The Girl in the Mirror – Part 8

Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales
Published in
23 min readMar 20, 2024

Cassie and I stood silently on the sidewalk in front of my building as we waited impatiently for our Uber to arrive. My foot tapped anxiously as I checked the app again. Turning to look up the street, I gave a small sigh of frustration as I searched for the car which should have already appeared at the corner.

“There it is!” I cried, pointing at a white Prius that had just turned in at the end of the block.

The car pulled up in front of us and we both hurriedly clambered in and fastened our seat belts. I heard Cassie’s phone ding as we took our seats and she pulled it from her pocket as the car moved away from the curb.

“Aw shit.” She groaned as she read the message.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, giving her a concerned look.

“I forgot this weekend is my grandmothers eightieth birthday!” Cassie exclaimed with a look of dismay on her face. “I’m supposed to head home to my folks after work and not get back to the city until Sunday afternoon. With everything thats happened over the last few day, I completely forgot.”

“It’s alright,” I said, trying to comfort her. “I’ll still be here on Sunday.”

“Yeah, I know.” Cassie gave me a shy grin before continuing quietly. “I was looking forward to showing the mirror to that couple from your building.”

I grinned at her conspiratorially. “I know, me too.”

Seeing her look of disappointment I changed tact. “You know though, there’s no guarantee they’ll even turn up. They probably won’t even show and all you’ll have missed is me going to town in front of the mirror for a couple of days.”

“I’d still like to be there for that!” Cassie replied as she cast her eyes up and down my body suggestively.

I gave her a saucy smile in return. “Don’t worry, you can see that when you get back on Sunday.”

Cassie gave a resigned sigh. “Promise me you’ll keep me updated on how your weekend is going?”

“I promise.”

She gave me a small smile and we spent the rest of the trip sitting in silence.

After what felt like a lifetime, the car came to a halt in front of Pizzazz Marketing.

Cassie and I leapt from the car and charged towards the front entry. We slowed our pace as we reached the front door, passing through it at a brisk walk.

“Late again Lexi?”

Mr Benson was standing at the front desk, pointing to the clock on the wall. It read five past eight.

“And now your tardiness seems to have rubbed off on Cassie.” Benson shook his head sadly. “You know I can’t turn a blind eye to this sort of thing Lexi, issues like this need to be passed up the chain.” His eyes locked on mine as he finished the sentence. He continued to stare down at me coldly, an almost mad glint of triumph in his eyes.

There was nothing I could do. I stared back, keeping my face neutral, even though I was seething inside. God I wanted to beat his big stupid bald head with a baseball bat. But a part of me was also angry with myself. I’d put myself in this situation and now I had no excuses. Really it was Cassie’s fault for having such a delightfully perfect pussy, though I could hardly blame her for that.

“My apologies Mr Benson, it won’t happen again.” I kept my voice level as I continued to return his stare.

He gave a small pretentious laugh. “Well we’ve all heard that before.” He turned to the receptionist trying to get her to nod as if they were sharing a joke. The poor woman just stared at him with an uncomfortable look that said ‘hey, leave me the hell out of this, I just work here.’ Eventually she caved and gave him a small smile back, though it looked more like a grimace.

Benson returned his eyes to us. “Get to your work stations then. Now!”

We both gave a small apologetic nod of acceptance and then filed past the desk, heading for our booths.

From this point our day seemed to follow its normal trajectory at least that is until 12:30p.m in the afternoon.

“Ding.” My computer beeped as an email hit my inbox. I thought nothing of it as I opened up outlook, but this email was about to change the course of not just my day, but my entire week.

Dear Lexi,

This email is a reminder that you have a rent inspection at 2:00pm this afternoon at room 435 at Towers Estate in Richmond.

Kind regards,

Sonja Stevenson

My mind froze, so did my body. I stared at the email in sheer horror as I comprehended its contents. Surely this couldn’t be true. A groan of disappointment escaped my lips.

I guess I should explain. Sonja Stevenson was my landlord. She owned the entire apartment complex that I lived in. Sonja was the daughter of millionaire philanthropist Miles Stevenson. She had been given our apartment complex as a twenty first birthday present by her father.

Now I know what your thinking, rich white girl gets gifted a fortune. That sucks, but it’s not the end of the world. Here’s the thing though, Sonja was the absolute worst. I know it sounds dramatic when I say that, but that was the reality.

Imagine that person who you hate most in life. Maybe it’s the boss who constantly belittles you in front of your peers. Perhaps it’s your mother in law, constantly critiquing your every decision and holding you to a standard that you know she, herself could not maintain. I don’t know, maybe it’s your co-worker who constantly plays down your contributions while simultaneously exaggerating their own.

My point is, in life, everyone has a kryptonite, a person who can disarm all of their defences, regardless of the situation. I know, right now your probably picturing someone. They’re that person who always seems to have an answer in an argument, that person who keeps you awake at night as you think up witty responses to arguments you’ve already lost. We’ve all had this person at some point in our lives, and Sonja was that person to me. She made a habit of sending reminder emails, informing me of impending rent inspections. They always referenced emails or letters that I had never received, but I was always too anxious to call her on it. Not to mention the fact that with the current rental crisis in Melbourne, I was just grateful to have a roof over my head.

In short this woman was my worst nightmare, she dominated me whenever we met and left me cowering in submission anytime we crossed paths. I’m sure at this point you’re probably judging me, with thoughts like “What a pussy!” Or “She needs to stand up for herself!”

What you need to understand is that I was not alone in my fear. The rental market in Melbourne is currently atrocious, with over thirty applicants for every available home open. This means that I and all of my fellow tenants live in constant fear of eviction.

Because of this, Sonja rules with an iron fist. As I said before, she inherited this apartment block from her father, but that was twenty five years ago. Two years after being given this block, Sonja. used the equity to acquire two other apartment blocks nearby. Since then, managing them had become her full time occupation as she sought to show her father that she could make it on her own.

Unfortunately, for all the tenants like me, that meant running an exceptionally tight ship, especially now that the market had become skewed so heavily in favour of landlords.

I know it sounds like I’m being dramatic. I mean how many tenants actually like their landlords right? Not many. But Sonja was far worse than your average landlord. That woman was like a bloodhound. As I said before, she completely managed three apartment complexes herself and she treated every single expense like it would cost her the last five dollars she had in this world.

When Mrs Henderson down the hall missed her rent because she was in hospital having heart surgery, Sonja cancelled all of her utilities and sent a debt collector to see her the day after she returned from hospital.

I know what you’re thinking, maybe she didn’t know, and after all she was entitled to the money. Well I can tell you with certainty that she was aware of Mrs Hendersons situation. She just didn’t care, and I can also tell you that after Mrs Henderson paid her bill, it still took two weeks for her utilities to be restored.

Not convinced? That’s okay, take Mr Garibaldi down the hall. He was in a motor vehicle accident on the way home from work. The man was in a coma for four weeks. When he woke up Sonja had dumped all of his things out on the curb and evicted him a week prior.

The woman was terrible, and if that wasn’t all bad enough, she kept a commemorative shrine to herself in the foyer of our building. The shrine consisted of a small wooden cabinet with a glass door. Behind the glass was a framed picture of a fresh faced twenty one year old Sonja shaking her fathers hand in front of the building. Beside it was a smaller frame that contained a portrait photo of Sonja wearing a white shirt and blazer on her first day in charge. Surrounding the photos were a selection of newspaper articles detailing Sonja’s rise up the real estate ranks. She had started out with one apartment block, but over the years she had expanded her empire to include two other buildings.

Now some would say that this was a result of her being a savvy business woman who made shrewd decisions, but I suspect she was just fortunate her daddy could go guarantor on all of her loans and bail her out anytime she needed it.

Sonja’s shrine seemed to get vandalised almost every other week. She never locked the glass screen, so tenants were free to access it anytime they wanted. And access it we did. Some people smashed the photos, others drew on them with marker, giving the young Sonja a hitler moustache or writing ‘slut’ across her forehead. But every time, the pictures and paper clippings would be replaced with fresh one within a couple of days. The only conclusion I can draw is that Sonja must have a store room somewhere that’s filled to the brim with pictures of herself. Some of the tenants wondered why she kept leaving it out or whether she was secretly surveilling the spot to see who vandalised her shrine. I don’t think so. I suspect Sonja enjoys it when it gets vandalised. She had put that shrine there to openly gloat to all of her tenants, to remind us that we’re under her thumb. She let people vandalise it so that they could think for a day or two they had one upped her, only for the shrine to be completely restored. It was a show of power, no matter what we did, her smiling young face would be there goading us as we left for our morning commute each day.

I say young, but the Sonja of today was no longer the young woman from those photos. Now I must begrudgingly admit that twenty one year old Sonja was beautiful, she had long blonde hair and striking blue eyes, coupled with a slender figure. Modern day Sonja however, looked like the same woman if you had purchased her on wish. She was now in her late fourties. She still had the blonde hair and ice blue eyes, but her body was not the same. Sonja had tried desperately to turn back the hands of time with more cosmetic surgery than you could poke a stick at. Her face looked like it was made from wax and I don’t think she could have smiled, even if she wanted to, her skin was stretched so taut across her face. Her perky young breasts had been modified and supersized to the point where they must have at least been DD’s as Sonja tried desperately to compensate for her lack of personality. I’d never seen the rest of her body, but I can only imagine the amount of money she had spent keeping everything in its place.

Anyway, I feel like I may have gotten off track here. The point is, that woman is the devil and the one person who turns my mind to pulp and makes all the words jumble up in my mouth. Every time I interact with her I find myself lying in bed late at night thinking of all the things I should have said, if only I had the courage or wit in the moment.

Sonja’s message said she would be at my apartment at 2:00 this afternoon for a rent inspection. It also said I’d been notified of this two weeks prior by letter, which I hadn’t, but what could I do?

I checked the time. I had just over an hour to get out of here and get home. Even if I got an Uber, it was going to be tight, but I had to make it. My mind started to fill with terrible possibilities. What if she saw the mirror? What if she saw my dildo sitting on the bedside table? What if she took the mirror? The thought was too terrible to comprehend. Frantically I gave a garbled explanation of what had happened to Cassie, before rushing to Mr Bensons office. I knocked tentatively at his door.

“Come in,” I heard him call.

Hurriedly I opened the door and stepped inside. Mr Benson stared up at me from his desk, his bald head gleaming in the lamp light. His face twisted into a grin as he immediately sensed my discomfort.

“Yes…” He asked with a sneer.

I felt small. I felt insignificant. All the confidence from the last two days seemed to have evaporated from my body.

“I’m sorry to b-bother you Mr Benson.” I stammered out. “I’ve just had an urgent appointment come up and I was wondering if it would be okay if I use some of the ‘time in lieu’ that I’ve saved up.” The words tumbled out of me meekly.

“I see,” Mr Benson leant back in his seat and pressed his hands together in front of himself, pretending as if he were considering the request deeply.

My request wasn’t an unreasonable one. People used their banked time for appointments regularly. I had over one hundred and fifty hours saved up and had literally never used any before today.

Finally, Bensons eyes left his hands and came to rest on my face. “You may go if you need to Lexi. But just so you know, leaving at such short notice like this had better not become a regular occurrence. I will have to inform my superiors of this, I hope this doesn’t reflect badly on you before the big interview on Monday.”

He leered at me now, a wicked glint in his eye. I stared back at him devastated.

He was going to use this to sabotage my job opportunity and there was nothing I could do about it. I had to go, there would be other jobs, but there was only one magic mirror.

“Thank you, Mr Benson.” I whispered meekly before turning on my heel and heading for the exit. I had forty five minutes to get home and based on my journey planner I would make it with five minutes to spare.

The planner was pretty close. By the time I’d arrived at my building and raced up four flights of stairs, not wanting to risk taking the lift, I found myself standing in front of my door with two minutes to spare. I fumbled for my keys in my pocket. They kept getting caught in the fabric, then when they finally came free I dropped them on the floor.

Why do keys always do this when you’re in a hurry? Finally I was inside. Now I needed to figure out what to do. I couldn’t hide the mirror, there was no time, besides Sonja was so anal in her inspections, she would see it for sure.

Panicking I raced to the cupboard and grabbed out a decorative beach towel that I was given by my Mum at Christmas. I hooked one end over the top of the mirror, allowing the towel to hang down to the floor, covering the mirror completely.

I stepped back to examine my fix. I’d hoped it might look artsy, but it just looked tacky and a little bit bizarre.

Knock, knock!

My thoughts were interrupted by someone at the door I heard a key enter the lock before I could even move. That was Sonja’s way, giving you as little time as possible before barging into your home.

The door opened and there she was. The bully. The tormentor. The bitch.

Sonja stepped inside, her high heels clicking loudly on the entry way tiles. There she was, mutton dressed as lamb. She wore a tight black pencil skirt that flirted with the line between business and slutty. It was complemented by a white business shirt and a black blazer.

Sonja cast her eyes around the room, surveying the space like a queen presiding over her kingdom. Finally her eyes came to rest on me.

“Good afternoon, ahh…” she cast her eyes down to the clipboard in her hand, “Lexi.”

I’d lived here for over three years and had multiple, regular interactions with her in that time. Yet I was so insignificant to her that she hadn’t even bothered to remember my name.

“Good afternoon, Sonja,” I responded shakily.

“Right, let’s get this inspection underway.”

Sonja had no time for pleasantries, especially not with an underling like me.

“Of course.” I gave a timid nod and motioned for her to begin.

I wanted to say “No Sonja, not today. You haven’t given me the required notice, so you won’t be stepping foot in my apartment.” But instead I just stood there meekly watching as she walked around my kitchen. I hated myself in this moment. Where had the sexy confident goddess from the last few days gone? Why had she deserted me in my time of need? How could one person affect me so much?

“This kitchen is not up to scratch!” Sonja’s words cut through my thoughts.

“S-sorry,” I stammered. “I didn’t realise you were coming today. I never got the letter.”

“That’s not my problem,” she replied bluntly. “See this soap scum?” She pointed at a small mark at the bottom of the sink. “It’s disgusting. And don’t get me started on the oven. I don’t care if you’re having an inspection or not, this apartment needs to stay clean!”

Sonja turned to glare at me commandingly. She was the same height as me with her heels on, but in that moment it felt like she was towering over me.

As I stared at her forlornly, she seemed to look at me for the first time. I saw a flash of surprise in her eyes as she registered the change in my appearance. The rest of her face didn’t change, but I suspect that was probably because it was incapable of portraying any emotion after so many years of Botox injections.

Sonja stepped closer to me, her rant forgotten as she studied my complexion. Then her eyes shifted down to my breasts.

“Where did you get these done?” She motioned towards my chest.

“Ah, they’re just natural… I guess I’m a late bloomer,” I said blushing.

I could see the scorn in her eyes. “What nonsense. They’re clearly fake and the work you’ve had done on your face must have cost you a small fortune. Clearly I’m not charging you enough in rent if you can afford all of this.”

Her eyes cast around the apartment looking for anything out of the ordinary that might give a hint to how I had afforded such expensive cosmetic surgery. “Let me guess, Onlyfans.” She said it more to herself than to me.

“Ah ha! What’s this?” Her gaze had settled on the towel.

“N-nothing… Just a wall hanging.”

Her eyes filled with scorn as she looked at me.

“Take it down.” I stared at her in dismay before slowly crossing the room to comply. Gently I removed the towel, letting it fall to the ground.

“A mirror?” I could hear the surprise in her voice. I think she had expected some sort of home camera set up.

“Just an old mirror I found out on the verge. It’s really nothing special.” I rambled breathlessly.

Sonja just ignored me, walking over to stand directly in front of the mirror. My stomach filled with dread as the moments drew out. As I watched, Sonja gave a small gasp and placed her hand on her face. “What is this?”

“It’s just an old mirror,” I said meekly, stepping slowly closer.

Sonja’s reflection came into view and I could see why she was so mesmerised. The reflection looking back at her looked exactly like the twenty one year old Sonja who’s face I’d seen portrayed in the foyer down below.

“If this mirror was on our verge, then it’s the property of the land owner. As in me. I’m going to have to confiscate this Lisa.” She spoke without malice, not even looking away from the mirror. In her eyes it was a forgone conclusion. She saw what she wanted and she took it.

My stomach seemed to fall from my body as dread overwhelmed me. I stepped up beside Sonja and gave her a pleading look.

“No, please Sonja, don’t take my mirror. Please don’t.” I clasped my hands in front of my body, wringing them anxiously as I begged to keep my mirror.

Sonja turned now to look at me with an evil smirk on her face, apparently the few working muscles in her face were still capable of that expression.

God I hated her in that moment, but I hated myself even more. I felt like a snivelling, pathetic loser.

“It’s not your mirror anymore,” she said with a wicked smile.

I turned now towards the mirror, searching desperately for my reflection. Where was she? Why had she forsaken me in my time of need?

There she was, staring back at me. That same beautiful, confident minx who’d completely changed my life. I could see a look of scorn on her face as she saw the meagre person I’d become. Then her eyes hardened as they stared into mine and I felt a surge of power run through my body. I watched in astonishment as without breaking eye contact my reflection reached out with her right hand and slapped Sonja’s reflection clean across the face.

The slap echoed through the apartment and I turned to look at Sonja. She was staring up at me with a mixture of shock and rage in her eyes and I realised that I had just slapped her across the face!

A red welt was already forming on her cheek. I felt the fear drain from my body as raw power seemed to fill me.

“How dare y-!” Sonja burst out in rage.


This time it was me that slapped her. I used my left hand, leaving a matching red hand print on her other cheek.

Sonja stared up at me now clutching her face in shock.

I stood in front of her, savouring the moment. The whole power dynamic in the room had changed in moments. Suddenly I felt six foot tall as she cowered in front of me.

Reaching forward I wrapped my hand around the back of her neck pulling her face towards mine, stopping when our noses were an inch apart.

“Let’s get something very clear right now Sonja. You don’t call the shots here anymore. I do.” She looked up at me with fearful wide eyes. “Now turn and look at yourself in the mirror.” I applied a gentle pressure to her neck, guiding her around until she was staring once again at her reflection. Reaching a hand around her front, I drew it down, ripping the buttons from her blazer and shirt in one swift motion. Her ridiculously pumped up breasts came into view, suspended in a black lace bra.

Looking at the mirror I could see her young reflection was equally exposed, though with a pair of much smaller assets.

Carefully I released my grip on her neck, stepping back to take a seat on the end of my bed.

I watched on as the mirror began to take effect. Slowly Sonja turned, examining her reflection. Her pumped up cosmetic arse had been replaced with a youthful slender peach, but as she turned I noticed something else different. There was a bulge beneath her skirt, right at the point where her tailbone would be.

Sonja didn’t seem to notice, or if she did, she didn’t dwell on it. She turned back to face the mirror and I noted the steady rise and fall of her chest as her breathing became heavier.

As if in a trance Sonja peeled off her blazer and then her shirt, discarding them on the floor. Slowly her hands moved up her back until they reached the clasp of her bra. After fiddling for a moment the clasp separated and her bra was added to the pile of clothes on the floor. Sonja let out a gasp of amazement as she stared at the young beauty in the mirror, smiling back at her with two perky little tits. Her hands came up to fondle her oversized fun-bags and her reflection did the same tugging gently on her pink nubs.

“Oooh.” A low moan escaped from Sonja’s lips and she turned slowly, examining her body once again. As she turned I got a front row view of her melons. As I said before they must have been at least DD’s. Like her face they were too perfect. They didn’t move like real breasts, swaying and bouncing, instead they held their position, two permanent silicone fixtures. Her nipples were the same size as her reflections, though here they sat on a pair of man made mountains instead of two delicate peaks.

Sonja turned back to face the mirror and immediately unclasped her skirt, letting it fall to the floor. She had on a black pair of lace panties which she rushed to discard.

“Oh my god!” Sonja gave an indignant cry as she stared at her sex.

Between her reflections legs there was a dense forrest of hair. A black triangle that followed the shape of her bikini line. The foliage was so dense that I couldn’t even discern the outline of her pussy.

I had no doubt that Sonja had been lasered from head to toe. Her body probably hadn’t produced a pubic hair in years. She turned towards me now, confirming what I had suspected. She had a perfectly bald coin slot. Like Cassie she had a very petite pussy with only a small slit visible.

“What is this thing?” She asked.

But I didn’t answer her, instead I was staring in shock at the back of her reflection. Sprouting from the base of her spine was a long, bushy black tail. As I watched it waved sensually back and forth.

“What?” Asked Sonja, seeing the surprise on my face. I pointed back at the mirror and she followed my gaze. A small shriek escaped from her lips as she frantically pawed at her arse, checking for any signs of a tail. She turned back to look at the mirror and seemed to forget her fear. She stepped a little bit closer, examining her beautiful young reflection. As she stared into the bright blue eyes, her hand slowly drifted between her legs.

“Mmmm.” She sighed as she studied the long blonde hair and the youthful breasts of her reflection.

I watched captivated, feeling my own arousal grow as her reflection prized apart the lips of her pussy. Little flashes of pink became visible among the forest of hair as she buried two fingers inside of herself.

Sonja gave another sigh and then exclaimed. “Oh my god! She’s masturbating!”

I gave a small laugh before replying. “Sonja. You’re masturbating.”

I watched her head snap down in shock as she realised I was telling the truth. “Ohh… God..” she muttered, slowly sinking down onto her knees.

I could see at this point the mirror had taken full control. Sonja was now in a lust filled haze of masturbation. Her fingers worked rapidly inside her hot box while her other hand tugged at her breasts. Small gasps and mewls escaped her lips as she stared, fixatedly at her reflection.

I sensed that her first orgasm was drawing close as her hand picked up speed and her gasps became more vocal.

Carefully I slid off the bed and walked over to crouch beside her. Tenderly I placed my hand on her neck in the same way I had done before. Putting my lips to her ear, I spoke quietly. “You’ve been a very naughty girl Sonja and I’m going to make sure you repent for your crimes.”

Sonja gave a small whimper and I heard her fingers hit top speed as her orgasm approached.

“You can’t cum without my permission.”

The words hung in the air between us. Sonja hit the point of no return, jamming her fingers as deep inside her snatch as she could. Her hips bucked and her pussy contracted ready to explode, but nothing happened. She sat there poised on the edge for a few moments before giving a frustrated grunt as the orgasm escaped her.

“No!” She cried out desperately as her fingers went back to work, frantically strumming. It took a couple of minutes until once again she found herself on the cusp of completion. But once again her body stalled at the final hurdle. She gave out a cry of anguish and I released her neck, straightening to stand beside her. Sonja rolled onto her back, spreading her legs wide and pulling her knees up as she fought to get her fingers deeper. Her other hand joined it as they began to work in tandem, one hand penetrating her while the other frigged her clit.

Looking down at her I felt a huge surge of power and arousal pass through my body. Seeing this person who had tormented and bullied me on so many occasions reduced to a sex crazed animal, completely under my control. Well not completely yet, but soon she would be.

There’s no aphrodisiac like knowing you have control over your worst enemy. That knowledge had started a veritable flood between my legs. I undressed slowly, throwing my clothes to the side before stepping closer to the mirror. I took a moment to admire my reflection, savouring the moment. It still surprised me sometimes that this was actually me. The long dark hair, flecked with gold, the deep brown eyes, that perfectly proportioned body, it was like a dream.

Beside me Sonja was getting more desperate, howling in frustration as she rolled around the floor.

I took a moment to examine her reflection. It was so bizarre to see the cosmetically modified witch woman that I loathed, reimagined as this youthful beauty. Her face and body were pristine. The thick bush of hair between her legs gave her a wild, mysterious quality. It was like a veil shielding her precious pussy from view.

“Stop fingering your self and just play with your clit,” I instructed over my shoulder.

Sonja gave a howl of frustration but complied.

“Spread yourself wider,” I instructed. Sonja grunted in response but once again complied.

I stared, captivated by the pink wonder between her reflections legs. Her petite pink lips opened wide for me revealing her sopping wet depths. I looked up at her beautiful face and she bit her lip sensually, looking at me, begging me for release.

I was drunk on power at this point, lusting over this blonde delicacy. But first I had to take control of Sonja, then in no time I would have this black tailed beauty at my beck and call.

I turned back towards Sonja, stepping around to crouch beside her head. Reaching down I grabbed her wrist and slowly brought her strumming to a halt. Sonja stared up at me with a wild desperate look in her eyes.

“You’ve had a taste of what I can do for you Sonja, now I’m going to give you a choice. In a moment I’m going to give you back control of your orgasms and your body. Now if you want you can get up, get dressed and leave this apartment. Or you can finish playing with yourself and have the best orgasm of your life. It’s going to feel like a wave of dominoes falling as you experience every orgasm you’ve missed out on so far today. But, and this is a big but, so pay attention.” Her glazed eyes stared up at me trying to focus through the fog of her lust. “If you cum you will be giving yourself over to me. I will be your mistress and you will be my pet. I will control when you cum and what you do. I will have complete control over every aspect of your life. The choice is yours, cum if you want.”

I released her hand and she immediately went back to massaging her sex. I watched as her eyes roved over to the door, then to the pile of her clothes on the floor. Finally they stopped on the beautiful apparition masturbating in the mirror in front of her. There was a strained uncertainty on her face and she stole one last look at the door before she buried two fingers deep in her cunt and started strumming wildly.

Her decision was made and immediately Sonjas orgasm began to build inside of her.

“Oooooh god!” She whined.

“Oooooooooh fuck!”

“So close! So fucking close!”

As I watched Sonja threw her head back and gave a guttural scream. Her fingers slid from her pussy, pressing down hard on her clit as her hips rocked and her pussy contracted. Sonja came explosively, squirting a stream of fluid across the carpet and onto the mirror. The flow subsided for a second, then she gave another shriek and a bigger squirt erupted from between her legs. She gave an animalistic moan as her orgasm subsided before her whole body went tense again as the next orgasm hit. Sonja threw back her head emitting a wild bellow of lust as a huge surge of fluid exploded from her snatch causing a small puddle on the carpet.

I stared in amazement. I’d never seen someone squirt like this before and she still wasn’t done.

Sonja thrashed and humped on the floor, rolling onto her side, her legs still spread wide. She shrieked again and her pussy squirted wildly, coating my feet in her cum. She squirted three more times before finally collapsing onto the floor sobbing in relief. I let her lay there for a couple of minutes, watching the little tremors and aftershocks run through her body. Eventually she stared up at my face, her eyes taking a minute to focus.

“Thank you,” she gasped.

“Thank you, mistress,” I corrected.



Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales

I write erotic short stories, generally centred around exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbation and romance. I hope you will identify with and enjoy them.