The Girl in the Mirror – Part 9

Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales
Published in
19 min readJul 18, 2024

Photo by Nikita Shirokov on Unsplash

She looked at me confused for a moment, then her eyes went wide as she realised what she’d done.

“Thank you, mistress,” I repeated the command, this time giving her a stern look.

“Thank you, mistress,” she said quietly after a moment’s hesitation.

I smiled at her before stepping over her body to take a seat on the bed.

Sonja stared up at me timidly, still on her back.

“Crawl here,” I instructed. “You’ve made a mess of my feet and I need you to clean them.”

With a groan Sonja slowly complied, rolling with a great effort and crawling lethargically towards me. I lifted one foot and offered it to her.

“Clean me.” She looked around a little confused until I continued. “With your tongue.”

Sonja hesitated for a moment before timidly taking my foot in her hand. Leaning forward she began to lap gingerly at the top of my foot. I watched her, completely fixated. I felt like the most powerful woman in the world. Watching my nemesis licking her own cum from between my toes, had me drunk on power.

I’d left my phone on the bed when I rushed in before. As Sonja finished my first foot and moved to the second, I leant over and picked it up. Turning back to Sonja I raised the phone and took a picture of her as she worked feverishly.

I sent the picture through to Cassie. She knew all about Sonja and how she effected me. I added the caption ‘Finally put this bitch in her place.’

Sonja had finished my second foot now, so I parted my legs slightly and instructed her to lick higher. Her tongue traced up my calf and I gave a contented sigh. I shuffled forward so that my arse was on the edge of the bed and parted my legs as wide as I could while keeping my feet on the floor.

“Higher.” I instructed and Sonja immediately complied. Her tongue travelled up the inside of my knee and across my thigh slowly, causing a small moan to escape my lips. She stopped her progress just before she reached my pussy, lapping gently at the soft, puffy skin that was immediately adjacent.

“Mmm yes! That’s it pet!”

Sonja moved to the other side and repeated her ministrations.

“Oooh yes pet,” I was getting off just on using the name. “Now eat your mistress!” I demanded.

Sonja didn’t even hesitate, moving her lips straight to mine and I began to suspect she was starting to enjoy herself. Her tongue delved into my folds and I moaned loudly. She went to work straight away lapping hungrily at my wet entry.

I grabbed my phone again off the bed and grabbed a handful of her hair. Pulling her head back so that only the tip of her tongue could dance across my labia. As if she knew what I wanted Sonja turned her blue eyes up towards me, staring straight into the camera. I took a five second recording then checked my messages. Cassie had already replied. ‘Holy shit!!!!’ Coupled with a string of emojis.

I sent through the video and a message. ‘She’s not bad at eating pussy, though she could definitely learn a thing or two from you.’

I dropped the phone back on the bed and released my grip on Sonja’s hair, leaning back on my hands.

Sonja buried her face between my legs again, this time delving deeper with her tongue, causing a satisfied moan to escape from my lips.

I stared at my reflection as she mirrored my look of ecstasy as Sonja’s younger embodiment ate her out just as vigorously. I stared down at her arse and watched in fascination as her tail waved back and forth. Surely Sonja wasn’t going to grow a tail. But then I remembered Cassie’s amazing alien tongue. If she could grow that tongue then surely Sonja could grow a tail. Next, my eyes were drawn to the dark patch of hair peaking out from between her reflections legs. As I watched I noticed one of her reflections hands stray between her legs and begin to play with herself.

“Stop playing with yourself. It’s time for your mistresses pleasure, not yours.”

Slowly her hand ground to a hold before being removed somewhat begrudgingly.

I could feel my orgasm drawing closer now. Reaching down I ran my hand through Sonja’s hair, gently stroking the back of her head for a second.

“Don’t you dare stop licking me,” I instructed as my hand tightened against the back of her head. I curled my fingers into her hair once again and began to hump my hips forcefully.

Staring down I could see Sonja’s eyes go wide as I began to forcefully fuck her face.

“Oh fuck yeah, right there!” I gasped as her nose brushed against my clit, combining perfectly with the lapping of her tongue. My hips began to buck back and forth, rolling the tip of her nose across my bean in the most delightful way.

I’d never felt so in control, so powerful before. I felt like an invincible goddess as I looked down at my vanquished tormentor. Using her like my own personal fuck toy, essentially using her nose to flick my clit. I’d have to add that to the long list of ‘new ways to get off’ that I had discovered this week.

And then it hit me. It wasn’t an earth shattering, body spasming orgasm, but then that bar was pretty high after the week I’d had, but it was certainly one of the most satisfying orgasms I’d experienced.

Staring down into Sonja’s bright blue eyes, I gave a satisfied purr as my hips bucked against her face and my juices filled her mouth. A wicked smile spread across my face as I saw the lust in her eyes. Her orgasm before had been life changing, but already she had a desperate need inside of her, I could see that for sure. It was a need that would not be satisfied any time soon.

“Well, not bad for a first effort.” I exclaimed as my hips stopped rocking. I pulled her head from between my legs and Sonja gasped loudly, taking in big gulps of air. “Don’t worry, you’re going to get plenty of practice.” Sonja just nodded up at me obediently with that hungry look still in her eyes.

Carefully I stood, shaking off my orgasmic lethargy. I stepped to the side and motioned towards the bed.

“Get up here on all fours, with your arse pointed at the mirror.”

Sonja complied and I wandered over to my bedside table and fished my dildo from the drawer. I held the meaty weapon up for her to see with the two heavy balls swinging below it. Sonja’s eyes boggled and she inhaled sharply, almost reverently.

“Holy shit!” She gasped. “That things a monster. There’s no way I could take that!”

“Don’t worry, you will,” I said with a smug smile.

Carefully I positioned the dildo against my mons, giving a sigh as I felt it mould into my flesh. Immediately I felt the mellow from my previous orgasm disappear as a lustful haze descended once again on my brain. As I looked down, I stared in wonder as my cock stood immediately to attention, in what was becoming a much more familiar sensation. It protruded out from my body like a fierce, meaty spear, ready to penetrate any pussy that dared to become its prey.

“What the fuck…!”

Sonja was staring at my cock with a mixture of disbelief and wonder. As she stared at the throbbing head, I saw one of her hands stray subconsciously between her legs and begin to tease her pussy.

Carefully I walked back around the bed, stopped behind Sonja.


I spanked her arse hard, leaving a red hand print on her left cheek. Sonja jumped nearly a foot into the air, emitting a shriek of surprise.

“Stop that! You’re here for my pleasure, not yours! If you behave yourself you just might get to cum!” I commanded.

“Now, get your shoulders and face down against the bed. That’s right, now put your legs together and shuffle back a little closer to the edge. Perfect. Now point that cosmetically modified butt towards the roof. I want to see that bald little pussy pop from between those thighs!”

And pop it did. With her arse in the air in the typical porno position her tight little pussy stared up at me like a soft clam, just a puffy pocket of skin with a single slit up the centre. As I stared a small drop of arousal escaped her lips and travelled down her smooth skin, blazing its own trail down her thigh and onto the bed. I felt my dick throb as I stared at her ample posterior. Her arse, whilst cosmetically enhanced, was a masterpiece of human engineering. It would be a shame to see this booty go, but I was going to get plenty of enjoyment out of it before that happened.

Stepping back now, I looked over at the mirror, taking the opportunity to examine her reflections shapely rear end. Her hips were narrower more girlish than her current womanly hips, but I didn’t mind that. She still had two shapely round buns that I was sure to enjoy very soon. Next my eyes went to the small nest of hairs peaking from between her legs. There was something wonderful and mysterious about a girl with a thick bush. Especially on this youthful beauty. It seemed like the perfect contrast. To look at the rest of her body, everything was perfectly maintained and in order, but between her legs, her pussy was wild and untamed.

As if sensing my approval, her tail began to wave back and forth slowly, drawing my eyes up towards it. They stopped before I got there though as I stared at her perfect little asshole. It was like a perfect pink little star, completely hair free, sitting just below her tail. It was like a little pink bulls eye and once again I wondered what it would be like to hit that with my throbbing dart. Like I’ve said before, you see a hole, you get a little curious, you start to wonder how it would feel, it’s just human nature.

Anyway, that was an adventure for another day, right now I had business to attend to. Turning back towards Sonja, I stepped up behind her and smacked her on the other arse check.

Sonja let out a whimper of surprise followed by a small moan as I drew my hand slowly across her pussy. My fingers came away slick with her arousal.

“What was that for?” Panted Sonja.

“Oh, I was just evening you up. Now you have a matching hand print on each cheek. Plus I just wanted to watch that ass shake and your pussy quiver.”

“Thank you mistress.” She whispered it so quietly it took me a moment to realise what she’d said. Once the words registered my lust took over. It was time. I’d dragged it out long enough, now I was going to plow that pussy.

Carefully I lined my cock up with her slit. Pressing forward I gently stroked her sex with the head of my penis. We both let out a moan at the wonderful sensation and within seconds my head was completely lubricated by her juices. Leaning forward slightly I felt my head squeeze inside her outer folds, stopping at her entry. Taking a big breath I pressed on, but her pussy resisted. With her legs squeezed together like this she was tighter than Cassie had every been. Couple that with the fact my cock was an enormous pussy destroying monster and I had a big task ahead of me. Fortunately though, unlike when I had fucked Cassie, I had no reservations about being rough with Sonja.

Reaching forward I grasped her hips with both hands, then without any warning I slammed my entire length into her hot box. Sonja’s pussy resisted me for a moment before it succumbed to my force, yielding with a wet pop. As my full length charged deep into her needy hole I experienced the most wonderful sensation imaginable as her tight entry gripped me, squeezing up the entire length of my shaft.

Sonja gave a surprised shriek as my cock slammed home, scrabbling wildly at my bedspread. She gave a loud sob as I slowly withdrew until only the head of my cock remained inside. Immediately I slammed it back in, groaning loudly. The way her legs were pressed together, made her pussy feel tighter than anything I’d experienced before. It was like I was shoving my dick inside of a tight elastic band, squeezing me from start to finish. Except that instead of an elastic band it was like a tight elastic sock that was soft and wet and radiating heat. In reality though it was just Sonja’s sopping wet cunt. The cunt of my tormentor, the woman who had lorded her control over me and everyone else who lived in this building. Well today that had changed. Today I was in charge.

I began to pump steadily in and out, causing a series of little yelps and moans to escape Sonja’s lips.

“S-so f-fucking big… How… doing th-this… m-mistress.” Sonja gasped.

“Shh pet.” I replied. Withdrawing once again until only the head of my penis was inside of her. Carefully I moved to the side, turning to examine myself in the mirror.

There was my reflection, smiling back at my in that perfect pornstar position. She had a ravenous look in her eyes and as I stared she began to slowly pump in and out of Sonja’s young pussy. I watched In fascination as her cock disappeared into the dark wilderness between her legs. Little flashes of pink appeared each time she withdrew as Sonja’s pussy flexed, trying to accommodate my horse cock.

The real Sonja gave a loud mewl and I realised that my hips had been pumping as well.

“Do you like that pet?” I cooed.

“Oh g-god yessss mistress!”

“Then have some more!” With that my attention turned back to the bald pussy in front of me as I began to pound her with everything I had, slamming my hips into her arse with a loud slap!

“Oooooh fuck!” She yelped as I fucked her aggressively. There was no holding back this time, I let the fog of my lust take over. I gripped her hips tightly and slammed my cock as deep as I could.

I felt the pressure beginning to build in my balls, a big orgasm was coming. Reaching forward with one hand, I took hold of her long blonde hair, pulling her slowly towards me.

Sonja’s back arched and her head tilted back as I continued to plow her snatch. She gave a garbled shriek each time my cock hit home.

I pulled her hair tighter and her chest came away from the bed until she could only just touch the bedspread with her hands. Still my cock punished her pussy.

“Ohhhhhh fuuuuck!” She cried. “Sooooo close!!!!!”

She wasn’t the only one.

I felt my balls lift higher, ready to unleash my load. I pulled her hair tighter and gave a small growl as her hands came clear of the bed. Her back was arched as far as it would go, her head was back, with her eyes staring at the ceiling. Sonja’s breasts protruded proudly from her chest a monument to modern architecture, bouncing with each thrust. Her arms scrabbled wildly at the air, searching for something to hold onto but finding nothing.

Sonja’s mouth was open wide and a string of strangled gibberish trailed from her lips. “Pleashmistreshfuckmefuckmeletmecumohfuckohfuckkkkkkkk!!!!”

With a grunt I toppled over the edge, my cock erupting inside of her as I squirted my hot seed deep into her womb.

Sonja screeched as she hit the point of climax, but then gave a desperate whimper as she failed to reach completion. My pumps slowed as I continued to fill her with my semen. Slowly I came to a stop, a contented sigh falling from my lips.

Sonja seemed to realise what was happening as she began to frantically wiggle her hips agains me, crying out.

“No! Please mistress! Please let me cum!”

I just gave a loud laugh and released her hair, letting her fall back onto the bed.

“Please mistress, please! I need to cum.”

She turned to face me beseechingly. I just grinned back at her as I slowly withdrew from her folds.

“No please mistress! I’m so horny, please!”

I pretended to consider this request for a moment. “How’s this, you can masturbate if you want to…”

Sonja immediately flipped over and buried to fingers in her snatch.

“…but you can’t cum until I get back from the shops.”

Sonja stared up at me horrified as her fingers worked frantically between her legs.

“Oh god no! Please mistress! Let me cum!”

I shook my head, smiling down at her sweetly as I gently removed my cock.

“No pet, and that’s the last time you can ask. Be a good girl and I’ll let you cum when I get back.” Carefully I placed the dildo on the bedside table and began to get dressed.

Once I was fully dressed I turned back to Sonja. She looked up at me with desperate puppy dog eyes. Looking between her legs I could see my white seed seeping from her opening as her fingers worked busily, coating her pussy with my cum.

Reaching forward I gave her a gentle pat on the head.

“There’s a good pet. Now your mistress needs to get an outfit for her big interview on Monday. If you behave while I’m gone, I might let you cum when I get back. Now off my bed. You can sit on the carpet in front of the mirror.”

Sonja scrambled obediently from the bed, still fingering herself as she went.

Once she’d settled in front of the mirror, I took out my phone and snapped a picture of her and her reflection. I checked my phone and found a message from Cassie.

“That’s soooo fucking hot! I can’t believe I have to wait until Sunday to see you! I’m so fucking horny!” A string of sad face emojis followed the message.

“Don’t worry,” I replied, attaching the picture of Sonja and her reflection. “I have her doing some study right now, so she should be newly transformed by the time you get here on Sunday.”

Replacing my phone in my pocket I turned back to Sonja. She was curled on her back in front of the mirror. One hand was working frantically to finger her pussy while the other was just a blur as it strummed her clit frantically. Her whole body was tense as if she was on the cusp of a massive release, but no matter how hard she strummed, she couldn’t break through that last barrier.

“Have fun,” I called with a grin, hearing a howl of frustration escape her lips as I closed the door behind me.

Three hours later I returned triumphantly. I’d found a few different options for the interview on Monday and purchased them all so that I could get Cassie’s opinion on Sunday and just return the outfits I didn’t wear. As I opened my apartment door my ears were met with the wet sounds of Sonja’s pussy and the little whimpers of her ongoing attempts to cum.

I placed my bag on the table and then turned to look at Sonja. She was kneeling on all fours facing the mirror with one hand between her legs, desperately fingering herself. Even from where I stood I could see that the lips of her pussy were red and engorged. She looked up at me with a pleading look. Her hair was a mess, hanging around her face. Her brow was slick with sweat from the constant exertion. She gasped out a small “please” as a desperate look filled her eyes.

I smiled down at her, instantly aroused. Carefully I peeled my skirt and panties from my body and discarded them on the floor. Without responding to her plea I walked to my bedside table and grabbed my dildo. Strolling back across the room, I came to a stop beside Sonja.

“On your knees pet.” I commanded. Immediately she rose up to kneel before me, one hand still working busily between her legs.

Carefully I placed the dildo against my mons and gave a small sigh as it melded itself to my body. I smiled down at Sonja. It was time for my first blow job.

Sonja needed no instruction, reaching up with her free hand she grasped my semi erect shaft, bringing the tip to her lips. She was clearly in a lustful haze as she opened her mouth wide and immediately engulfed my knob. A groan escaped my lips and I felt my cock harden instantly. Sonja began to pump my shaft with her hand while her delicate tongue teased the tip of my dick.

“Oh fuck!” I gasped. The feeling was like no other I had ever felt. As her tongue swirled, working its magic on the underside of my shaft, a small whimper escaped my lips. Sonja’s velvety lips felt incredible and the swirl of her saliva around my shaft was like nothing I’d felt before. Once again I realised why guys would do absolutely anything to get one of these. I’d only had a cock for a week, but I’d happily nail my balls to the carpet and walk ten miles if Sonja’s lips we’re waiting for me at the other end. Hell if this was how good Sonja’s lips felt I could only imagine the kind of blow job that Cassie could give with her wonderful tongue. What an idiot, why hadn’t I gotten her to blow me this morning, now I’d have to wait until at least Sunday to find out.

My mind returned to the present as Sonja began to bob back and forth, taking my cock down her throat.

“Oh fuck!” I gasped again, staring down into Sonja’s clear blue eyes. This was clearly not her first time giving head.

The feeling was divine, but the little voice in my head wanted more. It wanted to be deeper. It wanted to feel her lips on the base of my shaft while she gagged around my cock.

Now I’ve had a guy hold my head down while receiving a blow job and I can confidently say that I would have vehemently asserted that if I had a cock, I would never do that. And I really wanted to stand by that assertion as I looked down at Sonja’s face bobbing up and down on my cock. But then a memory from six months earlier popped into my head.

My mother had been sick and taken to hospital urgently. I’d had to fly back home at unexpectedly. Buying the flight had meant that my account was too low and my rent transfer had failed. I’d emailed Sonja to notify her of the situation and borrowed money from my parents to pay the rent later that week when my mother had recovered. When I returned home I found that all of my utilities had been turned off. When I spoke to Sonja she had told me it was a result of my late rent and that my utilities would be reconnected in a week. I spent a whole week having cold showers and eating takeout meals before my power came back on. I guess every rule has an exception and today I was going to make one for Sonja.

Reaching down my hands gripped the back of Sonja’s head. I stared down at her with steel in my eyes. Flames of lust and power flowed through my body. Sonja stared up at me, her eyes going wide as the realisation of what was about to happen, crossed her face.

I pulled her down on my cock forcefully and watched as she gagged and spluttered, tears forming in her eyes. My god it felt amazing. The feeling of power coupled with the feeling of her throat was intoxicating.

I pulled her from my cock, letting her regain her breath for a second as she gasped and spluttered.

Then without warning I drove my cock deep into her throat. Holding her there I began to pump my hips, fucking her face with my enormous erection. I watched in satisfaction as her eyes boggled and her throat gagged around me. Here was the woman who had tormented me for well over a year, now she was my personal play thing.

The feeling of control was amazing and already I could feel a tingling in my balls. I held my dick deep in her throat for a few moments, savouring the sensation of her gagging and spluttering. Finally I withdrew, one hand still holding the back of her head while she gasped for air. With the other hand I went to work pumping my cock.

“Open wide pet!” I instructed as my orgasm drew close. Sonja looked up at me her face dishevelled, her hair a mess, her blue eyes staring up at me with a desperate need.

My orgasm hit and I unloaded a thick rope of cum into her mouth. The second rope hit across the face, coating her nose and forehead. The third hit her chin and the forth and largest I directed across her tits.

Finally my orgasm subsided and I leant forward, breathing heavily. Sonja stared up at me desperately, her cum covered face a few inches from mine. Her whole body seemed to be buzzing with electricity and I could see her hand still working her pussy even now.

Staring into her eyes I mouthed the word ‘Cum!’

Sonja’s whole body went stiff and she threw her head back, collapsing to the floor with a shriek. She fell onto her back, legs splayed wide, hands scrabbling frantically at the carpet as her hips bucked. Like dominoes falling once again, every orgasm from the last few hours rolled through her body one after the other. Her mouth stayed open as a stream of unintelligible screams and gibberish erupted from her mouth. An enormous squirt erupted from between her legs, followed quickly by a second squirt a moment later. She continued to squirt every few seconds as she rolled from side to side spraying the room like a sprinkler. Still shrieking she rolled onto her front, thrashing and screaming as orgasm after orgasm rocked her body. She continued to squirt rhythmically until she had completely soaked the carpet between her legs. Two minutes later a puddle had formed, coating her thighs in her juices as she continued to cum uncontrollably. Finally after nearly five minutes her screams subsided into little whimpers and her thrashing was reduced to little orgasmic after shocks. I realised at this point she was completely unconscious.

Taking my phone out, I snapped a picture for Cassie and sent it through with the caption. “If you’re wondering how things are going, here’s Sonja passed out in a puddle of her own cum.”

Feeling satisfied I gently removed my cock, groaning as it detached from my body. Slowly I redressed before kneeling beside Sonja.

Gently I slapped her face trying to wake her up. Finally she stirred, staring up at me with a stunned expression.

“Time to get dressed pet. We’re done for today. Come around again Sunday morning and we’ll have some more fun.”

Sonja just stared up at me groggily, a muffled grunt escaping from her lips.

“Come on pet. Get dressed, up you hop.”

With the greatest of efforts Sonja complied. She raised a hand to wipe the cum from her face but I stopped her.

“You can clean it off when you get back to your room.”

Sonja just nodded at me blearily. It wasn’t as terrible a punishment as it sounded. A few years ago Sonja had turned the entire top floor of our building into her own personal suite and offices. She would only have to travel down my hall and up the elevator to get to her residence. At this point she had her skirt back on and most of the buttons on her shirt done up, so I gently pushed her out the door with her shoes in her hand, looking every bit of a disheveled and well fucked slut.

“See you on Sunday,” I called as I closed the door behind her.



Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales

I write erotic short stories, generally centred around exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbation and romance. I hope you will identify with and enjoy them.