Roommates Masturbate

Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales
Published in
25 min readMar 17, 2024

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

“I’d never seen another woman cum outside of porn and I found it somehow enchanting to see her in such a vulnerable state.”

I’d been living at collage for almost six weeks and everything was going well enough. My roommate Sophie was friendly and considerate. She wasn’t one to make a lot of noise and always kept her half of the room neat and tidy. There was just one problem with Sophie. She was studying to be an engineer and she took her studies very seriously.

“Well that’s not so bad, nothing wrong with a person being motivated to achieve a goal.” I know that’s what you’re thinking.

But let me tell you, it most certainly is a problem!

“Why?” I hear you ask.

I’ll tell you why. It’s been six weeks and I haven’t had more than an hour to myself here! Not once!

Our study timetables are very similar, there’s generally only ever about half an hour difference between the end of my classes and the end of hers on any given day. Sophie doesn’t socialise or go to parties. She doesn’t play any sports, she’s not part of any clubs. She finishes class and comes home. Then she either studies, reads a book, plays the keyboard or watches television. Now like I said before, none of these things are an issue, we both enjoy the same television shows and she’s always very quiet and considerate.

The problem is I’m so goddamn desperate to MASTURBATE and this bitch is clit blocking me at every turn!

I know you probably think I’m exaggerating. “Surely she goes to the shops occasionally or out to a café.” Which of course she does, the only problem is I don’t know when she’s going to do this. We’ve only known each other for six weeks. I can’t go asking for a detailed copy of her weekly schedule without looking like a weirdo.

Which means if I get home before her my only option is to strum my bean like there’s no tomorrow. It really takes the fun out of rubbing one out when you spend the whole time wondering if she’s about to walk through the door. I can’t use my vibrator as it’s way too loud and she’s already almost caught me going to town with my hand twice.

The first time was two weeks in, before I realised she was such a recluse. She hadn’t turned up half an hour after her class was scheduled to finish, so I figured she must have gone out somewhere.

I was sitting on my bed, sans panties with a porn tab open on my laptop and an ear bud in one ear. Thankfully I’d kept the other ear empty as a precaution because just as I was getting warmed up I heard her key in the lock.

I slammed the lid of the laptop shut in a panic and quickly pulled the skirt of my dress back down, thanking my lucky stars that I hadn’t removed it completely.

Sophie had given me a funny look as she came through the door. I couldn’t blame her I would have been pretty suspicious if I had walked in and found her sitting in bed, red faced with her laptop on her lap.

The second time had been even worse. Four weeks in she had told me that she was heading home to see her folks for the weekend. I’d nearly given a ‘woop’ of delight when she told me.

So come Friday afternoon I arrived home after hockey practice to find our room empty. I did a little dance of joy. I pulled the sheets back on my bed and quickly stripped the clothes from my body. I grabbed my fully charged vibrator and a bottle of lube from my top drawer and reclined comfortably on my bed.

I grabbed my phone out and immediately pulled up the page of my favourite erotic author. He goes by the moniker Tales_of_tea. You should really check it out, I hear that guys going places. Anyway, I digress. Things had just started to heat up in the story and I had my vibrator in my hand. I was just about to hit the go switch when I heard someone trying to open the door.

Well let me tell you I’ve never moved so fast in my life. I lent over and swept my clothes up off the floor and then whipped the covers across my body, covering me, my vibrator, lube and clothes all in one motion.

As Sophie came through the door i pretended as if I had just been woken up.

“Oh god I’m sorry Erin. I didn’t mean to wake you,” Sophie exclaimed.

“That’s okay Soph. I was just having a bit of an afternoon nap.” I explained blearily. Thankfully I had dimmed the lights so it wasn’t a completely unbelievable lie.

It turned out her family had gastro so she’d cancelled her trip. She of course wanted to chat to me and then watch some television. It took me over forty five minutes to get dressed under my covers without her noticing.

I know plenty of you are probably thinking, “Hey what’s the big deal? You can still get yourself off in the shower or wait until she’s asleep and rub out a quiet orgasm.” And look this is true and that’s exactly what I did on Tuesday night. But I don’t want to rub one out quietly every time!

To give you some context, when I finished high school I decided to take twelve months away from study, hoping to save some money and maybe travel a little. I got a job working four days a week at my local grocery store.

For that whole year, Wednesdays were my little oasis of masturbationary delight. My parents would head off to work, my brothers would go to school, I would sleep in until nine, then I’d wake up and have masturbation for breakfast. Wednesdays we’re a day of relaxation and exploration, and now they’d been taken away from me. It’s been six freaking weeks for crying out loud! I’m accustomed to lying on the couch edging for hours until I reach a screaming climax. Instead I’m stuck rubbing one out as fast and as quietly as I can in a communal bathroom.

I thought today might FINALLY be the day when I’d reach mind blowing orgasmic satisfaction. Sophie told me yesterday that she’s going to the movies after class with a friend and I went so far as to check the cinema timetable, so that I would know exactly how long I’d have to myself.

After waiting all day the time had. arrived. The clock ticked over to 5:00pm and I gave a little ‘woop’ of excitement as I grinned around at the empty room.

Everything was ready. I’d already changed into my pyjama shirt, it was just a large oversized t-shirt with a picture of bugs bunny on the front. The shirt was big enough that I could get away with not wearing pants, even when Sophie was home. Underneath I had on a pair of white cotton panties. I like to start off with them on when I know that I have a long time. I enjoy laying the groundwork, teasing myself through my clothes until I can’t take it any more and I have to discard them.

The bedside table was loaded with my fully charged vibrator and a tube of lube. In the background I had some relaxing music playing. This wasn’t so much as to set the mood as it was to drown out the ferocious buzzing of my vibrator in top notch. Not to mention I have a tendency to get a bit vocal during a big orgasm, though if that happened I don’t think the music would be enough.

Happily I jumped into bed and threw the covers over my body. Rolling onto my side, I opened my phone and began to read. My free hand travelled down between my legs and began to stroke my pussy softly through the fabric.

“Ahhh.” A contented sigh escaped from my lips.

Of course that was the moment I heard someone at the door. Frantically I dragged my vibrator and lube into bed with me. I heard the sound of Sophie entering the room as I pulled myself up into a sitting position.

“Oh hey Erin, I’m sorry, were you having another nap?”

“What are you doing? I thought you were going to see a movie!” I didn’t mean to yell it at her, but my anger broke through. I couldn’t believe I was having my masturbation session interrupted once again.

“Oh, ahh… Tiffanys having boyfriend troubles again so she cancelled to go and sort things out with him. Bit of a bummer really.” She gave a small shrug, clearly taken aback by my outburst.

“So? You can still go to the movie! I thought you were really keen to see this one?” I raged on, knowing how unreasonable I sounded but not caring.

“It’s not really the same though, going on your own. I’ll just wait and see it when Tiffanys free. Unless you’re interested, there’s a later session tonight?” Her voice sounded timid as she asked the question, but I was too angry to notice.

“No thanks Sophie. For once it would be nice to just be on my own here.”

Sophie looked at me with a look of hurt and confusion on her face.

“I don’t understand,” I rambled on as weeks of frustration came tumbling out. “All you do is study or sit in your room. Don’t you have any friends to hang out with! Or perhaps you could join a club, anything to give me some space.” I gestured dramatically as I finished speaking.

Sophie just looked back at me sadly like a deer in the headlights. She opened her mouth but nothing came out.

After a few seconds I took a deep breath and tried to reign my frustration in. I spoke quietly then.

“I’m sorry Sophie. That wasn’t fair. I really like living with you. I’m just accustomed to having my own space and that’s kinda hard to get around here.”

When Sophie replied her voice was just audible over the music.

“I’m sorry Erin. I didn’t mean to cramp you. I’ve never really been into sports or the whole club thing. I’m generally happy with my own company and I enjoy living with you. You know I don’t care if you play your music or watch the TV. I guess I can try and organise to go back to my parents tomorrow night if you need some space from me.”

“It’s okay Sophie, you don’t need to do that.” I sighed. “It’s just nice to have the place to myself sometimes.” I gestured around the room. “Sometimes two people in this space can feel a bit oppressive.”

It was at this point that my vibrator fell off the side of my bed and bounced across the floor to stop in the middle of the room.

I stared in mortified disbelief, first at my vibrator and then up at Sophie’s face. I watched as the realisation of what it was and then the understanding of what I had been doing, crossed her face.

She grinned at me reassuringly “Is that why you were so mad when I came in?”

I just stared at her dumbly, still horrified by the situation.

“It’s okay Erin. I don’t mind you masturbating in here. I’m just sorry I interrupted you.”

“It’s okay.” I rasped, my throat suddenly dry.

“Do you want me to go? I can go grab some dinner and come back in a couple of hours.”

“No, it’s okay, you don’t need to do that.”

We both looked at the vibrator in silence, both unsure how to proceed.

Finally Sophie stepped forward scooping up my vibrator before passing it to me carefully.

“Thanks.” I said quietly as she walked over and sat on her bed.

The silence hung between us and I pondered what I could possibly say to end this awkward exchange.

“Um… Erin… I’m going to throw something out there once and I don’t want to weird you out… If you say no then I’ll leave it at that and we can never speak of this again.”

I nodded for her to go on, wondering what on earth she was talking about.

“Well… Um to be honest I’m pretty hard up for it myself and while I’ve had a few chances to sneak some alone time when you’ve been out, it’s definitely not as much as I’d like… So seeing as we’re going to be sharing this room for at least the next eight months… What if we just… Ahh.” She blushed at me and I. looked at her curiously, motioning for her to spit out whatever it was she was trying to say.

“I’m just going to say it,” she blurted.

“What if we just both masturbate here. That way we can take as long as we want whenever we want.”

Sophie stared at me, her cheeks dark with embarrassment and her chest heaving as she breathed heavily.

I just stared back at her in complete shock. My brain seemed to have stalled as I struggled to comprehend exactly what she was saying.

After a few moments of stunned silence Sophie continued to talk.

“It’s up to you Erin, I totally understand if it’s a no from you. I just kinda thought, seeing as you had already started… And the rooms already warmed up with the music on… Just to be clear, I’m not into you. I just figure we both have needs and it will make both our lives better if we could attend to those needs if and when we have them…”

“Ah… Um… Geez… Soph, I’m no-t sure.” I stuttered. “I dunno if I could do it with you here.”

“Why not?” She replied quietly. “You didn’t seem to mind on Tuesday.”

I stared at her, clearly embarrassed as she continued. “And at least this time you won’t need to be quiet and I won’t have to pretend I’m asleep.”

“Aaah… Geez… Um, sorry about that…” I replied without meeting her eye. “I’m really not sure Soph, I’ve never done anything like it before…”

“Well… I’ve got a bottle of wine in the fridge, what if I pour us both a glass to help you relax a little. We can both stay under the covers if we want to and I’ll just put a porno on the TV and we could see what happens?”

I stared at her anxiously, my mind racing as I considered my options. This was hands down the weirdest request anyone had ever made of me. I was torn, on one hand I was still desperately horny with no hope of satisfaction in sight if I turned this opportunity down. But I’d never masturbated around someone else, or had them masturbate around me for that matter. What if it was weird? But then if it wasn’t, it would completely solve my issue. I could go back to having screaming orgasms after a Sunday morning sleep in, just with company.

I gave a loud sigh. “Make it a big glass.”

Sophie jumped from her bed grinning at me before rushing to the fridge to pour us both a glass before I had time to rethink my decision.

Returning quickly, Sophie passed me an overfull glass of wine. She held her glass towards me. “To orgasms!” She cried.

“To orgasms!” I echoed as our glasses clinked together.

We both took a long draw from our glasses before Sophie placed hers on her bedside table, along with the bottle. Turning her back towards me, Sophie peeled her dress up over her head and discarded it on the floor. Her bra quickly followed as she turned to face me. She stood before me in the dimmed light looking like some sort of mystical goddess. Albeit one dressed in a pair of pink cotton panties with a picture of Oscar the grouch on them. Her long brown hair cascaded down around her shoulders and her large perky breasts stood to attention, small pink nubs saluting at their peak. Her body was in complete contrast to mine. Where she was big breasted and curvy, I’m tall and slender with smaller breasts and long blonde hair.

I’d seen her get undressed before, obviously these things are unavoidable when you share a room with someone, but I’d never seen her like this. She smiled down at me with a wild glint of excitement in her soft brown eyes.

She took another long sip of wine before returning her glass to the bedside table.

“Let’s do this!” She exclaimed.

I just nodded back at her, gripping my glass tightly as I wondered what force had possessed my mild mannered roommate.

I watched as Sophie hopped into bed, propping her pillow up so that she could sit comfortably upright against the headboard, leaving her perfect bosom on display.

“Do you have your weapon of choice?” She asked turning towards me. I nodded, averting my eyes away from her semi nude form.

“Relax Erin, they’re just breasts,” she said with a laugh as she opened her top bedside drawer and began to rummage around.

Moments later her hand came back into view, this time clutching a black cylindrical item that kinda resembled a microphone.

“Have you ever used a wand vibrator?” Sophie queried as she held it up for me to see.

I shook my head slowly as I examined the toy.

“You absolutely have to get one!“ Sophie insisted. “It will literally change your life! Best freaking orgasms, I guarantee it!” She grinned at me mischievously as she placed the wand beside her on the bed.

I just stared back at her like she’d grown two heads, still unable to reconcile this wild, outgoing woman with the shy girl I knew to be my roommate.

Sophie picked up the remote and turned on the television before grabbing her phone and unlocking it.

“So what do you want to watch?” She stared at me expectantly.

I just looked back at her dumbly like a deer in the headlights. Truth be told, I didn’t watch porn very often, preferring the slower build up of well written erotica. Generally speaking, the majority of the porn videos I had watched were tailored more towards men and honestly I hadn’t dug very deep into what was available.

“Amateur? Threesomes? Interracial? POV? Muscly men?” Sophie cocked an eyebrow suggestively as she rattled off categories.

I shook my head hesitantly trying to figure out what category would be best. I didn’t want to pick something too beige that would be boring, but I also didn’t want to suggest something too kinky for our first time doing this.

Sophie however took my silence to mean that none of these categories would do.

She raised both eyebrows now in mock surprise. “Something else then. BDSM?”

“Ahh no.” I said with a small shake of my head.

“Anal then?” Sophie gave me a scandalised look.

“No!” I burst out hurriedly.

“Lesbian…?” Sophie drew out the word slowly, somehow appearing even more scandalised.

“No!” I cried even louder this time. “Just some normal run of the mill porn please.”

Sophie burst out laughing, fixing me with a wicked grin as she revelled in my discomfort.

“Good idea,” she replied. “I’ll see what I can find on Bellesa.”

I fidgeted anxiously while she scrolled. I couldn’t believe what we were about to do. I also couldn’t wait to do it. It felt so naughty. I’d never played with myself around anyone else, much less another woman. It was such a taboo concept, but here I was about to try it. The thought of exposing myself to someone else whilst seeing her equally exposed was sending a thrill through my body and causing a moistening in my panties.

“Here we go.”

Sophie had finally selected a video. Within a moment it appeared on the television.

“Mind if I skip the preamble?” Sophie asked.

“Go for it,” I replied my voice rasping. It seemed that all the moisture in my body had deserted my mouth in favour of my pussy.

Sophie moved the video along and then started it. On the screen a man and woman were standing in the centre of a room, facing each other.

“To masturbation!” Sophie raised her glass towards me in toast.

“To masturbation!” I replied. Mimicking her actions and returning her wicked smile coyly. We both took a long sip of wine before returning our attention to the television.

On screen the woman and man had covered the distance that separated them, meeting in a tender embrace. The man had dark brown hair cut short around the back and side. His deep brown eyes appeared soothing and kind. He had broad shoulders and strong muscular arms. Even with his clothes on I could see that he was in peak condition, his shoulders tapering to a narrow waist that was complimented by firm ass cheeks and long athletic legs. To Sophie’s credit, she had picked well, if I had met this man in real life then I certainly wouldn’t have kicked him out of bed.

The woman on screen was by no means his inferior. She was every bit as beautiful as he was handsome. Long blonde hair cascaded in waves down her back. She had a slender frame with a narrow waist. Her hips were wide with a toned ass and legs. Her most striking features however were her eyes. They were bright green and seemed to burn with a fiery passion. This woman commanded attention and if her lover hadn’t been so wonderfully attractive I doubt I would have noticed anyone else in the video.

As we watched, their soft, gentle kisses gave way to passionate, frantic tongue gymnasts. Their hands roamed each other’s bodies while their tongues danced together, moving back and forth from one mouth to the other like a couple wildly tangoing around a dance floor.

At this point I snuck a look over at Sophie. Her eyes were fixed on the TV. As I watched her left hand came up to gently tug at her nipple, rolling the soft nub between her fingers. Her nipple stretched as she carefully distended it ever so slightly and her mouth opened in a silent ‘O.’

I continued to stare captivated as, with her free hand, Sophie peeled away the covers from her lap. She spread her legs wide, placing her hand on her thigh. I felt the anticipation building inside me as I watched her hand creep towards her panties. Finally her fingers arrived stroking gently up and down across Oscar’s grumpy green face. I exhaled loudly as her fingers grazed across her mound once again, releasing a breath I didn’t realise I had been holding.

Sophie turned towards me, catching me watching her. I blushed and looked away embarrassed, but when I looked back up I could see that Sophie was grinning back at me, revelling in having an audience. Her eyes were filled with the flames of desire and as I watched her hand slipped under the band of her panties, her eyes closed for a moment and she bit her lip as a low moan escaped from her lips. Opening her eyes again Sophie gave me a quick wink before turning her attention back to the TV.

Taking her cue I returned my eyes to the screen. The couple on screen were wasting no time. The blonde was already topless, sporting a pair of breasts that defied both belief and gravity. The man had discarded his shirt and pants, standing in only a pair of black briefs. He had the body of a movie star, chiseled jaw, rock hard abs. Everything was in proportion, I mean the man literally looked like he had been chiseled from stone. Based on the serious tent in his briefs it appeared there was however one aspect that wasn’t in proportion.

As I watched, the woman pushed him backwards onto a bed, before unclipping her skirt and letting it fall to the floor. Kneeling before him, she gripped the waistband of his briefs, pausing for a moment to build the suspense. Then in one motion she peeled the piece of clothing from his body and discarded it on the floor.

Sophie and I both gave an audible sigh as we beheld his beautiful penis. It stood to attention, long and thick. He had a small triangle of thick pubic hair above his cock while the rest of his manhood and testicles were completely devoid of any hair. A small droplet of precum appeared at the top of his penis and I suddenly became aware that I hadn’t even begun to masturbate. Hastily I thrust my fingers beneath the covers, stroking my mons with long slow strokes. It felt incredible and immediately I felt the moisture seeping through my panties, dampening my fingers.

Sophie though, went one better, throwing the covers from her bed she hastily hooked her fingers into the band of her panties, hoisting them down to her ankles before kicking them across the room. Reclining once again, she spread her legs even wider than before. My curiosity got the better of me and I couldn’t help but sneak a look at her as she lay there completely naked.

Her pussy was completely bald except for a small round tuft of hair about an inch above her clit. As I watched, one of Sophie’s hands traveled down her body, stopping beside her slit. With great care she began to trace a single finger up and down, massaging the soft flesh adjacent to her pussy. Sophie’s hips gave a small involuntary jump and a quiet coo of delight escaped from her lips. I stared at her fixated now. There was something so erotic about watching her pleasure herself while my own fingers danced across my panty clad snatch.

I admired her bravery and wished I could be so bold as I began to massage my small perky breasts with my other hand, kneading them gently through the soft fabric of my shirt.

Sophie split her fingers now tracing a digit up either side of her slit, squeezing them together as they reached the top. I could see a steady river of moisture reflecting in the lamp light as it flowed from her pussy.

Beneath my covers, my hand gently pushed my panties to the side allowing me to mimick Sophie’s earlier action as I teased the supple flesh beside my slit. My fingers teetered at the edge but I never allowed myself to delve further, building my arousal until I could stand it no longer.

At that point Sophie plunged two fingers straight into her snatch, moaning loudly. Immediately they got busy, clearly moving within her. Watching her masturbate so brazenly and openly, had me ready to start fingering myself. Suddenly however I became aware that Sophie was no longer watching the television. Our eyes met and I stared at her with a mixture of fear and guilt my hands coming to a stop. Sophie smiled confidently back at me, her eyes half hooded as she bit her lip sensually.

“Don’t… Aaah… Um… Worry Erin… I like… Oooh.. Mmm… You watching.”

I sighed inwardly and gave her an apologetic smile. I turned back towards the television where the beautiful blonde was squatting over Handsome man’s massive cock about to impale herself. And boy did she skewer herself, giving a squeal of delight as his massive cock split her in two.

“Mmmm” Sophie and I both moaned in unison and beneath the covers my fingers went boldly forward, spreading the lips of my labia while toying with my tight entry.

Handsome man reached up now, wrapping an arm around the Blonde Beauties waist as he began to piston in and out of her. The camera zoomed in giving us a close up of his cock gliding in and out of her perfectly manicured twat.

“Take… Oooo… Take your… Unng top off.” Sophie’s words cut through my consciousness, distracting me from the television. I turned to look at her unsure what to do.

Sophie had slid down onto her back, with her knees pulled up towards her chest, her fingers still working busily between her legs.

“Now!” Her voice was stronger now, commanding me rather than asking.

Almost in a trance I obediently pulled the shirt up and over my head, discarding it on the floor. I glanced down feeling self conscious as my breasts bounced free. They were far smaller than Sophie’s with small pink nipples the size of a chocolate freckle. I finally looked up at Sophie, but her attention had already turned back to the TV. Blonde beauty was now on all fours getting rigorously serviced by Handsome man. She arched her back like a cat and yowled like a banshee as she came around his cock.

My fingers had done enough toying by this point, as blonde beauty came for a second time my fingers enter my pussy. A long low moan escaped from my lips as the tips of my fingers started to push all of the right buttons.

“Take off… Oooh… Your panties… Aahh…”


I turned to look at Sophie, hesitating for a moment. She gave me a commanding look, as if to say ‘I’ve shown you mine now show me yours.’

Extracting my fingers from my sopping cunt, I hooked both hands into the band of my panties and slid them slowly off beneath the covers.

“Covers… Mmmahhh… Too!” Sophie ordered.

I took a big breathe before throwing the covers brazenly from my legs. Sophie continued to stare at me intently as I slowly drew my legs up, keeping them together. I took another deep breath and then slowly spread my legs. I felt more exposed and vulnerable under Sophie’s gaze than I’ve ever felt in my entire life. I glanced down at my pink little pussy. The lips of my labia opened slowly like a morning flower saluting the sun. My cliteral hood was clearly engorged, my clit peaking from within like a nosey neighbour hiding behind the curtains. An inch thick strip of dark blonde hair started just above my clit, running a few inches up towards my navel.

“ You have a beautiful… Aaaah… Pussy. You should… Ooooh… Be proud of it.” Sophie rasped.

“Thanks,” I say looking down and blushing for a moment before returning her gaze. “You have an incredible body Sophie!”

For the first time I see Sophie look a little uncomfortable, blushing at my compliment. Her hand stilled for a second as she met my eyes once again.

“Thanks Erin.” Then the wicked glint was back in her eyes. “Now let’s get this party started!” Sophie reached down, swiping her black vibrator up off the sheets. She carefully lubed the tip before tossing the tube of lube across to me. Following her lead I picked up my vibrator. It was a pink, slender, five inch number with a gentle upwards hook at the end. I carefully lubed the shaft before placing the tube down on my bedside table.

Sophie raised her vibrator into the air as if she were making another toast.

“Masturbation buddies!” She cried.

Raising my own vibrator I echoed her cry, albeit with a tad more restraint.

We both flicked the go button on our vibrators and immediately the room was filled with the soft hum of our two little orgasm devices.

In unison we lowered our vibrators to our pussies, each letting out a moan as the toys found their mark. Mine slid between my folds, penetrating me effortlessly while Sophie’s set up shop on her clit.

Delving deeper, I managed to locate my g-spot, nudging it gently with the upturned tip of my vibrator. I knew from experience that this was a sure fire way to guarantee an imminent orgasm.

I looked back up at the TV. Blonde beauty was now lying on her back on the edge of the bed with her knees pulled up to her chest while Handsome man serviced her with his massive cock.

A moan escaped my lips as I watched his thick member gliding in and out of her folds. They stared into each others eyes, both of their faces contorted in passion. Handsome man picked up his pace, pistoning deeper with each stroke. Blonde beauty responded by reaching down to strum at her clit, her ecstatic cries urging him on.

I could feel my orgasm drawing near as I watched these two beautiful lovers perform their carnal dance. Then Sophie let out a loud whimper, pulling my attention from the TV.

“Oooooooh f-fuck…!”

Her back was arched, her face was flushed, her dark hair fell half across her face giving her a disheveled look. The muscles in her face and neck were stretched taught as she watched the couple on TV. As I watched her, I heard the sounds of the couple on screen orgasming loudly. At the sound of their ecstasy Sophie turned slightly, staring at me for a moment before her orgasm hit.

Her legs slammed together trapping the toy between them as she rolled onto her side facing me. A shriek of orgasmic joy erupted from her lips as her hips bucked uncontrollably. Turning her face, she buried it in her pillow, slightly muffling her screams as her body twisted and spasmed through wave after orgasmic wave.

I watched her, both fascinated and turned on. I’d never seen another woman cum outside of porn and I found it somehow enchanting to see her in such a vulnerable state, completely consumed by her passion and lust.

Finally Sophie’s body stopped thrashing and she hurriedly pushed the vibrator away, switching it off.

I was teetering on the verge of my own orgasm at this point. Returning my attention to the television I realised that our hero and heroine had stopped their passionate lovemaking and were simply sharing a minute of post sex cuddling and kissing. Indeed as I watched the video came to an end, the screen going grey with a large replay symbol in the centre. I stared in dismayed horror. I glanced quickly across at Sophie and then back at the TV. She was lying on her side watching me intently.

Frantically I pressed my vibrator deeper, willing my orgasm to come. I had been so close only a minute before, but now I felt so much pressure to cum. Sophie was finished, now I was just the weirdo masturbating while my roommate watched me. I scrunched up my face in concentration, trying to make myself come. I stared at the grey screen ignoring Sophie completely, trying to pretend like she wasn’t lying there watching me diddle myself.

I let out a small whimper of frustration and then a desperate sob as my orgasm continued to evade me. Then I heard Sophie moving around her bed.

Looking over I realised that she had gotten out of bed and was walking towards me. She stopped beside me, staring down at me like some sort of mystical naked goddess. I looked up at her hopelessly, feeling foolish as I lay before her frantically fucking myself. Another louder whimper escaped my lips and I stared up at her like some sort of wild animal.

“Here let me get that for you.” She said soothingly, drawing her vibrator from behind her back. My eyes bulged and I watched in slow motion as she flicked the vibrator on and then lowered it gently onto my clit.

“Nnngaaaah!!! Ohhmahfreakkingawwwd!”

It felt like I had been hit with a bolt of electricity as her vibrator made contact with my cum button.

My hips humped compulsively and my ass lifted off the bed as my knees ended up around my ears. I clenched my teeth as electricity continued to course through my body, keeping every muscle taught. I stared up at Sophie with wild eyes and she grinned back down at me with a smug smile.

And then my orgasm hit. And boy did it hit!

I felt my body reach the point of no return and then the fireworks went off inside my pussy.

“SSSSSSOOOOOOOPPPPPPHHHHIIIIIIEEEEE!!!!!” I screeched her name as my body jerked and thrashed through the most powerful orgasm of my life.

It seemed to roll on and on forever, Sophie keeping the wand glued to my clit as my body rocked and shook.

Then another wave hit and I felt my pussy contract and release as I squirted for the first time in my life. I squealed Sophie’s name again, my voice high pitched and squeaky as a flood of cum erupted from between my legs.

My hips shook and bucked through wave after orgasmic wave until finally after what seemed like an unbelievable amount of time I felt my orgasm come to an end. Sophie responded immediately, withdrawing the toy as I moved to push the vibrator away.

She switched it off and I fell back on my bed panting like I’d just run a marathon. Sophie strolled back to her own bed and reclined lazily on her pillow, smiling mischievously across at me. Finally I regained the ability to speak again.

“That… Was… AMAZING!” I puffed.

Sophie just grinned at me wickedly. “Girl that was only the start. We’ve got all night and apparently you’ve got eight weeks of orgasms stored up. Now what should we watch next? Ooh there’s a video here of two guys and a girl. What do you think?” At this point she lowered a hand to gently stroke between her legs causing a quiet ‘coo’ to escape from her lips.

“You can’t be serious?” I replied, looking at her incredulously.

“Of course I’m serious. We’re women, what’s the point of being able to have multiple orgasms if you don’t do it?”

She fixed me with a wild smile as she lifted her wine glass into the air crying out “To orgasms.”

I gave a loud sigh before slowly reaching over to my glass and raising it with a lethargic cry of “To orgasms!”

More by Tales of Tea:

  • If you have time and you like a good buildup.
  • If you prefer something shorter and more to the point.



Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales

I write erotic short stories, generally centred around exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbation and romance. I hope you will identify with and enjoy them.