The Girl in the Mirror – Part 10

Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales
Published in
18 min readJul 19, 2024

I was floating on cloud nine after Sonja departed. I strolled casually back into my kitchen and set about making a big plate of nachos. While the food was heating up I grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge and poured myself a large glass. Fishing the nachos out of the microwave I carefully placed them on the small square table that ran adjacent to my kitchen. I flopped down onto a chair before turning it sideways so that I could rock back, resting against the wall of my apartment.

As I took my first luxurious sip of wine, I cast my eye around the apartment. It contrasted completely with the way I felt. Right now I felt indestructible. I felt powerful! I felt like the king of the world! I had taken my foe, my nemesis, my tormentor and I had turned her into my plaything.

I looked around at my shabby little unit. The spot I was sitting could have been classed as both my kitchen and dining area. From here the rest of the space was taken up predominantly by my bed. There was a small cupboard in the opposite corner, whilst the only other door led into my bathroom/toilet.

How could an all powerful king live in such a tiny shoe box of a home? Well it didn’t matter, with my magic mirror I could rule the world. For now I would happily relax and eat nachos naked in my tiny apartment, but I knew I wouldn’t be here much longer.

I finished my nachos and poured another glass of wine, at which point my phone started to ring. It was Cassie.

“Hi hun, how’s it going?”

“Oh my fucking god! I can’t believe you fucked Sonja!” Cassie gushed breathlessly down the line. I could hear her fighting to keep her voice down as she continued to talk. “You have to tell me everything! How did it happen?! That picture of her kneeling between your legs was so fucking hot!”

“It was all pretty simple really.” I replied. My paralysing fear from earlier in the day completely forgotten.

“I showed her the mirror. Next thing she gets ridiculously horny and starts to masturbate. She kept trying to cum, but I wouldn’t let her. I grabbed hold of her and told her that if she wanted to cum she’d have to give herself over to my control. The silly bitch was so mad with arousal by this point that she practically begged to become my plaything!”

“Wow! You can control when people cum?” I could hear the shock and awe in Cassie’s voice.

“Cas, I can do whatever I want. I can control whoever I want! I can take anything I want!” I paused for a moment to let my words sink in before continuing quietly. “With my mirror, no one can defy me.”

After a pause Cassie replied softly. “Lexi you’re kinda scaring me with all this talk of controlling people.”

“Cassie I can control anyone I want, the same way I controlled Sonja. Don’t you see? Nothing and no one can stand in my way. I could have a harem of obedient slaves. I… um… We could live in total comfort. With my power we can have anything we want.”

Cassie was silent for a few moments. “Lexi I don’t think that’s a good idea. Don’t forget, it’s not you that has the power, it’s the mirror. We don’t even know how or why it works.” She paused again waiting for me to reply but I left her hanging as I tried to form my angry response. Finally she continued to talk softly, as if she was trying to coax an unreasonable child. “Lexi just this morning the mirror took control of both of us and made us squirt from simply tugging on our nipples. You don’t really think you’re the one with the power do you?”

“Enough!” I cut in angrily. “I was the one controlling Sonja! I call the shots and this is my mirror!”

The silence drew out as neither of us spoke.

“I’m gonna go Cas. I’ve got stuff to do. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Yeah, no worries Lexi. I’ll talk to you then.” Her voice sounded quiet and sad, but I didn’t care at the moment. I was angry at her. I was flying high and she was just trying to pull me down.

Quietly I shut off the call and placed my phone on the table. I had nothing to do and nowhere to be. I scowled around at my tiny apartment, looking for something to take my anger out on.

Suddenly I felt a wave of lust wash over my body. But this wasn’t normal lust. As my pussy moistened and my nipples stiffened I could feel an ice cold rage slice through my body. I felt so conflicted as my body churned with a mixture of seething anger and desperate arousal.

Immediately my hand strayed between my legs, but no matter how hard I tried my fingers failed to make contact with my pussy. I stared down in surprise watching in amazement as my hand deviated from my intended course as if it had hit some invisible barrier. Frustrated, I tried to touch my breasts but again my hand was turned away. My anger flared again, by this point I was desperately horny and desperately in need of satisfaction. I was in charge! How dare my mirror stop me from doing what I wanted!

Hastily I jumped from my chair and within a few steps I was standing in front of the mirror. My reflection looked back at me and the first feeling of dread started to run down my spine.

She smiled at me, but her smile spoke of menace, not joy. I could see the flames of a red hot rage burning behind her eyes. It was at this point I felt her take control of my body, guiding my hand down to my pussy. I gave a small sigh and my moment of anxiety passed as her fingers immediately started to dance among my folds.

Her fingers delved deeper, penetrating my perfect little pussy. I gave a small sigh and widened my stance to allow better access. I stared at her perfect body as she masturbated in perfect harmony with me. I still found it hard to believe that I was staring at my own reflection as I examined her long toned legs and large, perfectly proportioned breasts. That perfect hourglass figure and unblemished skin had never been me, but now somehow it was. My eyes danced up to her face, delicately shaped and bordered by long dark hair flecked with golden highlights. I couldn’t properly enjoy my complexion however as her perfect blue eyes stared back at me, still filled with rage. I looked away as another chill ran up my spine.

It didn’t matter however as I could feel an orgasm coming, the sweet sensation distracting me from my fear. I watched as my reflections hand worked feverishly between her legs, my legs. She had two fingers buried deep, curling them rhythmically while her palm massaged our respective clits.

The wave of my orgasm built inside of me until I could hold it back no more. My reflections hand came to a stop, pressing hard against my cum button. I arched my back and opened my mouth, preparing to scream to all the gods of the world, but nothing happened.

I stared in horror as my reflection humped her hips, clearly enjoying the feeling of an orgasmic wave breaking across her body.

My orgasm however seemed to be slowly receding, dissipating into nothing. Sadly the same could not be said for my arousal which had reached an all time high.

A stared at my reflections eyes as panic filled my body. She grinned at me knowingly as her gyrations stopped. There was still a look of ice in her eyes, but now it was coupled with a gloating confidence.

“No please!” I cried. Desperately I tried to move my fingers and to my joy I found that I had regained control. Immediately I jammed them deeper into my snatch, frantically curling them as I chased my g-spot. My palm pressed firmly against my clit and I could feel the wave building up inside me once again.

“Yes… Oh yes… Come on!” I urged my fingers on as I felt my orgasm approach. I reached the edge and my fingers ground to a halt, pushing all of the right buttons. But again I failed to cum.

“No! Please!” I cried out like a lunatic as I watched my reflections hips rocking to sound of her orgasmic beat while my own orgasm subsided unrealised.

Without waiting another second my fingers went to work again. I noticed my reflections hips jerk as I kicked our fingers into gear and out of the corner of my eye I saw her bite her lip as my ministrations and her sensitivity drove her wild.

I dropped gently to my knees, to allow my hand better access and once again began to finger fuck myself like my life depended on it. I was so aroused at this point that within thirty seconds I could feel the orgasmic wave inside me preparing to crash. This time when I reached the point of no return I just kept on strumming like there was no tomorrow. I felt myself reach within a hair’s breadth of my orgasm, but somehow it eluded me.

It did not escape my reflection though. She thrashed before me, her mouth open in a soundless scream of ecstasy.

I just kept on curling my fingers and after only a few seconds I was back at the precipice again. But as before I failed to climax. My reflection by this point appeared to be babbling manically as her free hand clawed at the carpet.

Now if any of you have ever had the pleasure of walking into a perfectly cleaned glass door, then you will understand the kind of stunned confusion that follows when you find yourself still in the room you started but now with a rather sore head. Well that is how I felt in that moment. Over and over again I would approach my orgasm, only to slam into an invisible glass door, all the while watching my reflection have mind blowing orgasm after mind blowing orgasm. I continued like this for the next five minutes, but to no avail.

Finally I decided to change tact. I cast my eyes around my room, my head whipping around like a wild animal. Finally my eyes settled on Douglas. Douglas was a big brown teddy bear my mother had given to me when I moved out of home. I had left him perched on the bedside table when I left for work this morning. He usually sits in the centre of my bed, but I’ve recently fallen out of the habit of making it.

I tore my fingers from my dripping snatch and leapt onto my bed. With clawed hands I ripped Douglas from my bedside table and pounced on him like a tiger pouncing on her prey. I mounted his big fluffy face in an instant and began to hump and grind my sex with as much force as my hips could muster. Now I’d never done this before but I was delighted to discover that Douglas was a very effective lover. He had a soft velvety nose which tickled my clit in just the right way at the end of each thrust.

In no time at all the wave had formed and my orgasmic dam was preparing to burst, only for me to slam once again into a metaphorical glass door.

In frustration I checked over my shoulder as I continued to hump. My reflection stared back at me, her face contorted in bliss as she rocked hard atop her own version of Douglas.

After two more attempts I cast Douglas aside with an angry roar. Clambering across the bed on all fours, I frantically jumped from the end, stopping in front of the mirror. Kneeling in front of my reflection I began to finger myself once again as I begged desperately to cum.

“Please! Please let me cum!” I gave a desperate sob as my reflection slowly rose before me. I felt her take control of my hand, slowly removing it from my pussy, denying me that which I wanted so badly. She finished standing and I found myself staring directly at her gorgeous pussy – I mean my gorgeous pussy. Her lips were engorged and slick with moisture. The scent of her arousal filled my nostrils and drove my own arousal even higher, my hips humped the air reflexively. I wondered if my own pussy smelt so delightful, after all this was also my own pussy. Then an even more enticing thought came into my head. I wonder what I taste like? Surely if I taste half as good as my reflections pussy smells, it would be worth trying. It was at this point I realised I had never actually tasted any pussy before. It begged the question, was I a selfish lover? No I don’t think so, but better not to pull at that thread, especially not when there was sex to be had.

I looked up into my reflections eyes and she smiled down at me, as if she were reading my mind. Her eyes were still cold, with a touch of malice and I realised sadly that she would not be granting my request. Carefully she widened her stance, causing the pink lips of her labia majora to part ever so slightly, allowing me a view into the pink depths of her pussy. Her sex glistened and I felt myself salivating at the thought of eating her. Leaning forward, I regaining some control over my body. I still couldn’t touch myself, but I had at least regained the use of my limbs. I placed both hands on the glass and immediately felt it disappear, the air around us seemed to shimmer as we entered some sort of shared twilight zone between my world and hers. Tenderly I placed my hands on her hips, caressing her soft skin as I leaned in further, stopping with my face an inch from her pussy. By this point my arousal had reached a fever pitch. The moist slit of my reflection appeared in sharp focus while everything else seemed to blur into the background. Slowly, tentatively I leant forward, my tongue poking from between my lips to probe the air between us. Finally I made contact with the soft skin adjacent to her labia. Her hips twitched in response and I felt her legs open wider again.

It struck me at this point what a bizarre situation I was in. I was about to eat my own pussy, something that I’m sure is impossible for almost anyone, aside from a few exceptionally flexible women. This was also going to be my first time eating a girl out, which I’m sure would make most people nervous. But I had no nerves, not only did I know what it felt like to have my pussy eaten, but I knew exactly how this pussy liked to be eaten.

My tongue traced a long slow trail up the other side of her vulva, building the tension a moment longer before running my tongue gently up the length of her lips.

Instantly my brain overloaded as the sweet taste of my own juices filled my mouth. I felt my own snatch respond as a flood of moisture seeped from between my legs. The taste of my reflections arousal was like the sweetest nectar I had ever tasted and it made me wonder. “If this was how my pussy tasted, then no wonder women were jumping at the first opportunity to eat me out.” It was a privilege to suckle at such a divine fountain and suckle I did. After a few more licks, I carefully delved into the folds of my reflection. The lips of her labia seemed to respond to my probing like a party host flinging open the front door, relieved that the first guest has arrived.

At first I lapped gently in her shallows, savouring the delightful odour and taste of her sex.


My reflection didn’t say the word out loud, but it seemed to echo from inside my head. I reacted immediately probing my tongue as deep as I could.

“YESSSS!” The godly voice echoed once again inside my head.

In one swift movement my reflection lifted her right leg and placed it on my shoulder. From this position I felt her hand wrap around my head, her fingers curling to grab a bunch of my hair.

Without any explanation she began to violently fuck my face, the word “DEEPER!” echoing constantly in my head. Desperately I tried to plunge my tongue deeper as my reflection used me as her own personal fuck toy. I could feel the point of my nose rubbing against her clit in the exact same way that Sonja’s had rubbed my own clit only a few hours ago.

My throat burned and my eyes watered as her pussy continued to smother me, defying me the breath I so desperately needed.

Finally I felt her fingers clawing at my scalp as she held me to her sex, my tongue buried as deep as I could possibly reach, then a wave of fluid erupted inside my mouth. My head was torn from her pussy and I gulped frantically for air as my reflection squirted a wave of cum across my face. I choked for a second as some went down my throat, then recovered as a third spurt sprayed across my tits. My reflection released her grip on my head and stepped back from me.

Panting profusely I fell to floor as I tried to regain my breath. My whole body seemed to hum with lust. The taste and scent of my reflections cum all over me had me once again beating at that glass door without even touching myself. As I cowered on all fours I felt my hips gyrating involuntarily as my lust took over.

Lifting my eyes, I stared at my reflection. She had turned back to face me now, in her hand she held a massive dildo. My eyes went wide in anticipation. I needed that cock inside me. All thoughts of anything else were stripped from my mind. My lust had turned me into a wild animal, completely controlled by my base instincts.

As I watched my reflection pressed the base of the dildo to her mons, the flesh rippled for a moment before melding together seamlessly. Hastily I turned around, positioning myself on all fours before scampering backwards as fast as I could. I came to a stop with my posterior and the souls of my feet pressing against the cool glass. I waited as the seconds dragged on, my chest heaving in anticipation.

Finally I felt the glass meld away into nothing, then two strong hands grabbed my hips, holding me tightly. I pressed backwards, spreading myself as wide as possible in preparation for the monstrous invader. Suddenly my rear end was lifted effortlessly from the floor. My legs came together as my knees left the floor, my body quivering with a mixture of apprehension and excitement. The hands lowered my back to the floor before sliding down my legs, pushing to make sure they were pressed together tightly.

My reflections next move took me by surprise. I let out a muffled squawk as on of her hands wrapped around the back of my neck, forcing my face into the carpet. Her hand left me again and I waited silently, my body held in that same perfect pornstar position that I had placed Sonja in this afternoon.

“Please…” I gasped as my reflection kept me waiting. I was mad with lust by this point, desperate to cum, desperate for that massive cock and desperate to be punished.

I felt the light touch of fingers on my hip, then the wonderful sensation of a massive cock being pressed against my pussy. The head of her penis was lubricated immediately by the sopping mess between my legs. My lips parted and I felt the large bulbous head press lightly against my tight entry.

Anxious anticipation coursed through my body. It had been an enormous effort to take this dick before, but in my current position the thought seemed completely impossible. I fought to steady my breathing and relax the muscles in my snatch.

Both my reflections hands were now on my hips. Without any warning she slammed her cock home, impaling me with her entire length.

A high pitched shriek of pain and surprise erupted from my lips as my reflection bottomed out. From there the shriek never stopped, instead evolving into a wail as my reflection began to saw in and out of me with deep, rough strokes. With each stoke my wail would rise and fall, reaching a crescendo as her phallic warrior plundered my jewels.

After a minute or so off rough fucking, I felt a hand take hold of my hair. At this point my wail became a straight up screech as my head was pulled back causing my neck to arch backwards. My brain was in overload as the searing pain from my stretched pussy and the sharp pain from my hair being pulled was intermingled with the euphoric sensation of my reflections knob drumming against my g-spot.

Behind the pain I could feel an almighty orgasm slowly building in the background, ready to overwhelm me. As my reflection picked up pace the pain seemed to recede and my orgasm moved to the fore. My screech slowly died and as I felt my reflection pull harder at my hair, my hands left the ground, scrabbling wildly at the air as she drilled me forcefully.

“Ye-es… Gawd… Ye-wehs… Pwees… Go-od…” The words choked from my mouth as I begged for my orgasm.

I reached the precipice and felt my reflection tense up behind. Yes! It was happening! Surely we would cum together. Then I felt an eruption inside me as my reflection bathed my insides with her hot sticky cum. She slowed her pumping, coming to a standstill with one last ejaculation.

“P-pwees…” I sobbed, humping my hips as my orgasm continued to elude me.

My reflection released her grip on my hair and I fell to the floor sobbing.

“P-please… I’m s-sorry…” I gasped out.

My reflection withdrew and I gave a small dissatisfied moan, suddenly feeling incredibly empty.

Before I could utter another word I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me up onto my knees. I turned and faced my reflection feeling like a disheveled whore. My hair was wild and matted with her cum. My eyes felt puffy and full of tears.

I stared up at my beautiful reflection and she stared down at me with ice still in her beautiful brown eyes. Before I could speak again she grabbed me by the back of the head and guided her semi erect cock to my lips. Slowly I opened my mouth and she fed the tip to me. I rolled my tongue across the domed peak and the taste of precum filled my mouth. It seemed to reinvigorate me and I renewed my efforts with more purpose, opening my mouth to accept more of her length. Using my tongue I gentle probed the underside of her shaft, feeling the immediate response to my efforts as her member lengthened and hardened once again.

Without a pause my reflection began to feed her cock further into my mouth. My eyes boggled as I realised what was coming. I’d never sucked a cock even close to this size, let alone deep throated one. Well I was about to tick that off the bucket list. The head of her cock pressed against my throat before sliding right on in. I fought the urge to gag as her massive serpent continued to slide down my throat.

I lost my battle, gurgling and gagging as she fed it deeper. It was so thick, I could literally feel it stretching the walls of my throat.

My eyes watered and I continued to splutter as my reflection fed me the last inch. I stared up at her desperately as she began to fuck my throat with small sharp strokes, only withdrawing an inch or two.

I gagged again and tears started to roll down my cheeks. Just when I thought I was going to pass out my reflection ripped my head from her cock, holding my head in position as I gasped for air. With her other hand she directed her cock towards my face, stroking it quickly for a few moments before stopping. I stared in stunned surprise as she came again. The first load hit me square between the eyes, the second landed in my hair. The following two loads were painted across my chest and the fifth and final load landed in my mouth.

My reflection released me, stepping back as I gulped down her cum. Without her support I fell onto all fours.

Something strange was happening, I felt something change as I swallowed her cum. It was as if something inside of me had been released. It felt like there was a wave rising up through my body. Then it hit me, the most magnificently delicious orgasm of my life. I arched my back like a cat purring and gave a loud moan as my pussy squirted between my legs.

Before that orgasm had even finished another one started. My fingers tore at the soft pile of the carpet as an even stronger orgasm rolled through my body. My pussy sprayed, cum ran down my legs as yet another orgasm took hold. They were getting bigger with each orgasm and I had the vague notion that I was now receiving all of the orgasms I had been lusting after for the last hour. They seemed to fall like dominoes, each one rolling into the next.

By the fourth or fifth orgasm my arms and legs gave out. I collapsed to the floor my hips gyrating as my pussy soaked the carpet between my legs.

“Oooooh FUCK!” I shrieked.

The orgasms just – kept – getting – BIGGER!

My back arched and my head snapped back as my arms flailed against the ground. I rolled onto my back, gasping for air as my hips bucked. My legs pulled up against my chest and I felt my pussy spasm as a jet of cum squirted across the room.

For the next two minutes I continued to rock and scream as I rolled around the room. Spraying the furniture like some sort of human sprinkler.

After what seemed like an endless stream of orgasms, my pussy final subsided into silence. I was barely conscious at this point, barely able to register the smug grin on my reflections face as I slowly gave in to the darkness.

Hours later I came to. I looked around the dark room groggily. I stumbled on unsteady legs across the room and into the bathroom. Every muscle in my body ached. My pussy ached as if I had been kicked between the legs by a horse. My throat felt dry and course, while my jaw was stiff and painful. I stared at my reflection in the small bathroom mirror. There was no radiant goddess here. I looked like a well fucked slut. My hair was all matted and my eyes looked sunken and tired.

I slowly hobbled into the shower. The message from my reflection had been clear. She called the shots, not me. There would be no harems, no world domination, unless she willed it. I slumped tired against the wall. Hopefully tomorrow I could return to being the ‘fucker’ rather than the ‘fuckee.’



Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales

I write erotic short stories, generally centred around exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbation and romance. I hope you will identify with and enjoy them.