The Bet

Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales
Published in
31 min readMar 3, 2024

Photo by Atikh Bana on Unsplash

“I hope you’re prepared to watch your team get destroyed tonight?”

It was late in 2012 when Candice came to live with me. She was a short girl with long flowing blonde hair and a petite athletic body. She had a beautiful smile and the most captivating green eyes.

Now some people might suggest that, that may have been the reason she beat out the other twenty applicants for the spare room in my Melbourne unit... But I can assure you it had nothing to do with it… Honest.

Anyway my story starts some four months later. Candice had settled in well after moving across from Western Australia, finding a job and even dating a guy she met there for a couple of months. Though that had ended as quickly as it had started. Over the course of those first four months Candice and I had become good friends and not just housemates. Dare I say it, there was always a lingering sexual tension between us, particularly since things had ended with her co-worker. It’s not surprising really, as I told you before she was stunning with the personality to match. While I’m no super model I like to think I can scrub up alright. I’m average in height, standing just under six foot. I’m athletically built with dark brown hair and soft brown eyes. In conclusion our babies would be beautiful… But I’m too much of a pussy to make a move.

Candice was a mad Fremantle Dockers fan while I myself was a one eyed Essendon Bombers supporter. The football season had started a couple of weeks prior and we had fallen into the habit of watching games together. We would make a big bowl of nachos, sink a few drinks and generally have a good time.

Tonight was different though. Tonight our teams would be playing each other. There would be nachos to share and drinks to drink, but instead of casual conversation there was to be only banter.

“Pa-lease,” I responded to her jibe. “Your team are going to look like a bunch of traffic cones by the time my boys are done with them.” I paused for a second to let my words sink in before I continued. “Your teams gonna get scored on more times than a cheap hooker!”

Candice looked at me in mock outrage. “You must be joking. That bunch of misfits you call a football team couldn’t hit a target if their lives depended on it.”

Yeah, yeah I know what you’re thinking, our banter needs work.

I looked down my nose at Candice scornfully.

“Candice, I’ve never been more confident of anything in my life. Tonight the Bombers are going to be handing the Dockers a lesson in good football.”

She grinned up at me defiantly “Oh okay then mister confident. How about a wager then?”

I considered her request for a moment then smiled down at her. “Fine by me. I’ve got $200 that says my team will beat yours.”

I regretted it immediately. Candice was a university student working part time while I was working full time and a home owner. We both knew the $200 wouldn’t be worth as much to me.

Candice didn’t miss a beat though, staring up at me scornfully, decked out in her purple dockers kit. “Please, we both know you can do without that money. It’s hardly a bet.”

A wicked grin crossed her face as she grinned up at me predatorily. “We need to bet something that will be equally as valuable to each party.”

She paused dramatically until I prompted her to continue. “What do you suggest?”

“The loser of the bet has to be the others slave for two hours at whatever time the winner chooses.”

“You can’t be serious?” I asked incredulously.

“What’s wrong mister confident? Are you chicken?”

I hesitated. Truth be told our teams were quite evenly matched, it could be anyone’s game and unfortunately over the last ten years my Bombers hadn’t done a lot to deserve my aforementioned confidence. Before I could reply Candice continued talking.

“Ooh I think the first thing I’ll get you to do is clean the bathroom from top to bottom. Then I might get a relaxing foot massage…”

She paused then and grinned up at me with wild eyes.

“Also the loser of the bet will have to wear a skimpy maid outfit and refer to the other person as master for the whole two hours.”

I just stared at her wide eyed in shock.

“What’s wrong Jason? Don’t tell me your too much of a wuss to make a bet.”

She had me cornered. There was no way I could back out now without losing face. I did my best to look smug though I suspect I was giving off a more anxious vibe.

“Sounds like a fine bet to me Candice. I reckon I could get used to you calling me master. I think I’ll use my two hours during next weeks game. It’ll be nice to have a servant to bring me drinks and feed me nachos. I dunno about the maids outfit idea though. Where would we get one from?”

She laughed up at me, then held out her hand.

“You let me worry about that. Now do we have a bet?”

I took her hand and shook it. “You’re on!”

I released her hand and she turned and headed to her room, calling back over her shoulder. “Just wait a minute.”

A minute later she was back. I stared in surprise. In her hands she held a coat hanger. Hanging on that coat hanger was the skimpiest maids outfit I’d ever seen. The skirt was so short that if Candice had worn it, it would just cover her pussy but definitely not her ass. Then I realised that if I were wearing it, it would be even more revealing. My eyes boggled as I examined the bust of the dress. It was made of a shear mesh. If Candice wore this dress I would get an almost unimpeded look at her breasts.

“Where did you get that?” I asked.

“Oh just a little thing I had lying around. I’ve never had a chance to wear it. Now I’ll probably never get a chance… It should look good on you though.” She grinned at me smugly, holding the dress up towards my body as if to check the size.

“Yeah, ah see the problem is I don’t think that’s gonna fit me…” I stammered.

“Don’t worry,” she replied while stretching the fabric with her hands. “It’s one size fits all. See?”

She had me there. I stared at the tiny garment. If I put that on it would be stretched that tight she would be able to see at the very least the end of my knob hanging below the skirt. I feigned bravado.

“Well I shouldn’t have to worry about that anyway. I won’t be wearing it.”

The siren sounded on the television to signal the start of the match. We put our banter session on hold as we both rushed to the couch.

The game started and we both watched intently as the Dockers poured on the first five goals of the game. Candice kept her celebrations subdued for the first couple of goals, but by the third she was up off the couch fist pumping. When they kicked their fourth she reached over and mussed my hair excitedly. “Oooh you’re going to look so pretty in my dress!”

When they kicked the fifth goal she was up out of her chair doing a celebration dance, shaking her ass while spinning in a circle. It was damned sexy, but I couldn’t appreciate it. All I could think about was how exposed I was going to be in that dress.

The siren sounded for quarter time and I got up off the couch and grabbed us both another drink before fishing the plate of nachos out of the oven.

I handed Candice her drink before placing the plate on the table.

“You getting in some servant practice already?” She quipped, grinning up at me like a Cheshire Cat.

“The games not over yet,” I replied.

“Pfft,” she looked at me scornfully. “Yeah and denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.”

The second quarter started and we both turned our attention back to the television. This quarter was better. My team at least scored a goal, unfortunately her team scored two and we went into halftime with the Dockers leading by six goals.

Candice looked over at me smugly. “I could really go another drink and my feet are just aching for a foot massage. If you want you can get an early start on your slave duties now and I might go easier on you after the game.”

“Ha,” I scoffed rising from the couch. “I’ll get you a drink but your dreaming if you think I’m paying out early on our bet. There’s still a half of football to go.”

Candice just laughed, enjoying every minute of my discomfort.

Then the third quarter started. And what a quarter it was. The bombers piled on five unanswered goals in an unstoppable display. I was up out of my chair doing my own far less sexy dance when the bombers kicked their last goal with just seconds to go in the quarter.

Candice had become much more subdued by this point except for yelling indignantly that “That fifty metre penalty was bullshit!” She was right, but I didn’t care. We were a goal down with one quarter to go.

The final quarter was a tense affair with both of us sitting anxiously on the edge of our seats. The Bombers struck early to take the lead but just as quickly the Dockers scored to wrestle it back. Finally with only a few minutes to go Paddy Ryder kicked a goal for the Bombers giving them a narrow lead. I couldn’t even celebrate, I was too anxious.

The ball went back to the middle and play started once again. The ball headed towards the Dockers forward line and both Candice and I were up off the couch screaming encouragement at our respective players. The ball came free of the pack and after a series of handballs landed in the hands of the dockers forward Chris Mayne. There was seconds left in the match and he turned under pressure, snapping the ball goal-ward.

“Noooo!” I cried in dismay, watching in horror as the ball arced through the air. Then it hit the post, just missing the goal. The siren sounded! The Bombers had held on for a close win! I leapt into the air with a ‘woop’ of joy. Beside me Candice fell to the ground crying out in dismay. The bombers club song blared through the speakers and I danced and sung along, turning to playfully muss Candices hair. She glared up at me, still unable to believe they’d lost.

Once the music had finished I wandered over to the fridge and grabbed us both a drink. Walking back to Candice I reached down and offered her my hand, lifting her back onto her feet before I passed her the drink.

“Better luck next time mate.” I said, unable to stop myself from grinning. Candice took the drink shaking her head.

“I’ll see you, in that, next Friday night,” I said, motioning towards the maid outfit.

“The game starts at 6:30. Don’t be late.”

“Very well,” she said with a sigh. “You win this time.”

The following week flew past and before I knew it Friday evening had arrived. I was practically buzzing with anticipation. It had been all I could think about all week and I was glad the moment had finally arrived. Candice for her part didn’t seem too stressed about the part she was going to play and never once tried to back out of it.

Dead on 6:15 she walked out of her room already dressed in the skimpy maids outfit. I was standing in the kitchen and I just stared at her, completely transfixed. As if she wasn’t beautiful enough in her normal clothes, today she looked like the epitome of the phrase domestic goddess. I followed her slender legs up to the hem of her skirt which teasingly did just enough to cover her pussy. My eyes continued up the black and white bodice before stopping at her breasts. The sheer fabric did very little to hide them. I stared in amazement at the two perfect mounds of supple flesh. Each one had a pink circle at its centre. I could make out the clear peaks of her hard nubs and I wondered if it was cold in here or if this was making Candice as excited as it was making me.

“Hey my eyes are up here.” She chirped breaking my focus. I hurriedly looked up at her face. She was trying to act confident but as I looked at her she bit her lip nervously. Candice looked so innocent and sexy I wanted to take her right then and there. But instead I simply replied.

“Don’t you mean, ‘Hey my eyes are up here, Master?’”

She shook her head dramatically at me before poking out her tongue. Holding out her arm to show me the timer resting in her palm. Careful she twisted it until it was set to two hours. Placing it on the counter she finally spoke.

“My eyes are up here master!” She poked her tongue at me cheekily as she pointed out her eyes.

“Tut, tut! Such a cheeky slave. Keep that up and I’ll have to teach you a lesson.” Candice just grinned at me as if she were daring me to do it.

“Well slave first I think you should grab us both a drink.” I motioned towards the esky I had set up beside the television. It was a deliberate ploy, I knew that if she bent over to get the drinks I would have an unimpeded view of her perfect posterior.

Candice was onto me though. Strolling up to the esky she turned side on to me and lowered herself into a crouching position. It gave me a great side profile of her beautiful body but denied me the view I had been chasing. She looked up at me as she fished the drinks from the esky.

“Perv… I mean Master.”

“You know you’re very mouthy for a slave,” I replied as she straightened.

She just grinned back at me as if to say “well what are you going to do about it.”

Candice passed me my drink and then made to sit on the couch beside me.

“Wow, wow, hold it right there.”

She gave me a questioning look.

“It’s time for your first task.” Reaching down beside the couch, I pulled out my Bombers beanie and scarf.

“Oh god no!” Cried Candice.

I just grinned up at her as I passed them over. “Now I’m going to start the club song and your going to sing along for me. You know, really set the mood for the game.”

“Oh god. I don’t even know the words…”

I looked at her pointedly.

“…Master.” She squeaked.

“Don’t worry I took the liberty of printing them out for you. Here they are.”

I handed her the sheet then started the music on my phone, pointing at her when it was her cue to start singing.

“See the bombers fly up! Up…”

I’d never heard her sing before and I was amazed to discover that her voice was equally as beautiful as her looks. When she finally tailed off and the song finished I applauded.

“Your voice is incredible!” I exclaimed. “That was amazing!”

Candice blushed self consciously. “Thank you… master.”

I grinned at her awkwardly now feeling embarrassed about giving her, her next instruction. Seeming to sense my uncertainty Candice fell back into character.

“Is there anything else master would like me to attend to?”

“Yes there is,” I grinned. “My housemate keeps raving about the joys of receiving a foot massage. Please attend to these two right away.” I lifted my feet off the couch and wiggled my toes at her gleefully.

“Absolutely master.” Candice responded seductively sweet.

At that moment the football started so Candice took up a seat on the floor with her back resting against the couch. Hooking her arm over my legs she went to work massaging my feet while she watched the game. I was acutely aware of the soft underside of her breast pressing against my leg, moving back and forth with each movement of her arm. So much so that I had to make an adjustment in my pants to try to mask the tent being thrown up by my erection.

Half way through the quarter Candice swapped legs, turning to face me as she crawled from one side of me to the other. She looked up at me with those big beautiful green eyes and asked “Is master enjoying his foot massage?” I tried with all my might not to look at the swell of her breasts pressing against the sheer fabric while her nipples saluted stiffly. I must admit, I failed miserably.

“Very much.” I rasped, my throat suddenly dry. She grinned and I saw her eyes linger for a moment on my crotch before she turned her attention back to the television.

The quarter finished and my team were well in front, not that I cared particularly tonight. My eyes spent more time roving Candices body than they did on the football game. Candice got up and grabbed the nachos out of the oven. Placing them on the table she went and grabbed us both a drink, once again denying me a view of her rear end.

When she returned to the couch I accepted the drink and then patted the seat beside me. Candice went to sit but I held up my hand to stop. I pointed at the table.

“Grab the nachos slave.”

She acquiesced and then I patted the seat beside me. “Kneel beside me. I want you to feed me the nachos.”

“Yes Master,” this time it was her voice that sounded a little hoarse and I started to wonder if maybe Candice was enjoying this just as much as I was. She knelt facing me, her breasts were now level with my eyes and I could see out of the corner of my eye that they were rising and falling as if she had just gone for a short jog.

The game restarted and I opened my mouth expectantly. Carefully Candice placed a chip in my mouth. I chewed it and swallowed.

“More salsa and cheese on the next chip slave. Don’t disappoint me.”

I continued to look at the television but out of my peripheral vision I saw her bite her lip before replying. “Yes master. Sorry master.”

The next chip was suitably loaded with both salsa and cheese. We continued like this for a while. Truth be told, I didn’t register a single moment of what happened in the footy. I was too acutely aware of the fact that Candices naked pussy was hovering mere inches from me with a tiny skirt being the only barrier between me and it.

It was torture to know that with one simple movement I could be stroking the soft flesh between her legs.

Clearly I wasn’t the only one getting distracted because the next load of nachos completely missed my mouth, covering my chin in salsa before falling into my lap. “Ooh sorry master,” exclaimed Candice, looking down at me with big doe eyes while her hands spent more time than was necessary retrieving the dropped nachos.

I shook my head at her as an idea came to my mind.

“You’re a very naughty slave. If you can’t feed me then I’ll just have to do it myself.” I pointed to the space in front of me. Candice hesitated and I reached out and took the plate of nachos from her. I pointed at the floor in front of me. “Come on, let’s go now on all fours.” I paused and she looked at me confused. “You’re going to be the table Slave,” I explained.

Understanding registered on her face along with a look of indignation. But she pushed it to the side and moved to the spot I had pointed at, taking up a position on all fours. She was side on to me and I took a few moments to admire her side profile. Her breasts hung from her chest, fighting to escape the skimpy dress. The skirt of her dress had ridden up exposing her rear. From where I was sitting I could see the naked flesh of one ass cheek. God I wished I were sitting behind her though. I’d have given my left nut just for a glimpse of her naked rear end.

Carefully I placed the nachos in the small of her back, fighting the urge to run my hand down her crevice. Slowly I scooped up a handful of nachos and then pretended to watch the footy again. I spent most of my time stealing furtive glances at her body, which I’m sure she was well aware of as I caught her sneaking regular looks at me. After a few minutes the quarter finished and it was half time. I drained the rest of my drink and placed the empty bottle on the actual table. Sitting back on the couch I let out a contented sigh.

“My arms are tired.” Whined Candice.

“So?” I asked.

“Soooo they’re tired!” She complained. She waited for a response and when she didn’t get one she continued while glaring up at me.

“You know I really thought you had more imagination than this. I can’t believe a bloke gets given a slave for two hours and he spends fifteen minutes eating nachos off my back.”

“So you think I could do better than this? Maybe give you some more creative instructions?” I asked.


I paused for a moment as if to ponder.

“Very well,” I removed the nachos from her back and placed them beside me on the couch. “I think it’s time for some half time entertainment anyway. If you’ll be so kind as to turn down the tv we can get started.” I gave her a cocky grin.

Candice just poked her tongue at me before looking around for the remote.

“Where’s the remote?” She queried, after a moment’s searching.

I grinned at her again.

“Oh yeah, would you believe it, the remote slid down the back of the tv unit just before the game started. See you can see it over there under the back corner.”

I pointed towards the tv unit and Candices gaze followed my direction. The remote was clearly visible beneath the back of the unit. Candice turned back to face me with a withering look.

“Really, the remote just fell down there did it?”

I gave a simple shrug, all the while grinning at her like a cat that had gotten the cream. I motioned towards the unit again.

“Now be a good slave and fetch the remote.”

Candice gave a dramatic groan and made as if to stand.

“Uh uh.” I tutted placing a hand on her shoulder. “Apparently I’ve been too lenient with you. Now crawl over there and get the remote slave.”

Candice turned her green eyes on me as they flashed with indignation. I cocked an eyebrow at her, daring her to protest. After a moment’s pause she conceded, the fire still clearly dancing in her eyes.

“As you wish, master.” She drew the last word out, making it as seductive as she could before turning to crawl across the floor.

I stared mesmerised by the swaying of her hips. The skirt of her dress was doing very little to hide anything, giving me a clear view of her sexy little posterior. Candice kept her legs together throughout her journey, still denying me the sight of her pussy. She reached the tv unit and I held my breath waiting for the big finale.

In one fluid motion Candice dove under the unit snatching up the remote. She was fast, but for a second her perfect ass pushed skyward and her legs parted slightly giving me a look at her bald sex. It was only a second, but that second seemed to last a lifetime as I took in every inch of her perfect pussy. Her lips were parted ever so slightly and I could clearly see her glistening pink folds. Then the moment was over as she snapped back up and her legs came back together, her skirt falling back into place.

Candice carefully placed the remote between her teeth before crawling back towards me just as sensually as before. Her green eyes met mine and I held her stare the whole way back. Reaching me she lent forward, slowly dropping the remote into my lap.

We stared into each others eyes for a few moments and I could feel the tension building.

Finally I broke the silence. “Go and grab the bean bag slave.” My voice came out hoarse as it seemed my throat had completely dried up.

Candice went to stand, but I stopped her once again.

“Crawl,” I said firmly, my voice regaining its strength. Candice wrinkled her nose at me but turned to crawl across the room to where a large bean bag was tucked in a corner. It was Candice’s bean bag, she used it regularly while watching tv or reading a book. More than a few times I’d come home to find her asleep, curled up on it in front of the tv late at night.

As Candice made her way across the room I stood and grabbed the coffee table, moving it from its usual place between the tv and couch until it was pressed up against the wall. Of course I wasn’t watching what I was doing, instead lapping up every possible moment that I could watch Candices delicious rear end traipse across the room. As a result of this I dropped the table on my foot. I let out a loud yell of pain, holding one foot whilst hopping up and down on the other. Candice gave a loud laugh as she turned back towards me dragging the bean bag behind her.

“Silly master, not watching what he’s doing. Tut tut tut.” She goaded me shaking her head as if scolding a small child.

I glowered back at her, massaging my foot as the pain finally began to subside. Candice placed the bean bag in between the tv and the couch before looking up at me with an amused grin plastered across her face.

Releasing my foot I stared down at her. “You are a very cheeky slave,” I scolded. “I think before the entertainment we might need to give you a crash course in good behaviour.” Candice just stared up at me pretending to look contrite but really just appearing smug, her eyes daring me to control her.

I cast my eyes around the room looking for inspiration. I settled on my discarded bombers scarf which was sitting on the kitchen bench. Crossing the room I snatched it off the bench before returning to stand in front of Candice.

Without asking I bent forward and gently tied one end around her neck. I tightened it so that it was snug but not enough to restrict her breathing. Straightening I grabbed the other end of my make shift lead.

“Perfect,” I exclaimed. “Who knew this thing could have so many uses.”

Candice stared up at me with her wide green eyes and bit her lip seductively. Let me tell you I damn near unloaded in my pants right then and there. And if Candices laboured breathing was anything to go by, then I suspect she was getting just as turned on by our exchange.

After a moment I shook my head as if trying to break a trance.

“Right slave, heel!” Candice positioned herself beside me, kneeling with her hands on her knees. “And walk!”

I began to stroll around the apartment with Candice following at my heel on all fours. Now just to be clear I’m not a complete asshole, the entire apartment is carpeted with a thick pile, not to mention the fact that there are also a number of thick rugs scattered around the place. So whilst Candice was being made to crawl, she wouldn’t have suffered too much discomfort.

I came to a halt on one of the rugs.


Candice obeyed immediately, kneeling once again with her hands on her knees.


I took a few steps away before stopping and turning to face her.

“Roll over!”

Candice complied and I watched as her body revolved before coming back into a kneeling position. I stepped closer again.


Candice obeyed once again.


Her hands came up into a begging position and her green eyes shone as she turned on the doe eyes.

“Good girl.” I gently patted her head before sliding my hand down to rub her cheek. Candice nuzzled into my hand obediently. After another moment I took a few more steps back.

“Play dead!”

Candice rolled onto her back, tucking her legs up whilst hooking her arms in a perfect imitation of a dog playing dead. Her eyes were shut and I took a moment to examine her beautiful form. Candice had her head towards me and had managed to position herself with her legs obscuring her sex from my view.


Candice obeyed, holding the position.

Slowly I walked around until I was standing facing her legs. With her legs tucked up together, her ass had lifted off the floor and I could clearly see the engorged pink lips of her vulva. My god what a vulva it was. I could spend hours writing poems and singing songs and I could still never do it justice. I stared mesmerised as the seconds dragged on, drinking in the wonderful sight. Then as I watched the most magical thing happened, a small drop of arousal escaped from between her pink lips, seeping from the depths of her vagina to blaze a trail across Candices smooth flesh before finally reaching the carpet below.

Fighting the urge to pounce upon her, I rasped out a command.

“Good girl, now sit.” With shaking hands I removed the makeshift lead and discarded it on the floor.


Slowly I walked back to the couch, before taking a seat in the centre.


Candice crawled towards me and I motioned towards the bean bag in front of me.

“Make yourself comfortable.”

“Facing me.” I clarified as she began to position herself on the bean bag.

Candice turned and reclined against the bean bag. Crossing her legs, she used one hand to press the hem of her skirt down between her legs, keeping her sex hidden from me.

I stared down at her beautiful form, the sexual tension filled the room. This was it, this is what I had been building towards for the last hour and a half. Did I have the guts to go ahead with it. Everything I was seeing from Candice suggested she was enjoying this just as much as I was. But after the next command there would be no coming back. Taking a deep breath I gave it.

“Play with yourself for me!”

Candice reacted immediately, a look of surprise crossing her face for a moment before it was instantly replaced by a clear look of lust. The fire had returned to her green eyes and she bit her lip once again.

After another moment her hands went to work. One came up to her chest, gently stroking and teasing her nipples through the mesh fabric. The hand that had been holding her hem released it now and went to work, sliding up and down her thigh. As I watched it disappeared beneath her skirt. A sigh escaped from Candices lips as her fingers made contact with her wonderful pussy. Her other hand began to tug gently on her pink nubs, rolling them between her fingers. The first hand delved deeper beneath her skirt and though my view was obscured it became clear that she had started to finger herself. My suspicions were confirmed a moment later as she let out a small gasp followed by the wet sounds of her fingers busily working between her legs.

I sat above her completely captivated by the performance. Watching as my beautiful blonde housemate masturbated herself towards orgasm.

“I bet you never envisioned yourself masturbating on this bean bag before.” I spoke quietly, breaking the silence.

Candice gave me a wry smile, looking up at me with hooded eyes.

“Wh-what makes you think I’ve n-never masturbated on here before?” She let the question hang in the air for a moment before continuing. “Why do you think I always fall asleep on here when you’re not home?” She practically panted the last few words and I swear it was the most erotic thing I have ever seen in my life.

As I watched, the motion of her hands increased and her hips began to rock in time with the movements. Her orgasm was drawing close.

Behind her on the tv I saw the umpire raise the ball above his head to signal the start of the next quarter. An idea filled my head and I stared down at her with a wicked grin.

“That’s enough Candice.”

Her head snapped up and her eyes opened wide as her fingers kicked things up a notch, working feverishly below her skirt.

“No… Please… I’m so close.” Candice begged.

“I said that’s enough! Slave!”

I emphasised the last word as I leant forward, gripping her wrist to stop the motion.

Finally her hand stopped and she stared up at me incredulously. Her whole body seemed to hum with trapped energy, the frustration clear on her face.

“Why did you make me stop?” She whined, slowly removing her fingers. Her lust filled eyes staring at me hungrily.

“The footys just started again.” I grinned down at her as I pointed over her shoulder.


Her head whipped around to stare at the TV for a moment before turning back to stare at me angrily.

“You stopped me for the freaking football!”

I leant forward slightly, grinning down at her. “No, I stopped you because you’re my slave and I’m in charge of when you get to cum. If you behave yourself then maybe I’ll let you cum later. In the mean time, you can masturbate during the add break every time a goal is scored. I’d much prefer to watch that then boring adverts.”

For those uninitiated with AFL footy, the break between goals is approximately one minute and fortunately for both of us we only needed to wait a few minutes before the first goal was scored.

I beamed down at Candice, but she just glared back up at me, her lips puckered in a pout.

“Oh sorry my mistake. I made it sound like you had a choice before.” Speaking in an exaggerated tone as I gloated over her. “Masturbate every time a goal is scored slave! Starting the moment the add break starts and ending when the add break ends!” I gave her a stern look.

Candice poked her tongue at me belligerently but slowly complied, guiding her hand back below the hem of her skirt.

She let out a small gasp, before biting her lip as her fingers delved into her folds.

“I’m feeling generous slave, if you manage to climax within the add break, then you’ll do so with my permission.”

With that Candice’s fingers cranked things up a notch and her second hand found it’s way to her breasts immediately, plucking gently at her supple nipples. But alas, she had left things too late, letting out an exasperated grunt as the football started again.

I just grinned down at her smuggly fighting the urge to masturbate myself. After a few more minutes another goal was scored and this time Candice hit the ground running. The second the ball sailed between the big sticks her hands dived under her skirt and began to work feverishly.

“Ohhh… Mmmm… Yessss…” Candice puffed and mewled as she worked herself up.

I watched her intently, my throbbing erection straining to escape the confines of my pants. I noticed that Candices eyes were flicking across to the bench intermittently and she appeared to be checking something. I followed her eyes and then suddenly realised what she had been looking at! The timer! Staring at it in horror I realised that there must be only about five minutes left. Once that timer went off, Candice would be free to cum as she wished. But far worse than that, she would be free to stop or go and masturbate in her room if she wanted. There was no way I wanted to miss out on seeing her cum.

I wracked my brain, trying to think on the fly. Looking back at the TV I could see there were only a few seconds before the add brake would end.

“If you take your dress off now, you can keep masturbating for as long as you’d like.” Somehow I managed to keep my voice even as I tried to hide my anxiety.

Candice considered my words for only a moment before hastily reaching down to grab the hem of the dress in both hands. In one fluid motion she peeled the dress off and tossed it behind her. I stared in wonder at the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her body was immaculate, her skin was absolutely flawless, free from blemish or wrinkle. Her perky young breasts stood proudly on her chest, bouncing alluringly with the motion of her arm. There was motion of course, because Candice had wasted no time in returning her fingers to her sopping wet snatch!

My eyes came up to stare into hers. Those beautiful green eyes were lit with a raging fire now. Her cheeks were flushed bright pink in what I suspect was a mixture of arousal and possibly a touch of shyness at suddenly being exposed so completely.

My eyes returned to her sex. Seeing where I was looking, Candice slowly removed her fingers, moving them up to gently stroke on either side of her clitoral hood. In doing so she gave me an unimpeded view of her magnificent pussy. I know I’ve already waxed lyrical about what a pretty pussy it is, but let me tell you, seeing it spread wide like that, was quite simply a view unparalleled. I felt like an archaeologist who had stumbled upon the eighth natural wonder of the world. My god if that were the case then there would be pictures of Candices perfect bald pussy in every museum in the world. Hell every historical university textbook would have a picture. They would probably make movies about it. Just think ‘Indiana Jones and Candices Perfect Pussy.’ I cursed myself for not having a wide brimmed hat and stock whip on hand. Oh well that would be an adventure for another day.

Besides they could make all the movies, take all the pictures of this perfect pussy and they would still never do it justice.

Remembering suddenly that time was short, I stood up and ripped my shirt over my head and threw it on the couch. Candice just stared up at me with a look of surprise, her hands still massaging her sex. Then her eyes lit up with lust as my hands fumbled with the buckle of my belt.

Slowly I peeled my pants and underwear from my body in one steady motion. Candices eyes went wide and she gave a small gasp as my erection sprung free from my pants. I should mention at this point that while I am no super model, I am still in relatively good shape. But that wasn’t why Candice gasped. To put it simply, I’m rather well endowed.

As I sat down Candices eyes never left my cock. She absent mindedly licked her lips as I brought my hand up to stroke my member. Slowly I squeezed my cock, gently pumping my hand up the full length of my shaft. I followed Candices gaze, staring down at my member. The red domed head appeared between my fingers looking large and fierce. My thick shaft followed it, the smooth surface only interrupted by a few large veins. I keep myself completely shaved, so the skin around the base of my cock and balls was completely smooth, giving Candice an unobstructed view.

As I drop of precum escaped the end of my penis, I caught it with my thumb, swirling the moisture around the tip of my cock in a way that made me let out a small groan of satisfaction.

My eyes now returned to Candices body. She had two fingers working feverishly inside her delightful vagina. Her other hand was back, toying with her breasts.

Her chest was heaving at this point and her hips were rocking. I could tell she was getting close to something big. I looked up at her face. Candices eyes were half lidded as they still stared hungrily at my cock. Then as I watched her eyes rolled back in her head. Her head seemed to follow next as if her eyes had dragged it with them, snapping her neck back as far as possible. A guttural scream escaped her lips and her legs slammed together, trapping her fingers like a vice.

I watched in amazement as Candices hips rocked back and forth and her legs quivered as wave after orgasmic wave rolled through her body. Finally it ended and she seemed to deflate as she fell sideways onto the beanbag. I let her lie there for about a minute, her chest heaving and her thighs shaking with little orgasmic aftershocks.

I checked the clock. It was getting close. I couldn’t dare to wait any longer.

“Get on all fours slave.” I commanded.

“H-huh?” Candice gave a bleary confused grunt in response.

“I said – Get on all fours slave!”

With what appeared to be a great effort Candice drew herself up onto her hands and knees. Gingerly she crawled until she was positioned beside the bean bag with her beautiful posterior pointed towards me. Next she widened her stance and arched her back. Presenting herself to me. The wet lips of her pussy glistening with her arousal.

In a moment I was kneeling behind her. Slowly, almost reverently I rubbed the head of my penis against her soft lips. We both gave a small moan at the sweet sensation. Carefully I stroked the head of my cock up and down her slit until it was coated in her juices. I paused with the head of my cock positioned at her opening, then in one slow thrust I took her. Candice let out a long low moan as my entire length entered her.

“Oh fuck!” She gasped as my cock bottomed out against the rear wall of her vagina.

The soft embrace of her velvety insides was better than any I had felt before. Her pussy seemed to radiate heat, warming my cock with each pulse. As I began to withdraw I felt her tighten around me, squeezing me as if she were begging me not to leave.

With another steady thrust I buried myself deep inside once again as Candice gave a mewl of delight. Gradually I picked up pace until I was rapidly pumping her with everything I had. At this point things started to fall into place, I could feel a sensation in my balls that told me I would be cumming soon.


The buzzer went off three times as it signalled that my time was up.

The noise crashed through my brain and I slowed my pace as I started to question if I should stop. Had I taken it to far? Had Candice only been doing this because I was in charge? I slowed my pumping further.

“Don’t you fucking dare stop!” Candice practically screeched at me as her hips humped back at me trying to make up for my lost speed. With one hand she reached back, digging her nails into my thigh as she frantically tried to pull me deeper.

That was all the encouragement I needed. Taking hold of her hips I sent my motor wide open and began to fuck her like a man possessed.

“Yes! That’s it! Right there Jason! Fuck my pussssssssssssy!!!!!!”

Her screams drove me on and all at once I felt my brain overload as my orgasm hit. I slammed my cock home one last time, spraying my seed deep inside of her. As I unloaded spurt after spurt of hot sticky cum inside her, I could feel Candice’s hips shuddering as her pussy rhythmically contracted and released my member as another orgasm rolled through her body.

Finally the shuddering stopped and we slumped against each other in our prone position for a few minutes. Eventually Candice fell forwards, collapsing against the carpet. I slid down beside her, rolling onto my back as we both breathed heavily.

Lethargically Candice rolled onto her side, hooking her leg over mine as she rested her hand on my chest. It was at this point I realised that in everything that had happened, I still hadn’t gotten the opportunity to kiss her. Now though, I found myself filled with a case of post coital anxiety, all the confidence and bravado had exited my body along with my siemen.

“Ah… I-I’m sorry if I took things too far Candice.” I tried to apologise.

“What?” Candice stared at me like I was a complete moron.

“I just… Um… I just hope I didn’t make you do anything you didn’t want to do…”

Candice rolled her eyes at me.

“Jason, do you really think it was your idea that we have sex tonight? Trust me if Chris “fucking” Mayne could kick straight – (Now to be fair to Chris Mayne, the bloke had just played his heart out and the shot missed by the barest of margins. In fact to be honest, I’m a big fan of the way he resurrected his career at Collingwood. After a rather questionable trade, he put in the hard yards and managed to become a very consistent contributor, anyway I digress) – you would have been eating my pussy an hour and a half ago.”

I grinned down at Candice before giving her a wink. “So sorry to keep you waiting. I’ll see what I can do now.”

I made as of to slide down her body but she grabbed hold of my arm.

“Wow there stud. Give me a chance to recuperate for a moment. Yikes.”

We shared a smile then and a laugh. When the laughing stopped I leant in closer and our lips met for that first tender kiss. I’m not going to lie, it was magical, that raw connection. The sex was amazing but now that my lust had died down for a moment, this seemed even better. With Candice I had a special connection. She was a best friend, a playmate and lover all rolled into one. A lot of years have passed since that magical evening but it will forever be a moment that Candice and I cherish.

Even now when people ask us how we got together, we simply say that we started out as housemates and somehow fell in love. In those moments we always share a secret knowing smile and I still see her cheeks flush with a bit of pink and her green eyes dance with the flames of our love.

To those who have made it this far, thank you for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed it. If you would like to see the highlights of the game from my story then please check out the video below. It was a great game and one that I’ll always remember.

For more by Tales of Tea, see below…



Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales

I write erotic short stories, generally centred around exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbation and romance. I hope you will identify with and enjoy them.