The Girl in the Mirror – Part 5

Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales
Published in
28 min readNov 4, 2023
Photo by Nikita Shirokov on Unsplash

I awoke once again naked on my bedroom floor and I wondered to myself would I ever get to sleep in my bed again? I wasn’t particularly concerned if that was the case. I felt fantastic, just as I had the day before. Maybe sleeping in bed had been my problem, maybe I should have been sleeping naked on the carpet. I suspect the sleep had very little to do with my current feelings and lot more to do with my furious masturbating from the night before. Oh and all the sex…

Was it sex? I wasn’t sure. How do you classify getting fucked on all fours by your strap on wielding reflection? I mean, I was fucking myself, so surely it was masturbation? But then again there had definitely been two entities involved in the sex… So it was sex. But we were both women… Am I gay?

I’ve never wanted to fuck a woman before and I’m pretty sure I still want to fuck men… And to circle back, it was my reflection fucking me… So is it even gay if you fuck yourself? I shook my head in confusion. At the end of the day it’s really all semantics. What really mattered was, I got fucked by the biggest most amazingest cock I’d ever had and orgasmed like a banshee. Was my sexual orientation maybe a little more fluid than it had been two days ago? Sure. Was I going to sit around here all day getting myself tied up in knots about it? He’ll no!

Shaking my head again, I raised myself up off the floor to stand with my back to the mirror. I pushed the confusing thoughts from my mind, focusing instead on how wonderful my body felt. I turned to the mirror and examined my beautiful reflection. She smiled back at me with only a tinge of smugness. The memories of last night danced between us as I stared into her eyes. I felt my arousal building between my legs and fought the urge to touch myself. I looked over at the clock. I needed to get ready for work.

I shook my head at my reflection, motioning towards my wrist to imply that I didn’t have time.

Her face contorted as she laughed at me.

Looking down I realised that her hand had already gotten to work on our respective clits. And she was not messing around. Staring down, I watched as my hand sped up, frantically frigging my clit.

“Holy shit,” I gasped as I fell to my knees.

I was already close. I looked up at my reflection in surprise at how fast she was getting me off. My face twisted in ecstasy and I let out a whine as a powerful orgasm ripped through my body.

“Ooooooooh fuuuuuucccckkkk!!!” I squealed as a flood of fluid ran down between my legs.

My reflection smiled at me smugly, tapping her wrist as if to tell me to hurry up or I’d be late for work. That cheeky bitch, just wanted to prove to me how in control she was. She’d literally gotten me off in thirty seconds flat.

Shaking my head at her ruefully I stood up shakily, still panting from my orgasm as I turned and walked into the bathroom.

I picked my makeup mirror up off the vanity and stared at my reflection. My beautiful reflection stared back at me. I gasped in surprise. How had she followed me? My beautiful reflection gasped back at me and I realised that I was just staring at myself. I stared closely at my self, mouth agape in amazement. My transformation was complete, I could no longer differentiate between my beautiful reflection from the mirror and my regular reflection. Using the small mirror I examined the rest of my body as well as I could. Not to sound too arrogant but I was simply flawless, not a single blemish to be found.

After a few more minutes of self worship I reluctantly put the mirror down and started my shower. From there the rest of my trip to work was rather uneventful. My reflection let me get dressed unimpeded, even allowing me to put on a pair of panties without interruption. I chose a red silk thong with a sheer embroidered front, in case you were wondering.

I didn’t see a soul as I excited the building and my bus ride was equally uneventful.

I strolled into my cubicle and sat at my desk dead on eight o’clock.

Right on cue I heard the sound of Cassie’s computer chair as she skated from her cubicle into mine.

“Morning!” She beamed at me and I turned to return her smile.

As I watched her face fell as she stared at me. Her eyes travelled down to my now impressive breasts, I had them peaking out from the collar of my white button up shirt.

“What’s up?” I asked pretending not to know what was bothering her.

Cassie gave me a dead pan look.

“What’s up?” She repeated my question back at me before continuing. “What’s up indeed. What’s happening to you Lexi? Every day you come in looking more and more different.”

She paused and I shrugged back at her, unsure what to say. Cassie continued to speak.

“Don’t get me wrong Lexi. You look beautiful. Like supermodel stunning. But I just don’t understand. I liked you before when you looked normal, and I thought you liked you then too? You were always so against cosmetic surgery but now I’m starting to wonder if your addicted, you’ve changed so much.” She held her hand up now, listing things off. “Your face has definitely changed, your cheeks are plumper, your lips are fuller.” Her eyes then dropped to my chest. “And these two…” She gestured towards them with her hand. “Well either you’ve started stuffing your bra with a box of tissues or you’ve had a boob job.” She kept going, rambling on before I could interrupt. “And don’t get me started on your ass. There’s no way you haven’t had a butt lift or some sort of procedure.”

She paused now, looking up at me, almost begging me for an explanation. I returned her stare meaningfully. I reached forward, grasping her hand in what I hoped was a reassuring grip.

“Cassie I promise you, I haven’t had any cosmetic surgery. All the changes you can see, they happened naturally over the last few days.”

She looked at me skeptically.

“Lexi, you’ve gone up two cup sizes.”

“I know it’s hard to believe but it’s the truth Cassie. Ever since I found the mirror, well things started changing.”

Cassies reply came in a harsh whisper.

“Lexi you can’t seriously expect me to believe that your breasts grew because you’ve been masturbating. If that was how it worked then my chest would have been stacked back in college.”

“It’s not the masturbating that’s changing me… It’s the mirror… I think. Cassie…”

I stopped mid sentence as I saw Mr Benson approaching from across the room.

“Here we go,” I thought.

“Morning ladies.” He stopped at the entry to my cubicle with a smug look on his face that had me concerned.

Benson cast his eye around the cubicle trying to build the suspense. He stopped panning when his eyes settled on my face. He opened his mouth to speak but then paused for a moment staring at me. It had taken three days but apparently he had finally noticed the changes to my complexion. With a small shake of his head he regained his composure and began to speak.

“You ladies may not have heard the news yet, but one of the senior partners at the company retired last week and yours truly is at the top of the list of people to replace him. They advertised the position yesterday and they’re going to start interviewing candidates as early as next week.” He grinned down at us wickedly. “I’ve got a long memory, don’t worry I won’t forget all the hard work you’ve done when I’m looking down from the top.” He glanced from me to Cassie and then back to me, openly gloating.

“Thank you for letting us know,” I replied cooly. “I’ll make sure I have my application in by Friday. Just so you know, I hope there are no hard feelings if you don’t make the cut.”

I smiled up at him sweetly, enjoying the effect my words were having on him. As I stared at the pompous git, his head seemed to swell and a gurgle of frustration emitted from his lips. Wordlessly he turned on his heels and stormed back across the office.

I turned back to Cassie who was staring at me wide eyed. “Who are you Lexi? You’ve changed, and not just on the outside.”

“Cassie, I’m still me. I’m still Lexi. I promise. Come on. I’ll show you.”

Standing up I led her across the office to the ladies toilets. Cassie followed me uncertainly, giving me a quizzical look when I ushered her into the separate disabled cubicle. No one ever used this toilet, so I knew there would be little chance of being interrupted. I closed the door behind us and then turned to face Cassie.

“Ahh, Lexi, what are you doing?”

“I’m showing you that I’m all natural.”

“Huh?” She looked at me confused.

“You think these aren’t real.” I pointed at my breasts. “Well I’m going to prove to you that they are.”

Cassie shook her head in embarrassment as I started to unbutton my shirt.

“No Lexi, you don’t need to do that.” She stammered.

My shirt hit the floor and I stared at her as my hands reached behind my back.

“Do you believe me?”

She hesitated for a second, eyes fixed on my breasts. “Yeah… Sure.” She replied uncertainly.

I gave her a withering look.

“Cassie I’m going to prove it to you.” With that I unclasped my bra and let it fall to the floor.

Cassies eyes bulged as my breasts sprung free. They stood to attention, perky and plump. My nipples stood stiff and proud. Partially from the cool air in the bathroom, partially from the fact that if I’m being truthful, exposing myself to Cassie was turning me on.

Cassie continued to stare at my breasts, transfixed. I stepped closer to her so that we were now only a foot apart. Her eyes never left my pink nubs.

“See,” I said, hefting my breasts in my hands. “All natural, no scars.” I lifted them higher exposing the underside of my mounds.

She continued to stare as if in a trance. Releasing my breasts I reached down, clasping her hands slowly I guided them up until they hovered an inch above my chest.

My throat felt dry and my breathing had become ragged as I spoke in a hoarse whisper. “Let me show you, nothing fake here.”

Gently I placed her hands on my chest, inhaling sharply as her palms grazed my nipples.

Staring at Cassie I could see that her own breathing had become laboured and I wondered if our interaction was having the same effect on her as it was having on me.

Gently, almost robotically Cassie began to knead my breasts. It may have been cold when we walked into the room but now it felt like someone had turned the thermostat up to maximum. The feeling of her hands on my breasts was heavenly and I felt a moistening between my legs. A low sigh emitted from my lips as her fingers traced every inch of my breasts.

“See,” I said in a whisper. “ All natural.”

Slowly Cassie released my mounds and my eyes looked longingly at her hands as they fell to her side.

Cassie nodded slowly. “I’m sorry… They’re real…” Her voice came out barely audible.

I stared at her hands, desperate to feel her touch again. Then I had an idea. Wordlessly I peeled my skirt up to my navel. Revealing my bright red thong. Cassies eyes boggled all over again and small gasp escaped her lips. I turned my back to her and bent forward at the waist. Presenting my posterior to her proudly.

“See, this is all natural too.”

I waited, anticipating her touch. I wondered how much she could see. I suspected that the red strip of fabric covering my pussy would be visible.

Her hand slid gently across my right ass cheek, stroking up and down tenderly, stopping to squeeze my soft flesh. Then her hand moved to my other side, this time starting down on my thigh before making its way up to fondle my peach. Her hand slipped into the crevice between my cheeks gently kneading my flesh. I had to bite my lip, trying to stifle a gasp as her fingers grazed across my mound.


Someone rapped on the door.

Cassies had whipped from my body and I snapped bolt upright.

“Occupied!” I cried out in frustration.

“Sorry.” Came a voice from the other side of the door followed by the sound of receding footsteps.

I turned to look at Cassie. She stared at me dazedly as if she had just woken from a trance. I smiled at her hopefully but she just looked back at me with a small frown of confusion.

“Are you alright Cassie?” I asked timidly.

She nodded slowly.

“I think you should get dressed Lexi.”

“Right, yeah of course.” I quickly gathered up my clothes, watching Cassie as I dressed.

When I was finished I spoke quietly. “Do you believe me now?”

Cassie gave a subdued nod. “Yep.”

“Are we okay Cassie?”

“Mmhmm.” She nodded but her eyes weren’t focused on me. She seemed lost in thought.

“Do you want to talk Cass?”

“No, it’s fine Lexi. I just need some time to think. This has all been pretty… Ahh confusing.”

“No worries. Did you want to come over tonight? I can show you the mirror if you want? Or we can just talk. Whatever you want to do…” I rambled uncertainly.

Cassie paused, equally uncertain. Still she avoided my eyes. “I think I just need some space to think right now Lexi. Is that okay?”

I nodded slowly. “Yeah sure.”

I felt like crying. I’d royally fucked this up. She was my best friend and now I’d made it weird. To be honest I probably needed some time to think myself. I had wanted Cassie to keep touching me. But more than that, I’d wanted her fingers beneath my thong. I’d wanted them inside me. Apparently my new fluid sexuality wasn’t exclusive to my reflection.

“See you later Lexi.”

Cassie stepped around me and quickly slipped out the door. Sadly, I followed her a few moments later.

We both worked in silence for the next few hours. When the time came for lunch Cassie rose from her chair and left the office without a word.

When she hadn’t returned half an hour later I went to check at reception and found out that she’d gone home sick. Yeah I’d fucked things up for sure. Stupid mirror. Why did I push her so hard. I knew why. Because I was horny. I cursed my randy libido. I wasn’t horny now. I was just sad and frustrated. My grumpy mood hung around as I worked angrily for the rest of the day. Finally at five o’clock I logged off my computer and headed for home.

When I exited the elevator at my floor I spied a figure standing outside my door. My heart skipped. It was Cassie.

I rushed forward to meet her but stopped a few feet away, unsure how to proceed.

“Hey Cas,” I said in a quiet voice.

“Hey Lexi,” she replied, equally quiet. Her eyes focused on the ground in front of me.

“I’m sorry about before,” I offered meekly.

“It’s okay,” she said finally meeting my eye. “Can we go inside?”

“Yeah of course.” I scrambled to get the door open, dropping my keys in the process. Finally I had the door open, gesturing for Cassie to enter. I followed her into the apartment, closing the door behind me.

Cassie turned to face me. “I’m sorry for bailing on you before. Everything just feels a bit confusing at the moment. You’ve changed so much in the last few days and I’m still not sure how I feel about it.”

I nodded at her solemnly. “I’m sorry about earlier. I don’t know what came over me. You’re my best friend Cassie. I don’t want to do anything to mess that up.”

Cassie gave me a small smile. “You haven’t messed anything up Lexi.”

She took a step closer and gave me a reassuring hug. I hugged her back and after a few seconds we parted, smiling at each other.

“Sooo… apparently you have a mirror that makes people look smoking hot…” Cassie posed the question while cocking an eyebrow at me.

“Are you sure you want to see it?” I asked uncertainly.

“Yeah…” She hesitated for a moment. “I’m sure.”

“It’s just here.” I guided her to where the mirror hung at the end of my bed.

Stepping aside, I waited anxiously, unsure what Cassie would see, unsure how Cassie would react.

Cassie stepped in front of the mirror and we both gave a shared gasp. Cassie’s reflection stared back, breathtakingly beautiful. Her blonde hair shone like gold, falling in long waves down her shoulders and back. Her figure was now that of an hourglass. Wide hips ran into a narrow waist, below what was probably the most magnificent pair of breasts I’d ever seen. Her previously barely existent breasts had been replaced with a pair of double D mounds that would put all others to shame, even my newly acquired pair.

Cassie just stared, mesmerised by her beautiful reflection. She raised an arm and did a slow spin, examining her toned posterior whilst confirming that the reflection really was her own. When she finished her revolution, Cassie poked out her tongue at her reflection. We both gasped again, where Cassies tongue had been long before, her reflection took it to a whole other level. As we watched her reflections tongue snaked out of her mouth, gliding down over her chin, it continued down, undulating like a snake until it stopped level with her collar bone. We both stared at it gobsmacked. Her tongue was at least eight inches long!

After a few more seconds Cassie retracted her tongue and clamped her mouth shut. Her beautiful reflection imitated her perfectly, rapidly retracted her tongue back into her mouth.

Cassie took a step closer to her reflection, talking to me over her shoulder.

“I don’t understand Lexi, could I really look like this?”

“I’m not sure,” I replied with a shrug. “It seems like magic.”

“But is it real?”

“Um… Well it seems pretty real to me… I mean you’ve felt how real my breasts are…” I trailed off uncertainly, a mix of fear and arousal in my voice.

“So… You think if I masturbate in front of your mirror I’ll end up looking like that?” Cassies voice sounded a little bit hoarse and I could see she was starting to breath heavily. I started to wonder if the mirror was affecting her the same way it had affected me on my first encounter.

“I guess the only way to know is to try…” I rasped, breathing rather heavily myself.

Cassie nodded silently, still staring at her reflection. “My god they’re huge.” She muttered under her breath, practically drooling over her reflections breasts. “I have to see them.” With that she began peeling off her shirt. She dropped it on the floor, followed quickly by her bra.

We both stared open mouthed at the two perfect breasts displayed before us. They stood proud and firm on her reflected chest. Each breast had a small pink nipple at its centre. Tentatively Cassie raised her hands up to her own breasts. Her nipples, to be fair appeared the same, they were just sitting on top of a much smaller mountain. She tugged gently at her pink nubs and we watched in wonder as Cassies beautiful reflection imitated her actions perfectly.

“Ooooh,” Cassie let out a long, low moan of arousal and I stared on captivated, while trying to keep my own arousal in check.

Without even thinking Cassie peeled off her skirt and panties, straightening to admire herself in the mirror once again. I stared along with her, mouth slightly open as I tried not to pant like a bitch in heat.

I gazed, hypnotised by her reflections perfect pussy. She had a petite pussy, two lips formed in a single crease reminiscent of a coin slot. Her lips were completely bald, but a dark, inch thick landing strip stretched up from just above her clit.

“Well you’re clearly not a natural blonde,” I quipped.

Cassie turned towards me looking confused.

“But I don’t have any hair…” She gestured between her legs. I stared down at her perfect pussy in surprise. There it was, identical to the one I’d seen in the mirror, except that this version was completely bald.

I just shrugged at her and Cassie turned her attention back to the mirror, looking over her shoulder, examining her reflections perfect rear end. As I watched Cassie widened her stance, bending forward slightly, presenting her ass to the mirror.

“Holy shit, could that really be my ass?” She asked.

But I wasn’t looking at her ass. As she had spoken, Cassie’s hand had made its way between her legs and begun to gently massage her sex. I watched transfixed. Slowly I peeled off my shirt, dropping it and my skirt on the ground.

Cassie turned back to face her reflection. Her hand continuing to fondle her folds. My bra hit the deck and I stared hungrily at Cassies busy fingers.

“Do you really think I could look like this if I masturbate?” She asked.

“Cassie, you’re already masturbating.” I panted.

Cassies head snapped down to look at the busy hand between her legs.

“Oh my god! Lexi I can’t stop! It feels sooo good!” She turned towards me, a mixture of confusion and arousal on her face. “Lexi! What do I do!” As she spoke she slowly sunk to her knees, widening her legs as she began to penetrate herself with two fingers.

“You have the best fucking orgasm of your life, that’s what you do.”

I wanted to touch her so bad. I desperately wanted to feel her lips on mine. I wanted to put my fingers where hers were, but something told me it wasn’t my turn yet.

Instead I peeled my panties from my body, letting them fall at my feet. Kneeling behind Cassie I slowly turned her to face her reflection. Looking over her shoulder I got my first look at my own reflection. That saucy bitch just winked at me and I felt her take control, pulling Cassie back so that she was reclining against me with her legs spread wide.

“Leeeexxxiiiii! I’m gonna cum!!!”

My hands reached around, gently tugging at her nipples.


Cassies fingers were a blur as she frantically serviced her pussy. Wet squelches filled the air as her arousal flooded past her fingers.


I felt Cassie arch back against me as she screamed my name. Her pussy spasmed around her fingers and I watched as she squirted all over my carpet. Looking up at her beautiful reflection I saw an equally fountainous squirt erupt from between her legs.

After a few seconds Cassies body went limp and she slumped back against me as her legs clamped shut around her hand. We lay like that for a minute with Cassie panting against my chest. Finally I heard a squelch as she managed to extricate her fingers with a loud sigh.

“Oh my god Lexi. That was amazing.”

“Don’t worry Cass, you ain’t seen nothing yet.” I replied.

Slowly Cassie drew herself up, turning to face me on her knees. I stared up at her, also on my knees. Her eyes travelled over my body, drinking in my perfect form. I stared at her, equally aroused as I examined her body. She might not be the goddess from the mirror, but she was still beautiful and I wanted her desperately.

Cassie’s eyes roamed my body, drinking me in hungrily. Eventually her eyes settled on mine. She bit her lip nervously and it was probably the most innocently sexy thing I’ve ever seen. Slowly we both lent towards each other, stopping when our noses were only an inch apart. I stared up into her beautiful blue eyes for a moment before closing the final inch. Our lips came together in a beautiful crescendo and I gave a low moan.

Cassie kissed me softly and i immediately felt her hands on my hips drawing me in. I grasped her back, sliding my hands down to gently kneed her ass cheeks. Our breasts brushed against each other and I felt a small gasp come from her as her nipples grazed mine. She placed one hand on the back of my head, pulling me into her while her other hand came up to fondle my breast.

My god it was heavenly and altogether different to my experience the night before. With my reflection, we had been acting in perfect synchrony like two dancers moving to the same song. With Cassie it was wild and unpredictable as every unexpected touch brought on a new wave of arousal.

Cassie’s tongue penetrated my mouth, snaking between my lips before gliding across my own inferior tongue. I let out a loud, muffled moan of arousal and surprise. This just egged Cassie on as her tongue delved deeper, dancing around my mouth.

My mind felt like it was about to explode from all the different sensory inputs. I was having trouble reconciling my mild mannered friend with the aggressive temptress who was currently pawing so wildly at my body.

Both her hands were now on my breasts, massaging them gently. I felt her tongue retreat as she finally broke our kiss. Cassie paused a few inches from my face. Her hair fell messily around her head and her eyes had a wild animalistic quality as she stared down at me hungrily. Before I could even speak I felt her hands pushing me back roughly. I fell back on my ass, reclining against the foot of my bed. Cassie crawled after me hastily, leaning in to nibble my ear gently. The feeling of her hot breath on my neck had my chest heaving as she guided her wonderful tongue down my neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses.

“Oh god Cassie!” I exclaimed.

Cassie just hummed contentedly as she continued her journey south. She paused to suckle gentle at my right breast for a minute before switching to my left. She was an expert with that tongue, carefully circling my hard nubs before lightly flick the peaks of my nipples with the tip of her tongue.

“Oooooh, Cassie that feels amazing!” My voice squeezed from my mouth in a high pitched rasp.

I felt her smile into my breast as she continued her ministrations.

After another minute her mouth left my chest completely and I felt her tongue continue it’s journey south, tracing slowly across my abdomen and down to my navel.

I gave a small shiver as I opened my legs in anticipation. Cassie stopped her progress just north of my clit and diverted her course sideways, tracing a path around my nether region. She stopped at the crease where my panties normally ran and sucked gently on the soft skin there. My back arched at the delightful sensation as her gentle suction tugged at the puffy outer lips of my vagina.

“Fuu-uck Caaassss….!” I hissed as my fingers clawed at the carpet.

Cassie released the suction and gently traced her tongue across my perineum causing me to elicit a desperate whimper. She repeated her actions from before, sucking gently on the other side of my pussy.

“Oooohhh! God! Pleeeease Cassieeeeee! Eat me!” I panted desperately.

Cassie’s lips left my skin and she stared up at me from between my legs. She smiled saucily and without breaking eye contact she poked out her tongue and drew it slowly up one side of my pussy.

“Oooh fuuuuck…” I gasped.

Her eyes sparkled as she watched my face contort in ecstasy. Cassie quickly turned her attention back between my legs and went to work. And boy did she go to work! She started out softly lapping at the puffy outer lips of my labia. Running her tongue up and down the length of my pussy in slow deliberate strokes. Next I felt her tongue begin to probe my folds, entering the shallows of my pussy for a moment to drink at my fountain before retreating.

Suddenly her tongue left my shallows and danced up to circle my clit. With that my neck snapped back against the bed and my eyes rolled into my head as a muffled yelp escaped my mouth. Cassies tongue returned to my folds, but every few seconds it would dance back up to circle my clit, causing another yelp each time.

I was so close, it felt like I was being electrocuted there was that much energy in my body. My back arched back and I tensed every muscle in my body in preparation.

Finally Cassie granted me release, wrapping her lips around my clit her tongue began to dance lithely across my nub.

“Caaaaassssiiiiieeeeee!!!!!” I screeched.

Then it hit me like a freight train and my hips started humping wildly as Cassie licked me to wave after orgasmic wave of ecstasy.

“IM CUMMING!!!!!” I screeched as if the flood of my juices wouldn’t have already told her that.

My hands scrabbled wildly at the carpet and my hips humped her face frantically as Cassie held on for dear life driving me from one orgasm to the next.

Finally with one last guttural scream my legs clamped together and I collapsed sideways on the carpet, bringing Cassie with me. Her head slid from between my legs and I laid there shaking as I tried to recover. Cassie smiled up at me proudly as my cum dripped from her chin. I gave her a dazed smile in return before closing my eyes. My chest heaved and my heart raced as if it were trying to break out of my chest. Finally after a few minutes the aftershocks had stopped rippling through my thighs and my heart rate had returned to something close to normal.

Opening my eyes I looked first at Cassie who was still smiling up at me. Next I looked to the mirror, meeting my reflections eyes.

She gave me a satisfied smile, then I saw a fire spark behind her eyes. I felt her take control as I dragged myself up onto all fours. Cassie gave me a curious look and I smiled down at her reassuringly. Reaching my arm out beneath my bed I felt my fingers wrap around a thick cylindrical object. I retracted my arm and stared down at the massive cock resting in my hand. It was the dildo from last night. The one my reflection had fucked me with. I stared at it in wonder, my delicate hands making this phallic monstrosity appear even bigger. I moved it from hand to hand admiring the realism. The surface felt warm and soft like real flesh. Rolling it over I realised it even had two massive testicles hanging beneath the shaft. I fondled them gently and marvelled at how realistic they felt.

“Fuck! That thing is huge!”

Cassies words broke me from my reverie and I looked up at her.

“Have you used that before Lexi?” She asked incredulously.

I nodded slowly, turning the dildo over to examine the suction cup base.

“Only once,” I replied.

I felt my reflection guide my hand once again until the dildo’s suction base was hovering directly in front of my pussy. Gently I pressed it to my skin and watched in wonder as the base of the dildo seemed to attach itself to my skin with a small “pop.” As I watched the base of the dildo seemed to flow down, melding seamlessly with skin.

“Holy shit!” I gasped, standing up to examine the pussy destroying masterpiece that hung between my legs. It just hung there long, thick and semi erect. Staring closely I could just make out a faint line where I ended and the dildo began.

Suddenly I became aware that I could feel the cock. It was as if it were a part of me, in the same way that I could intuitively feel my leg or a hand, I could feel this cock. Tentatively I reached down and grasped the shaft. A shiver ran up my spine at the sensation. I stroked my hand back and forth stretching my newly acquired foreskin, feeling the flesh move along my shaft. It was so thick that my fingers didn’t even meet when I gripped it. I rolled my thumb across the domed head of my penis and gave a groan as it spread a drop of pre-cum. “Fuck that felt amazing, no wonder guys spend so much time playing with these things,” I thought.

Then it dawned on me that I was currently having a rather unique experience. Very few people, if any can say that they’ve experienced sex from both a female and male perspective completely.

“Can you feel it Lexi?”

Cassies words broke into my thoughts once again and I looked at her again, somewhat dazedly. She repeated the question.

“Can you feel your hand?”

I nodded at her slowly. This time my eyes began to travel down her body, examining her where she lay on the floor. My eyes stopped when they reached her perfect, bald pussy. I inhaled sharply as I felt the exhilarating feeling of blood flowing to the thick member between my legs.

I returned my attention back to myself for a second as I marvelled at my first full erection. It stood long, proud and magnificent. My eyes went back to Cassies pussy and I felt a powerful need surge through my body. I stared lustfully at her snatch as I slowly stroked my cock.

Breathing heavily I turned to my side to stare at my reflection. She just smiled back at me smugly, stroking her own erection in perfect harmony with me. I was in control here. That sexy bitch had left it up to me, waiting to see how long it would take before I succumbed to my lust filled thoughts.

I looked down at Cassies open legs for a few more moments before giving in to my urges. In one smooth motion I knelt between her legs before falling onto all fours with my hands resting on the carpet on either side of her chest. My hair fell down around my face creating a visual tunnel between Cassie and I. She stared up at me, clearly horny but also I sensed a touch fearful.

“Lexi, I don’t know if I can take that thing.” She whispered hesitantly. I leant in closer, stroking the side of her face lightly with one hand.

“Don’t worry Cass, I’ll be gentle. I promise. We can take it slow.” In that moment I felt like such a dude. Talk about a moment of insight. There I was literally saying all the things I’d had said to me in the past. The difference though was that I actually meant it. God I wanted to bury my cock between her legs and hump like crazy, the desire at this point was overwhelming. But I also wanted Cassie to enjoy it, the same way I had last night.

“You guide me in,” I rasped. “Then we’ll just take it an inch at a time, if you need me to pull out just say and I will.”

Yeah, yeah I know, another cliché dude line, I just couldn’t seem to stop.

I leant in further and our lips met in a long passionate kiss. I could taste the remnants of my previous orgasms on her lips and that just seemed to arouse me further. I felt Cassies delicate hand wrap around my shaft and I moaned loudly into her lips. Slowly she guided me between her legs until I could feel her wet folds caressing the head of my penis.

And holy shit did it feel amazing, the sweet sensation of those lips was enough to drive me crazy. I had to fight with all my might, the urge to bury myself between her legs. I pressed down gently and felt my bulbous head become engulfed by her folds with a wet squelch.

My god she felt divine! I suddenly understood why men will do the absolute stupidest things to get some of this. Heck, I’d sell my left nut just for the chance to do this again tomorrow and I’d only had a left nut for about five minutes.

I pressed down again and this time it was Cassies turn to moan as the first inch of my shaft entered her tunnel.

I broke our kiss, leaning my head back see her better. Her eyes were closed tight and her mouth was open wide in a silent exclamation. Gently I pressed forward and entered her another inch.

It felt amazing, the walls of her perfect snatch squeezed me tightly, gripping me like a small fist. But it wasn’t just the tightness, oh no, her box was filled with a hot wet heat. It seemed to radiate into my member warming and lubricating every little contour, every vein, every inch.

I slid in another inch and watched Cassies face again. Her mouth opened even wider, her eyes scrunched tighter and I felt her fingers begin to dig into my back.

“So big… So long…” She gasped.

Slowly I adjusted my angle, lowering myself down so that I was resting on my forearms. Carefully I slid my hands under her arms before hooking them around her shoulders. This adjustment brought both our bodies together, my large breasts resting on top of her small mounds. Lowering my head again I went to work gently kissing Cassies neck.

Cassie gave a sigh of contentment and then a low moan as I slowly withdrew my cock before gently gliding it back to where it had been before. I pumped slowly and steadily, in and out, all the while kissing her neck before gently nibbling at her ear. With each pump I sunk a little further. After a few minutes I finally felt myself bottom out. I stopped pumping and held myself inside. Enjoying the sensation of being buried inside Cassie. Cassie let out a low guttural cry and I felt her legs wrap around my hips and her hands claw at my back as her love tunnel contracted around my cock.

“Fuu-uk…! Lexi…! I’m cuuuummming!” She finally gasped out.

After thirty seconds I felt a small flood of moisture run down my balls and Cassies body finally relaxed.

I took this as my cue to start pumping again. I gave up on kissing her neck, my face hovering just above hers as I began to thrust in earnest.

“Oooh…! Fuuuuuuck…! Leeeeexiii!!! Sooo fuu-uckin huuuuuge…!!!” Cassie was just babbling now, her eyes tightly shut as I penetrated her beautiful pussy.

I had now lost all thoughts of taking things slow as her tight little snatch milked me closer and closer to my first penile orgasm. I began humping wildly now, pounding her pussy with long desperate strokes.

Cassie came again, this time throwing her head back and screeching as she went over the edge.

“Fuuuuuck LEXIIIII!!!!!!!!”

Her hands clawed at me and she continued to scream obscenities, egging me on as each orgasm rolled into the next!

“That’s it Lexi! Fuck my pussy! Fuck my pussy! FUCK MY TIGHT LITTLE CUNT!!!!”

That was it for me. I’d reached the point of no return. All the I’s had been dotted, all the T’s had been crossed. I felt my balls lift, ready to explode and then my cock spasmed as I unleashed my semen deep inside Cassie, spraying her cervix with my seed. I pulsed again and groaned as another eruption shot forth.

Cassie shrieked as she went over the edge for the last time, her hips humping wildly as her hands tore into my back.

I barely noticed as I continued to unleash rope after rope inside of her. Finally my cock was spent and I collapsed on top of Cassie.

We lay there together both blissfully content in that moment. Breathing heavily as little orgasmic aftershocks rushed from Cassies body into mine.

After ten minutes I finally roused myself. My breathing had returned to normal and my cock had begun to deflate. With a gargantuan effort I raised myself up from Cassies chest and slowly extricated my cock. We both gave a disappointment sigh as I left her, already missing the sensation. Her pussy gaped for a moment before quickly closing like a curtain. As I watched a thick trail of cum leaked from her opening and started to journey towards the floor.

I leant back an my knees trying to control my jelly legs and looked down at the phallic masterpiece between my legs. It had shrunk down now, completely spent. Though truth be told even flaccid it was still bigger than most normal cocks erect.

As I watched, my penis detached with a wet ‘pop!’ And landed on the floor.

Now let me tell you if the feeling of suddenly acquiring a penis had been weird, well, having your penis casually fall off takes it to a whole new level. I placed my hand between my legs, checking tentatively. My perfect, bald pussy was back where it had always been. It was all so bizarre that I stopped thinking about it and instead looked down at Cassie. She smiled back up at me, looking dazed and dreamy. Smiling at her I slowly laid down on my back beside her on the carpet. Immediately Cassie snuggled up to me, pulling me in tightly as she threw a leg over my waist.

We lay there quietly for a few minutes, both completely content as we drifted into a peaceful sleep.



Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales

I write erotic short stories, generally centred around exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbation and romance. I hope you will identify with and enjoy them.