Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales
Published in
4 min readMay 28, 2023


Photo by Nikita Shirokov on Unsplash

The Girl in the Mirror – Part 1: A Magic Mirror

It was a cool, crisp Monday morning and I was already running late for work. I was rushing across the parking lot behind my apartment, praying that I hadn’t missed my bus. That’s when I saw the overflowing skip bin that had been dumped in the back corner of the car park. Apparently a number of my fellow residents had been unable to accept the skips full status and as such had left a pile of junk cascading down its sides and propped up along the edge closest to me. Now I wouldn’t ordinarily be one to go dumpster diving, but I couldn’t help but spy a tall ornate mirror with a golden frame. It was much larger than the little mirror currently hanging in my one room studio apartment and there was a certain classical beauty to the frame, even if it looked quite aged. I changed course, completely forgetting my current plight. In a few moments I found myself standing directly in front of the mirror.

“Oh my!” I gasped.

The glass was completely intact, but that wasn’t what had startled me. I stared at my reflection, transfixed. It was like staring at a photoshopped image of myself. My normally lifeless brown hair now appeared vibrant and full of volume, flowing down past my shoulders with streaks of blonde highlights catching the light as I turned my head from side to side. My skin was flawless, not a single blemish to be found. My eyes were the samr deep brown colour, but now they were filled with small flecks of gold that seemed to give them a wild almost electric quality. I looked down then at my body in the mirror. I was wearing the same black work pants and white top, but now I filled them in a way I never had before. My legs looked longer, wide hips accentuated my womanly figure before tapering to a narrow waist. Next came my breasts which had grown at least a cup size and appeared to be defying gravity.

“What is this?” I asked out loud.

I turned my attention back towards my body looking down at my breasts. Disappointed I noted that they were still the same as they had always been.

Then I reached forward and carefully picked up the mirror. I don’t know who or what came over me, but I suddenly felt a great compulsion to have the mirror. I rushed it across the car park, up the stairs and into my room without a single thought for who might be watching. I pulled my crappy little mirror off the wall and replaced it with my new treasure. I left the old mirror leaning against the wall beside the new one and stared at my reflection.

The beautiful woman smiled back at me. I knew I needed to leave for work, but something was stopping me. I had a sense that this mirror had more to offer than just a beautiful version of myself. As if sensing my thoughts, my reflections smile widened and she gave me a wink. I stared back in shock. I had just winked at myself! But I hadn’t winked! Or had I..? I felt confused, none of this made sense.

I stared back at the beautiful me and was even more shocked as she began to undress. My mouth opened in a soundless exclamation as my reflection dropped my white shirt to the floor, followed quickly by my bra, pants and panties. I stared in shock at my naked reflection, completely gobsmacked. My breasts… I mean her breasts were truly magnificent, large and perky with delicate pink nipples. The rest of her body was just as impressive. My eyes couldn’t help but linger on her sex. Her slit was completely bald, her delicate folds just visible between her legs.

My reflection sat slowly down on the carpet, leaning back against the bed behind her. To my surprise I realised that I had also sat down in unison with her. As I watched she raised her left hand and placed it between her legs, gently stoking the soft skin on either side of her pussy.


I gave an involuntary moan of arousal and surprise. It felt like her hands were stroking me. Looking down I realised that my hand was perfectly mirroring her actions but on the outside of my pants. My reflection lifted her right hand to her breasts and began to fondle them, gently tugging on her nipples. Again I mirrored her actions letting out another, louder moan. I watched her working herself up slowly, dipping her fingers gently into her wet shallows, teasing herself… teasing me… Then in one quick motion she plunged two fingers deep inside.

“Holy shit!”

I felt the fingers penetrating me, stroking my sensitive place. Glancing down I realised my hand had found it’s way inside my pants and into my vagina.

I looked back up watching my beautiful reflection as she began to frantically finger fuck herself. I could feel her desperation, my desperation… Our desperation. As we both reached the precipice our eyes met for a moment, then it hit me like a freight train. My back arched and I screamed out in ecstasy.


Our pussies erupted together hers spraying across the carpet while mine flooded my panties.

As our orgasms subsided we both fell sideways, collapsing onto the carpet.

I stayed like this for a minute panting heavily as I tried to comprehend what had just happened.

“Ring, ring”

My phone buzzed beside me. Twisting my head I could see my bosses caller ID.

“Fuck I’d forgotten about work…”



Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales

I write erotic short stories, generally centred around exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbation and romance. I hope you will identify with and enjoy them.