The hidden secret to productivity — Errands taking Time

Eshwar Vangala
ErrandsGuy Publications
5 min readJun 6, 2020

24 hours and 168 hours. That’s what we get in a single day and in a single week whether we like it or not. Do you know how much of it you use properly? How productive are you? To answer these questions, there are some things to understand as well as to track down. Let’s start with the basics first.

What is productivity?

Just to be clear, the productivity that will be discussed here is the sort that applies to your daily life. In that context, productivity can be defined as the efficiency of your every day. How much of your time are you turning into useful work and how much are you wasting? In order to understand this, a person must monitor themselves and what they do on a daily basis.

Productivity is measured by consistent work that doesn’t have to be at the maximum for the time it is being done.

What the average day of a human looks like

Let's look at what the ideal average day for a human looks like taking into account the difficult things that most people have to deal with:

· Hours 0–9: For working individuals, the average workday has evolved by leaps and bounds. It's gone from nearly 14 hours a day to about 8–9 hours per day. Although flexible work arrangements are making their way into different businesses, there are still many people out there who follow the 8–9 hour weekday schedule. That’s 40–45 hours a week.

· Hours 9–12: The internet consumes our time on a level that we rarely recognize. Studies around the world show that people log nearly 2 hours alone on social media on average. Combine that with streaming services and television and there goes an even bigger chunk of your entire day.

· Hours 12–14: There are many who spend nearly an hour or more in order to get to where they need to be. Commuting is a big part of life for people who work daily jobs and is near unavoidable for many people around the world. Although two hours may seem a bit too much, remember that metropolises around the world have horrible traffic. The more the people living in the city, the longer it will inevitably take you to get where you want. It doesn’t help that work ends at nearly the same time for everyone!

Photo by Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash

· Hours 14–20: Sleep! The holy hours that everyone needs for certain. The average adult needs a daily dosage of six or more hours of sleep in order to function properly throughout the day. This is a well-known fact. These hours are usually increased (as seen from countless people) but you shouldn’t decrease them and you should definitely never consistently sleep for a lesser number of hours. Not unless you want to be cranky, unfocused and prone to headaches and a whole other set of detriments.

· Hours 20–24: This is the time available for everything else after removing all the things above. That includes pursuing your skills, completing prior commitments or enjoying yourself in some way unrelated to the internet. It is also the time you have for completing errands. If you live alone then you’ll be having a good idea about the vast majority of tasks that involve looking after yourself.

Now lets mix reality into the above schedule. The above is just a guideline that helps us get a basis from where we can start. In actuality, many people might have different hours compared to this. Internet and travel hours are the most likely to vary. This means that the 4 hours you get to complete everything else either increase or decrease. In all likelihood, the 4 hours could very well be around 6 hours or more! But its important to consider the lower spectrum because in the case of time- it is important to look at the less amount of time that people have rather than the more amount of time others have.

Where are you in this schedule?

Think about yourself now. Do you get the 4 hours or do you get the time that’s more than it or less than it? How much of your time are you investing in the things you truly want to do and that are beneficial for you? Productive work is that which is useful. It is up to you to decide what that useful work is. It is also your duty to track down the time you utilize or waste. We have many things that must be done to take care of ourselves crammed into these hours as well. This work is necessary in order for us to live properly but it also prevents us from otherwise utilizing the time that could be spent on other activities. Therein lies a possible solution for you to be more productive.

Photo by Emma Matthews Digital Content Production on Unsplash (Analyze your schedule!)

Our solution for an increase in your productivity

In order to be more productive, your available time must be put to use properly. Why waste precious time on errands? Use that time on things that you really want to spend it on such as improving your skills, meeting friends or family or even just to unwind and relax for some time. You can even add it to your sleep hours so that you get more rest!

Getting more time allows for more work to be done as well as more time to focus and concentrate. In this world of ever-increasing complexity, it is important to free up time. Analyze yourself and the time you give to everything throughout the day! There are many errands we do on a daily basis that we can have done for us.

Here is where ErrandsGuy comes in. We allow you to create more time in your schedule by performing any errand or task that you may have. We handle deliveries, bill payments, house chores, land or bank issues and much more with our trained team of professionals. We will help give you the time you need to become more productive and thus more successful!



Eshwar Vangala
ErrandsGuy Publications

Technical writer and blogger for ErrandsGuy, Philosopher, Book worm, Avid Music enthusiast, Pursuer of true Understanding