The Girl in the Mirror – Part 7

Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales
Published in
17 min readFeb 7, 2024

Photo by Nikita Shirokov on Unsplash

I roused myself slowly from a peaceful sleep. Looking around the dark room before checking the time on my bedside clock.

6:30 a.m.

There was still plenty of time to get ready for work. I cast my eyes towards the other side of my bed. It was empty. Confused I looked around the room, trying to locate Cassie.

At that moment I heard the sound of water flowing as someone turned on the shower. With a sigh I relaxed back against my pillow. Cassie must be having a shower. I contemplated joining her. The shower wasn’t particularly large but it would be able to accommodate us both in relative comfort. After a couple of minutes of contemplation I threw the covers away from my naked body and wandered into my bathroom. I was busting for a wee and went to sit down on the toilet which was positioned beside the clear glass shower screen. I wasn’t sure if I was crossing some line by peeing in front of Cassie, but I figured we’d crossed plenty of others in the last few days, what was one more.

“Wait Lexi!” Cassie called, stopping me before I could take my seat. I gave her a curious look.

She grinned back at me. “Do you reckon you can pee with your cock?”

“Ahh… I’m not sure,” I replied. “I’ve never tried…”

“Well… What are you waiting for?” Cassie motioned back towards the bedroom as if to say “go on then.”

I hesitated for a second before returning to my bedroom. Reaching my bedside table, I reached out and grabbed my dildo. Carefully I pressed it to my mons and watched in wonder as the soft flesh flowed and rippled until it had joined seamlessly. It was such a bizarre feeling. One moment there was nothing between my legs, the next I could feel it. My penis was a part of my body. I reached down and gripped the flaccid member between my fingers. I could literally feel my fingers touching my cock. Carefully I peeled back my foreskin to reveal the domed head of my penis. I marvelled at the feeling as the skin peeled back. As I watched, my penis swelled in response to my touch. Lengthening slightly as blood flowed in to grow my member. Carefully I reached behind my balls and gently fondled

them. I tugged at the smooth, stretchy skin and grabbed at my testicles, trying to hold them between my fingers. But they evaded me, sliding around inside my sack. I stood there in complete wonder. I was having a truly unique experience, that very few, if any, people had had the privilege of enjoying. I was truly feeling what it was like to be the opposite sex.

“Hey Lexi! Are you coming back?” Cassie yelled from the shower.

“Coming!” I called back as I headed back towards the bathroom.

“Well stop playing with your cock, I wanna see if you can pee!” Cassie yelled back, clearly onto me.

I walked back into the bathroom and stopped in front of the toilet.

“Make sure you put the seat up. I don’t want to sit in piss,” Cassie called jovially.

I rolled my eyes while lifting the seat. I mean how hard could this be.

I stepped up to the bowl and looked down. Tentatively I grasped my cock, cradling it in my hand. It was still flaccid, though it had definitely lengthened and thickened from my earlier play, hanging down at least six inches. I directed the head of my penis towards the toilet and squeezed it gently. I tried to focus on peeing, but nothing happened. It all felt so unnatural, a lifetime of peeing sitting down had conditioned me not to pee in this scenario.

“What are you waiting for?” Called Cassie. “Can’t you do it?” She had stepped out from under the water and was now standing against the glass, staring at my cock.

“Just give me a minute, alright. This feels so fucking weird!” I replied.

Focusing back on my dick, I squeezed it a little tighter and closed my eyes. I took a few calming breaths and finally I felt a stirring in my bladder. I opened my eyes and stared in amazement as a stream of urine exited the end of my penis. This would have been a moment of success if I hadn’t been squeezing it so tight.

Cassie let out a shriek of laughter as the piss streamed from my cock at right angles, spraying the floor and my feet, causing me to give an equally loud shriek of disgust.

I hurriedly let go of my cock which only made things worse, as it waved around spraying the toilet and floor like a garden hose that had been let loose.

By this point Cassie was in complete fits of laughter. Supporting herself against the glass as if her legs were about to collapse in mirth.

Frantically I grabbed at my cock, this time gripping it gently as I directed the flow of urine into the water just in time for the last few drops.

Okay so maybe peeing standing up is harder than I thought.

Cassie slumped further against the glass, tears in her eyes as she continued to laugh. Unfortunately for Cassie, she had yet to become accustomed to the changes in the geometry of her body, namely her two massive breasts. The additional weight as she lent forward, threw her off balance and she slid down the glass, landing on the floor with a loud splash. At this point she descended into hysterics, cackling as she sat on the floor of the shower.

I was laughing too now as the bizarre nature of the whole scene finally hit me. I laughed even harder when Cassie gasped out her next sentence between fits of laughter.

“Hey Lexi… I bet when you got a massive cock you weren’t thinking ‘Hey this will be great for road trips!’”

“If this cock had an advertisement for itself, it would say ‘Destroyer of pussies and great for long car rides.’” I quipped.

Cassie finally subsided into small fits of giggling as I slowly cleaned up the floor and my wet feet.

By the time I was finished she had stood back up and stepped under the water. I flushed the toilet and turned towards the shower.

“Hey Lexi!” Cassie called. “What do you think of this?”

Turning her back towards me Cassie scooted backwards until her perfect ass was pressed up against the glass. Keeping her feet together, she bent forward in one slow motion until her hands were pressed against the opposite shower wall. I stared transfixed as she arched her back and pushed her hips back towards the glass. Her pussy seemed to ‘pop’ from between her legs. The plump lips of her sex pressed against the glass and appeared to be blowing me sweet kisses as Cassie humped her hips slowly against the shower screen.

Between my legs I felt my cock come to life as blood flowed to my member, pumping it up slowly. I stepped a little closer, staring at Cassie’s pussy. It all felt so natural, I didn’t even question the fact that only a week ago if Cassie had presented herself like this I would have run from the room with a shriek. Instead I was staring hungrily at her sex, the same way a lion stares at his prey. I stared closer at her wet lips, the only distracting thought I had was to wonder at how different her pussy was to mine. Where I have larger more pronounced lips, Cassie’s were barely visible. Her outer lips were two puffy pink strips which completely concealed the inner lips of her labia. With each little pump of her hips they parted, giving me a brief glimpse of her pink folds.

My hand absentmindedly pumped my cock as I watched her posterior bounce. I even took the time to examine her pink little rosebud as it waved in front of me. I’d never understood why men seemed so interested in anal sex, I mean where is the appeal in putting your dick where poop comes from?

Now though, as I watched her starfish bobbing up and down I was filled with a certain curiosity. I felt like I was getting a much better understanding of men today. I saw a hole, I’ve got a dick. I just wanted to put it in the hole to find out, a mere curiosity as it were. I could feel the blood pumping in my ears as my eyes returned to Cassie’s beautiful pussy. I was all lusted up and I could feel a fog descending on my brain like a kind of sex haze. My breathing was heavy and I felt an animalistic urge to take her. My hand reached for the door handle of the shower, but Cassie was quicker, jumping away from the glass and holding the door closed from inside.

She smiled back at me with her beautiful blue eyes, her long blonde her slicked back, looking like some sort of majestic sea nymph as she poked the tip of her tongue at me teasingly.

“What do you want Lexi?” She asked in a girlish voice, shaking her chest so that her perfect breasts bounced and jiggled in a way that made me want to drool.

“You!” I replied hoarsely.

“Then come and get me!” Cassie gave a laugh and then used her free hand to heft one of her breasts. I watched her mesmerised as her tongue snaked down from her mouth and began to flick at her nipple.

“Mmmmmm!” She moaned as her tongue teased.

This was too much for me, my arousal had reached a fever pitch.

I wrenched at the door wildly and Cassie let it go as her tongue whipped back into her mouth. I charged into the shower and Cassie gave a girlish shriek as she made as if to run away from me. It was pointless, in my small shower there was no where to go. I tried to grab hold of her but she shrieked and laughed turning and trying to step around me. I grabbed her around the waist, stopping her movement. Then with my free hand I pushed her up against the wall. Cassie gave no resistance as I pressed her against the wall. All the while she giggled girlishly. I pushed down on her shoulders and she took the hint, sliding her upper body down the wall while spreading her legs and poking her ass out. I held her shoulder firmly with one hand, whilst I removed the other from her hips.

“Cassie Barker you’ve been a very naughty girl!” I exclaimed through the beating water. With that I bought my hand down to spank her ass cheek.

Cassie gave a loud shriek of surprise, followed by another smaller shriek when I slapped her other cheek. Immediately I moved my hand between her legs to fondle her sex.

“Ohhhhh god!” Cassie moaned as my fingers massaged her snatch.

I marvelled at the way her pussy felt beneath my fingers and I realised in surprise that I’d never touched anyone’s pussy except my own. There was something different about Cassie’s pussy. I could touch my own pussy whenever I wanted. I’d never had Cassie’s pussy before this week and that seemed to make it more precious. The other thing that shocked me was the heat that seemed to be radiating from inside of her as I slid two fingers into her folds. The heat, and the lubrication. Her body was wet and slippery, but the inside of her pussy was on another level, completely slick with her own juices.

I pressed forward gently poking at her entry with my two fingers. Her pussy was tighter than I ever imagined possible. After a moments resistance I breached the entry to her vagina. Cassie let out a small whimper as the walls of her vagina flexed around my digits. My fingers continued to penetrate her for another inch. Then much to my surprise the inside of her vagina seemed to open into a hollow cavity. Whilst her wet entry gripped the base of my fingers like a tight rubber band, the ends of my fingers were suspended within her vaginal cavity. Tentatively I curled my fingers upwards to stroke the soft wall of flesh that separate her vagina from her rectum. Cassie moaned loudly now, pushing against the wall as she pressed her hips back against my fingers. Bending my fingers back the other way I felt them become slick with Cassie’s juices before I was just able to graze them against the other wall of her vagina, presumably somewhere close to her g-spot. Cassie gave a small shiver and I watched as her hands clawed at the wall tiles. I felt the flood of her arousal build further around my fingers and I realised that where her juices would normally have flowed from her vagina, instead they were pooling in this small cavity. I moved my fingers from side to side, exploring the dimensions of her vagina. I was still quite shocked. Whilst I’d never toyed with another girls vagina, I’d had plenty of practice with my own, particularly in the last week. I thought I knew most of what there was to know about vaginas after having one for twenty four years. But in twenty four years, no one had ever told me that vaginas feel different from behind!

I felt gipped, was this some sort of secret? Have straight guys and lesbians been chatting about this amongst themselves for years, keeping it a secret from all the straight girls like me? Or was this my fault, had I not been adventurous enough in my own pussy play? Perhaps, going forward I would certainly be doing some experimenting. Though I suspect that if I wanted to get the kind of penetration I was experiencing with Cassie, I would have to chop off my arm, or at the very least dislocate my shoulder.

Who knows, maybe your all reading this and shaking your heads as you wonder how I could be so oblivious. But if that’s not the case, then consider this a public service announcement. Vaginas feel like a whole different kind of amazing when you have a girl bent over in front of you with her ass in the air!

Then again… Maybe it was just Cassie’s vagina that felt different… I was definitely going to have to research this further in the future…


Cassie whined the word loudly, breaking me from my reverie. I realised that while I had been distracted by my revelations about her vagina, I had stopped moving my fingers. I immediately began to curl my fingers once again, reaching up to stroke the soft flesh at the roof of her vagina.

“Oooooooohhhhh! Yeeee-eeeessssssss!”

Cassie gasped out as my fingers picked up speed as I flicked them back and forth.

My free hand left her shoulder and instead travelled down to fondle one of her perfect breasts.

“Ooooh god Lexi!” Cassie moaned as I plucked at her hard nubs.

I could feel her pussy flooding further with her juices and as i strummed my fingers a loud queff emitted from her pussy.

“Oh god I’m sorry Lexi.” Cassie covered her face in embarrassment and I felt her pussy tense around my fingers.

I leant over for a second so that my face was near to hers.

“Cassie that is the absolute best feedback a girl can give. Let that pussy sing! I want to hear you scream my name!”

Cassie gave a small nod and removed her hand from her face. I felt her pussy relax and immediately I returned to my strumming.

My free hand moved to her other breast, cupping it gently at first before gently plucking at her nipple.

“Oooooh Leeeexii!!! That feels amazing!!!” Cassie drawled.

My hand then left her breast and traced its way down across her stomach, across her hip and up onto her back. Admiring her smooth skin and soft curves while my fingers worked feverishly inside of her. I stroked my hand up her back and Cassie pressed her hips back against my fingers in response. With Cassie in this position I felt like a trainer examining a thoroughbred horse who was in peak condition. I half expected her to whinny in delight as my hand travelled the last few inches up her back.

When my hand reached her neck I wrapped my fingers around it, gripping her firmly. I wasn’t trying to choke her or restrict her breathing, I just wanted her to know that I was in control now. It was time to kick things up a notch.

I pressed my hips closer and felt my cock glide across Cassie’s thigh as my body pressed against hers. I dug my fingers in deeper and I heard Cassie let out a low moan. Her pussy seemed to agree as a wet queef escaped from her folds.

“That’s it Cas,” I growled. “Make that pussy sing for me.”

“Ooooohhhh Lexi,” she mewled in delight as another, louder queef erupted from between her legs.

“Louder!!” I demanded, pressing deeper, strumming harder. I felt possessed. My arousal had taken over. My cock felt like it was made of marble and throbbed painfully as if it were about to burst.

Another loud queef escaped her pussy and Cassie screamed my name.


My grip tightened on her neck and my hand forced my fingers deeper as her pussy released a steady stream of queefs.

“I-I’m g-g-going to cu-cu-cum!” Cassie’s words came out high pitched and squeaky as she teetered on the edge of her orgams.

Her pussy bellowed out one last loud queef, then I felt her whole body go tense. Cassie’s hips bucked and her mouth opened wide as she screeched my name.


Her pussy contracted and pulsed around my fingers and I felt all the pent up fluid erupt from inside of her, coating my hand in her arousal.

I drank in the whole sight as for the next thirty seconds Cassie thrashed, humped and spasmed through wave after wave of orgasmic bliss.

Finally I felt her relax, all the tension seeming to drain from her body. My hand released her neck and she slumped forward against the wall of the shower. My fingers slid from her folds as she moved and a small gasp escaped from her lips.

Cassie leant on the wall, puffing and panting as she slowly came back to earth. I stood next to her, thoroughly consumed by my own lust and desperate need. She was still bent over and carefully I stepped around until I was standing directly behind her.

There it was. Her perfect pussy. The one she’d teased me with only minutes ago. I felt the blood pumping in my ears and the fog of my lust consumed my vision, blocking out everything except her beautiful slit.

Slowly I placed one hand on her hip. With the other I guided my cock to her entry, stroking up and down to lubricate the head.

“Just… Take it easy… Okay” Cassie panted out.

“Sure…” I replied, not really hearing her.

I pressed forward and the head of my penis slid amongst her folds, resting at her tight entry. I paused for a moment, savouring all the sensations, the hot water, beating down on both our bodies. Cassie’s hips trembling under my fingers. Those soft, divine lips, moist against my erection.

I gripped her hips with both hands now and pressed forward gently. Cassie’s pussy resisted. It was well lubricated, but tight after her string of orgasms. I pressed a little harder and felt her opening start to give way.

“W-wow… Sooo t-tight!” Cassie gasped.

Her lips gave way and the head of my penis entered her. At that point I lost all control, thrusting forward with all my might, I buried my cock deep in her snatch.

“Llllllllleeeeeeeeexxxxxiiiii.” Cassie screeched my name as I began to saw my dick in and out of her, pumping wildly.

Her pussy was so tight and wet that it sucked at me as I withdrew, before squeezing every inch lovingly as I drove it back home. It felt incredible, the feeling of her hot flesh squeezing its way up my length was like not her.

“Oooh, fuck Cassie, your pussy feels aaaamazing!” I groaned as I continued to pump her feverishly. Cassie wasn’t listening though, her hands were scrabbling wildly as she arched her back trying to come to grips with the sensations inside of her. After such a huge orgasm her sensitivity was dialed up to the maximum and the reaming I was giving her pussy had pushed her to the point of madness. I could just hear the mutters and moans escaping her lips in a long almost unintelligible stream of gibberish.


Cassie’s pussy tightened further, something I didn’t think was possible, as she erupted into a massive orgasm.

Her neck snapped backwards and her back arched away from the wall as an animalistic cry escaped her lips.

Her ferocious display was the last straw for me as I jammed my cock home for the last time. I felt my balls lift like a gun being loaded and then my cock erupted deep inside of her. Pulse after pulse of white hot cum streamed from my cock, bathing Cassie’s insides.

“Yessss!” She gasped as I filled her with my load.

Finally my cock was spent and I let out a loud sigh of contentment. In an instant the lusty fog seemed to clear from my brain and I came back to earth. I suddenly became aware of the beating water raining down on my body.

“Holy shit!” I gasped. Cassie didn’t respond panting in long ragged breaths as she leant against the wall.

We stayed like this for a few moments, both taking a moment to recover from our frantic copulation. Lethargically we finally separated with a groan. Eventually, once we had both regained full control of our bodies, Cassie turned off the water and we exited the shower. It was at that point we both notice the clock on the wall.

“Oh fuck!” exclaimed Cassie. “We’re going to be late!”

Hastily we towelled ourselves off before rushing back into my bedroom where we frantically dressed ourselves.

As I finished buttoning up my shirt I suddenly felt a small tug at my consciousness. It was like a thread, pulling at my sleeve, trying to draw me to the mirror. Then I felt my pussy begin to moisten. I fought the urges with all my might, as I slipped my feet into my shoes and rapidly tied back my hair. But the more I fought it, the stronger the tugging became until finally I found myself walking towards the mirror. I stopped before it and Cassie stepped up beside me. I suspect she had been fighting the same battle I had. As I beheld our reflections, I felt a wave of arousal wash over me. All thoughts of work were gone. All I wanted to do was masturbate right here, right now! In unison, Cassie and I began to quickly unbutton our shirts before discarding them along with our bras. We peeled up our skirts and tore our panties off.

By now my arousal was at its peak. I could think of nothing else but plunging my fingers into my pussy and satisfying my lustful desires. But try as I might, I couldn’t touch much sex. Every time I tried my hand would simply glide past my pussy and graze my leg. I grunted in frustration as I stared at my reflection. That saucy bitch just stared back with a smug look on her beautiful face. I stared at her with a look of exasperation as I studied those beautiful brown eyes trying to make sense of it as I stared at the little flecks of gold that shimmered in her iris’s.

Slowly my hands came up to fondle my breasts. Gently I massaged myself, my hands teasing near the edge of my areolae. I let out a small gasp. The sensation was amazing, my breast felt hyper sensitive, like way more than normal. A small whimper from Cassie told me that she was enjoying the same experience.

Finally my fingers made their way to my nipples, tracing around them without ever touching the soft nubs.

“Ooooh please!” I begged as my hands continued to tease. I felt so overwhelmed. I could feel an orgasm building, but I had never cum before without physically touching my pussy. I felt like I had two clits on my chest instead of nipples, and they were just begging for some attention.

After another minute my reflection acquiesced to my request and I felt my fingers begin to flick at the tips of my nipples. It felt fantastic, each flick drawing me closer and closer to another orgasm. Beside me Cassie gasped.

“I’m going to cum.” She moaned. Her voice sounding surprised even as she stated it.

My fingers kicked things up a notch. Tugging gently at my nipples before twisting them slightly. I stared at my reflection with wide eyes as that sexy bitch pushed me over the edge into another amazing orgasm.

I stared in wonder as Cassie and I squirted in unison, spurts of cum running down our legs as our hips rocked to the steady beat of our orgasm.

After about thirty seconds of shaking, squirting and shuddering, I felt the mirror relinquish its control over me. Cassie and I collapsed together onto our knees, panting as we came down from our own individual highs.

I felt like the message had been clear. The mirror had given us these gifts. It wanted to see us use them. Fun times like our session in the shower this morning we’re fine, as long as we made time to fornicate in front of the mirror as well.

With our self control returning, so too did our realisation that we were running incredibly late. Like a pair of mad women we redressed ourselves before rushing out the door.

The story continues here:



Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales

I write erotic short stories, generally centred around exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbation and romance. I hope you will identify with and enjoy them.