and I tried to cover my mistake.

“Oh yeah of course, but are you studying anything else?”

“Why? Isn’t working at a coffee house enough.” She cocked an eyebrow at me with a look that suggested danger. I could feel my cheeks going red as I back-pedalled hard. I couldn’t believe how royally I was fucking this up.

“No, no, that’s fine of course. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have assumed. It’s a great job.”

“Fine?” She replied. “It’s fine that I work at a coffee house?”

“Ah… Um… That’s not what I… Um… Sorry?” I stumbled over my words like the buffoon I am.

Her face broke into a smile.

“I’m an arts major at university. I’m majoring in animation with a minor in graphic design.”

Her grin widened as she saw the realisation on my face.

All I could do was laugh and clasp my hand to my chest in mock relief. Even though my heart was still racing and I could feel the blood pumping through my ears.

“God, you got me good,” I admitted.

Shaz just gave a small laugh. Then she paused cocking her head slightly

“So if you live in Auburn and work in the city. Why are you here buying coffee every morning?”

“Ah… Um… Well I just really love the coffee.” I offered meekly.

A look of scorn crossed her face. “The coffee? The coffee here is mediocre at best. So why come here?”

“Ah… Well… The thing is…” I was floundering, trying to find a reasonable excuse. When none presented itself I just sighed and took the only option left to me. The truth.

“Your right. The coffee sucks. Every morning I walk six blocks so that I can come in here and share a few minutes with you.” The words tumbled out of me. I paused and when she didn’t speak I continued on.

“But not in like a creepy, stalker way.” She cocked an eyebrow at this. “I mean, your just so beautiful and intelligent and funny. You always say something to brighten my day. Last month when you were sick for a week, it was the worst week of my life.”

I looked down, averting my eyes in shame. When I looked up I saw a shy smile on her beautiful face and a touch of pink on her cheeks.

“You know that’s about the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

I smiled back at her and we shared a moment before she continued.

“So why wait so long to ask me out?”

I looked away again before lifting my gaze to meet her eyes.

“I don’t know. I’m a coward I guess. I couldn’t count the number of times I planned to but chickened out. I guess I was afraid that if you said no it would be the end of our morning encounters.”

I saw a spark in her blue eyes and the look of mischief was back, almost taunting me.

“So what changed today?” She asked.

“Well I woke up this morning feeling a little rough around the edges and I looked in the mirror and decided I’d had enough of being a coward. It was time to ‘seize the day’ so to speak.”

She cocked her eyebrow again almost seductively. “Really? And how’s that working out for you.”

“Well to be honest I’d say it’s going better than I could have ever imagined.”

She gave a small laugh at this.

“Really? This has been better than you could have ever imagined? Ty, you really need to dream bigger.”

I just gave a shrug and grinned back at her.

Shaz leant forward almost conspiratorially, resting her arms on the table.

“So does this ‘seizing of the day’ just involve asking me out? Or do you plan to take whatever opportunity comes your way?”

She stared at me intently and I suspected there was more to this question than she was letting on.

“Based on how well asking you out has gone, I think I’ll be sticking to that motto for today at least.”

Her smile brightened wider and her eyes seemed to light up.

“I’m glad you said that Ty. You know how I promised I’d make it up to you, since I kept you waiting for so long?”

I cut in quickly. “You don’t need to do that. Honestly you owe me nothing.”

She just smiled back at me, her face a picture of excitement and mischief. “I know that, but all the same I think it might be fun, especially now I know you’re planning to ‘seize the day.’”

Shaz leant back in her chair, her back straightened and her hands disappeared under the table. I watched in shock as her hands returned grasping the hem of her shirt. Slowly, sensually the shirt rose up revealing her smooth, toned stomach. The shirt continued to rise. It caught on her breasts for a second, lifting them along with the now bunched handfuls of shirt. Then in a magical instant they sprang free, the two most perfect breasts dropped into view. I stared in shock at her two perfectly proportioned orbs. Her breasts weren’t too big, nor were they too small. To put it simply, her breasts were ‘Just right!’ Her areoles were small and pink, only a few centimetres in diameter. In their centre sat her two delicate nipples. I only looked for a fraction of a second, but in that moment I took in every detail, every contour, every colour, committing them to memory.

My eyes snapped up to her face. She wore that same mischievous grin.

“What are you doing?” I asked clearly flustered. My head whipped around looking to see if anyone else had noticed. The surfy bloke beside me had definitely noticed and it wouldn’t be long before his partner caught onto the distraction.

“Giving you an opportunity to ‘seize the day.’”

I looked back to her face. She was grinning like a cheshire cat.

“Do you like my breasts?”

“Yes, of course their incredible.” I replied without breaking eye contact, my face a picture of anxiety.

“But if you keep them out much longer we’re going to get kicked out. Aren’t you worried someone from your work will see you?”

“Eh,” she shrugged “I can always get another job.”

I could tell by the spark in her blue eyes that she wasn’t kidding. It was taking all my energy at this point not to stare back at her chest.

“You can look at them Ty. You can even touch them if you want.” Her eyes were locked on mine. I could see that the spark had turned into a raging fire.

My heart was absolutely racing and I could literally hear the blood pumping in my ears. Finally I could take it no more, I dropped my gaze and drank in her two beautiful mounds. Her skin was so smooth it seemed to glow.

“Do you want to touch them Ty?” Her voice sounded a bit hoarse. As I watched her chest rise and fall I got the sense that she was almost out of breath. Could it be that this exchange was making Shaz just as aroused as it was making me. I realised now where all the blood had been flowing to, as my cock sprung to life, challenging the confines of my pants.

Slowly I reached a hand forward to caress her left breast. My palm brushed against the soft pink nub of her nipple and Shaz exhaled sharply. I looked up into her eyes as I gently gripped her nipple, rolling it between my fingers.

“Mmmmm.” Shaz gave a small moan. She stared at me through hooded eyes. I brought my other hand up to massage her other breast. I watched as Shaz bit her lip before letting out another, slightly louder moan.

“Oh my god!” The woman beside us exclaimed as she realised what was happening. I snatched my hands back as I snapped from my reverie. I had completely forgotten about everyone else.

“Carl stop looking at that girls breasts.”

“I wasn’t!” The surfy looking bloke protested meekly.

“Don’t give me that Carl you’re still looking at them.”

Shaz spoke drawing my attention back to her. “I want you right here, right now!”

I stared at her in shock. She couldn’t be serious, we’d already taken such a chance going this far. I looked into her eyes. There was a hunger there. I could tell by her ragged breathing and flushed cheeks that she was incredibly turned on.

As I stared at her she continued to pull her shirt up and over her head. Shaz dropped the shirt to the floor and stared back at me, now completely topless.

“We can’t,” I said. “We’ll be locked up. Look at all the people here.” I gestured around the room. Shaz never broke eye contact and she stared at me intently.

“It’s up to you Ty. This is your chance to dream big. Are you going to sieze the day?”

I looked at her hesitantly then cast my eyes around the room in a panic.

One of the old ladies next to us had noticed Shaz and I heard her exclaim. “Ooh look that girls topless.”

The entire table turned to examine us. I felt like a bug under a microscope.

“Maybe she’s some sort of activist,” piped another. “I don’t think so.” Said the first woman. She hasn’t got any placards or anything.”

My eyes returned to Shaz. She cocked an eyebrow at me, that same mischievous grin on her face. “Well, what will it be?” She asked.

“Fuck it!”

Who cares if we both end up in jail. It would be worth it just for the chance to be with such a beautiful woman.

“Carpe diem!”

Shaz’s smile widened and she stood up, grabbing the attention of the few eyes that weren’t on her already. Literally everyone at the café stared as the beautiful brunette stepped around our table to stand before me.

“Carl I said to stop looking!” The couple beside us continued to bicker. I paid them no attention though as I watched the topless goddess before me. Slowly she knelt in front of me, placing her hands on my thighs. She smiled up at me with that beautiful smile and then I saw her focus change as she saw the bulge of my cock, straining, desperate to escape my pants.

Now I probably should have mentioned this earlier, but I’ll say it now. I’m Australian, so naturally, like all Australians I have a massive cock.

Shaz stared at the bulge hungrily. Her hands slid up until she had her fingers hooked into the band of my pants. I lifted my hips up to assist her and slowly she pulled my pants down taking my briefs with them. My erect cock sprang free, standing proudly at attention. I heard a gasp from a few of the onlookers. Shazs eyes bulged in surprise and maybe a little trepidation as she took stock of my length and girth.

“Oh my god.” Exclaimed the woman at the table next to us.

Shaz grasped my cock in her delicate hand and began to stroke me gentle.

“Linda, I’m sitting right here.” Apparently Carl didn’t appreciate it when the shoe was on the other foot. Linda was openly staring at my rod with a look of sheer hunger.

“Not now Carl. Just shut up and watch.” Linda replied and I saw her hand drift between her legs under the table.

Shaz ran her tongue along my shaft all the way to the base of my cock causing me to groan.

My balls are shaved clean with only a small nest of hair directly above my cock. Shaz took advantage of this sucking first one testicle into her mouth then the other, all while still stroking me. Next she worked her way back up towards my tip, sucking on the underside of my shaft as she went. I could feel the first drop of pre cum seeping from the end of my dick. Shaz was right there to meet it, lapping it up with her tongue. The feeling of her soft tongue running across the head of my penis was heavenly. I leant back into the chair and gave a low moan. Shaz took her lips from my dick and sat on her haunches staring at it as if she were doing some sort of calculation.

“There’s no way she can take that monster.” Chimed in one of the old ducks from the other table. They had given up any pretence that they weren’t watching, with half of them turning their chairs to face us, as if they were viewing a Sunday matinee.

“That petite thing? I doubt she could swallow half of it. I’d be surprised if she can even get her lips around him.” Replied another.

Shaz turned towards her challengers and gave a scornful smirk. She turned back to me and looked up with those beautiful blue eyes. They were wild with excitement. She licked her lips seductively before turning her attention back to my cock. Her hands left my shaft. She slid them under my thighs, gripping tightly onto the back of my legs for support and leverage. Shaz opened her mouth wide, engulfing the head of my cock. She swirled her tongue around, massaging the head for a minute before beginning her descent down my length. The feeling of her velvety throat around my shaft was unparalleled. I gave a moan as she sank further. By now she had half my length inside of her. Shazs nostrils flared in determination and she sunk down another inch.

“You can do it honey! Take that dick!” Called one of the old women. With that they all seemed to jump on board, yelling encouragements at her.

“Keep going dear.”

“Nearly there!”

“You can tame that monster.”

Shaz only had one more inch to go. She gave another grunt and the vibrations travelling up my shaft nearly sent me over the edge. With one last surge forward she traversed the last inch, her nose resting against my pubic bone.


The ladies beside us and everyone else watching gave a collective cheer.

Shaz and I locked eyes and she began to emit a long low hum. The vibrations from the noise, coupled with the glorious sensation of being deep in her throat, pushed me closer and closer to the edge. She gave one last deep moan and I tumbled into the abyss. I threw my head back and let out a gasp as I unloaded rope after rope of cum deep inside of her. My cock throbbed again and again, filling her throat. Shaz gurgled and spluttered as she swallowed it all. Finally my climax ended and I slumped forward.

Taking my cue, Shaz pulled back letting my spent member slide from inside of her. As my dick popped free she gasped, drawing in a huge breath before falling onto all fours coughing and spluttering. I sank back into my chair blissfully content and pantless in the middle of a cafe.

Our room full of voyeurs all began to clap as if they had just seen a great performance at the theatre.

Shazs chest was heaving as she breathed heavily. She looked back up at me and the wild lustful look was back in her eyes.

“My turn now.” She rasped as she stood before me. Her hand slipped into the band of her pants, drawing them down to the floor along with her panties.

She straightened giving me my first look at her perfect slit. I examined the bald crease between her legs. A single line of short dark hairs traced a pencil width line up from the top of her clit to her navel.

With her chest still heaving Shaz stepped across between me and the table. She perched on the edge, looking down at me with her legs still together. She paused to glance slowly around the room, as if she were the queen and they were all her loyal subjects. Her gaze returned to me. Slowly, seductively her legs parted, arcing through the air as she balanced them on either side of my chair. I stared in wonder at her beautiful sex. The lips of her labia opened like the wings of the most beautiful butterfly, poised as if it were about to take flight. I looked up at Shaz and she pointed a delicate finger at me and then sensually rotated her hand to point at her wet opening. I didn’t need any further instruction. I moved in closer sliding the chair in with me. Her legs opened further as I got closer and my nostrils filled with the scent of her arousal. It made me salivate in anticipation and I felt some life returning to my spent cock.

I paused mere inches from her entry, taking in the whole masterpiece. I could see the muscles of her groin contracting and spasming in anticipation. I breathed out a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding and watched her body quiver from the sensation.

Finally when I could take it no more, I placed my lips on hers and kissed tenderly. Shaz let out a long low moan and sank back, seeming to melt into the table. I lapped gently at her wetness tasty her sweet arousal. She rewarded me with a string of “oohs” and “aaahs,” punctuated with louder moans. I probed deeper into her folds, enjoying every taste, every sensation. I felt her hands on the back of my head, her fingers running through my hair as she pulled me in.

Gently I worked my way north until my lips were encompassing her clit. Shaz moaned louder this time.

“Ooooh god!” I felt her hands begin to claw at the back of my head.

I traced my tongue on either side of her clit whilst sucking gently with my lips.

“Oooh god! Don’t stop! Don’t stooop!” Shaz had two handfuls of my hair in a death grip, pulling me in with all her might.

I continued to suck, tracing my tongue to her love button. Gently I navigated her soft hood until I was flicking the end of my tongue directly on her clit.

That was the final piece of the puzzle for Shaz. I felt her thighs clamp against the sides of my head, her ass lifted off the table, taking me with it as her back arched uncontrollably.

“Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeahhhhhhhhhhhh!” She shrieked in pure ecstasy as wave after orgasmic wave hit her.

After about thirty seconds the tension seemed to go out of her and she slammed down on the table gasping for breath.

Taking her cue I stopped my assault on her clit and waited until she was ready to release me from my new home between her legs.

Finally she did and I sat back in my chair, looking at the spent woman in front of me. I watched a droplet of cum run slowly from her slit, across her perfect pink arsehole before making the jump onto the table.

Shazs chest was heaving and I watched her perfect mounds shaking and rippling with each gasped breath. Slowly she raised her head to look at me. Her eyes had a far off look to them and she struggled to focus on my face.

“Ww… we’re not done… yet!” She panted.

I nodded slowly. It suddenly dawned on me that we weren’t alone and somehow we hadn’t been stopped by anyone yet. I began to look around the room trying to assess the situation. I was shocked to see the affect our little exhibition had had on our fellow patrons. I first examined the couple next to us. The woman was reclined in her chair with one leg lifted onto her seat. She had slid the leg of her shorts to the side, along with her panties, revealing a thick bush of dark hairs. Her hands were working quickly among the foliage, massaging her soft lips. Her eyes stared unblinkingly at my erection which had regrown in all its glory, following my ministrations of Shazs clit.

Her companion, Carl, had his hand inside his pants making a stroking motion, all the while staring at Shazs naked form.

I looked across at the old women on my other side and it was clear that there was a lot of under the table action going on there.

Looking over my shoulder I could see the short barista who had brought me my muffin earlier. I couldn’t see below her waist, but she had one hand braced against the counter whilst the other hand worked feverishly below it. Now I’m no expert but based on the way her face was contorted I don’t think she was making coffee.

It was so confusing. I turned back around and looked towards the young couple in the booth. They appeared to have completely forgotten about each other, both staring lustfully at Shaz and I. The guy had his hand in his pants whilst the girl had lifted her skirt and was massaging herself through a silken pair of pink panties. As I watched, she dug around in her handbag until she found what she was looking for. Slowly, almost reverently she removed a lipstick vibrator. The low hum of it hit my ears as she briskly went to work on herself.

My observations were interrupted then as Shaz sat up on the table. She gave me the same mischievous smile as before. She pointed at my dick.

“I want this!”

I nodded obediently. Then she gestured towards herself.

“In here!”

She smiled at me and those blue eyes sparkled.


I grinned back at her.

“As you wish.”

Shaz turned away from me then. Gingerly, on jelly legs, she climbed onto the table until she was centred on all fours. I just gaped at the most perfect posterior I had ever beheld. Two smooth round buttocks with her divine opening taking centre stage. I was entranced. Shaz widened her stance, lowering her ass until she was right at the height of my dick.

Then she slapped the table, breaking me from my reverie.

“Fuck her!” She chanted, then slapped the table three times before repeating the chant. She continued to do this until the other patrons caught on to what she wanted. Slowly they all began to chant and slap their tables. The noise rang through the cafe.

“Fuck her!” Bang, bang, bang!

“Fuck her!” Bang, bang, bang!

“Fuck her!” Bang, bang, bang!

Shaz wiggled her ass in time with the chant and I watched her soft checks bounce enticingly.

I could stand it no more, taking my cock I rubbed it up and down her moistened slit. Shaz gave a moan as I gently teased her entry. My head was now sufficiently lubricated so I pressed on, entering her forbidden chamber. Even with the chanting I could hear her gasp at my girth.

“Holy shit!” She cried as I stretched her with my first few inches.

I pressed on and I could hear her muttering curses and exclamations as I dove deeper. The walls of her vagina wrapping around me like a tight cocoon. With ever inch I felt her muscles contracting and relaxing as she welcomed my dome headed invader. My rate of entry began to slow with two inches left. Looking down I could see her hands, gripped tight, knuckles white as she held onto the edge of the table for dear life. Her whole body shook as she strained to take me. With my left hand I steadied us both by placing my hand on her hip. With my right I hooked my hand over her shoulder, holding her in position. I paused for a second before pressing forward with one hard thrust. Shazs snatch engulfed my last two inches with a wet squelch. Her head went back while the rest of her body pressed down into the table. She screamed in ecstasy and I felt her pussy spasming around me. A gush of fluid burst from her entry, flooding my shaft before running down my balls. Taking advantage of the extra lubrication I began to slide my member out. I kept my hand on her shoulder, using it as leverage to drive my tool back home. As I hit my mark Shaz gave a small shriek.


I pumped in and out again. Once again she shrieked. The other patrons were still chanting and I began to time my thrusts with their chants.

“Fuck her!”


“Fuck her!”


“Fuck her!”


Each shriek was louder than the one before. I could sense by the way Shaz was milking my cock that she was getting close to another orgasm and it was going to be a big one. I cast my eye around the room and I got the sense that everyone there was on the verge of something big. It was as if they were all waiting for me. As if my orgasm would release them.

I looked ahead at the young loved up couple. The girl had pulled her panties to the side and was administering her vibe directly to the clit of her bald twat. Her face was contorted and I could see she was dangling over a precipice just waiting for that last push.

Shaz gave a shriek, louder than any before and I looked down at the soft flesh of her pussy spreading around my shaft. I slammed home one last time and her soft lips parted like the waves of the ocean submitting to the bow of a boat.

I threw my head back and exclaimed “Oh fuck!”

My dick pulsed as my orgasm hit.

Shaz threw her head back and shrieked a string of unintelligible gibberish.


My dick pulsed again and Shaz pressed back against me, taking my seed deep inside. She shrieked again as another orgasm rocked her. This time she was accompanied by a cacophony of noise as everyone else in the place seemed to reach completion at the same moment.


My dick pulsed again and I looked up to see the girl with the vibrator squirting a long stream of cum onto the floor. The guy she was with had his pants down by now and was releasing his own stream.

I gave one last pulse before shuddering to a stop deep inside Shaz. She quivered and shook and I could feel the aftershocks from her orgasms pulsing along my length.

I glanced at the couple beside us. The woman was clearly in a daze. As I watched she slid down her chair until she dropped off it onto the floor. She’d ditched her shorts and panties by now and just lay there, legs splayed, bush and pussy open to the world. Her companion didn’t seem fazed, he was slouched on the chair with his dick out. Three long ropes of cum were spread across his shirt but he didn’t seem to have noticed.

I turned my attention back to Shaz. Slowly I withdrew myself from her. I finally came free with a wet pop. I stared at her moistened lips as a small stream of our mingled cum seeped from her and dropped onto the table.

I slumped back into my chair with a satisfied sigh. Shaz stayed crouched on the table for a few seconds longer before raising herself from the table with what seemed like an enormous effort. Sliding off the table, she turned to face me with a dreamy satisfied smile.

I stared at her, once again drinking in her beautiful frame and marvelling at my good fortune at having gotten to experience it. I looked into those bright blue eyes and that mischievous smile and that’s when it struck me that I’d never even gotten to kiss her.

As if she read my mind, Shaz leant forward until her face was a few inches from mine. She paused there, looking from my mouth to my eyes and then back again. Slowly I closed the last bit of distance between us. Our lips met in a kiss that was passionate, yet tender. It seemed to roll on and on. I felt Shaz lower herself onto my lap without breaking contact. I held her hips with my hands before tracing them up her back. In response Shaz ran her hands across my chest before sliding one along my neck to the back of my head. All the while our lips danced together saying all the things that we hadn’t been able to during our lustful romp together. Finally we came apart.

In the background I could hear the other diners beginning to recover from whatever stupor our love making had put them into.

“I think we’d better go.” Whispered Shaz motioning towards the door with her head. I just nodded at her. Gracefully she slid from on top of me. Leaning down she grabbed our clothes, throwing mine at me before hurriedly dressing herself. Once we were both adequately decent she grabbed my hand and led me across the cafe and out into the street.

Authors note – For those of you playing along at home, the moral of this story is ‘Stop being a pussy and ask out that girl you like, because you never know what might happen.’



Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales

I write erotic short stories, generally centred around exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbation and romance. I hope you will identify with and enjoy them.