Building a brand — for Startups.

Erretres Insights
Published in
4 min readJun 3, 2020


As we see new businesses rise and fall every year, the ones that endure and become successful are those with a well-defined brand.

Customer loyalty is dropping in recent times, and it could mean an opportunity for budding businesses to make a statement. It has never been more important for these new businesses to build their identity and recognition through a strong brand.

Some of the ways a well-constructed brand can help are:

Rebranding for Quantum by Erretres

Standing out.

Business entering an already saturated market need a brand that helps them stand out from the rest.

Rebranding for Bkool by Erretres

A solution.

Startups exist to solve a particular problem in the world, and its brand should transmit the solution it offers.

Digital product for Returnly by Erretres

A promising brand.

There are usually already well established players within each industry, and for startups a unique brand can go a long way to help it establish itself within that market.

Standing out in a crowded market.

For startups that have a lot of competitors in their space, making themselves stand out is a big challenge. Here, branding and visual identity can enable them to set themselves apart in a unique way and leave a memorable impression.

Quantum energy squares was looking to enter the healthy snacks niche in the US, which is a pretty competitive market. With our strategic branding and visual identity, the brand was able to make an impact across all touchpoints from digital to packaging.

For Qustodio, a parental control app, our branding reimagined their values and proposition in a way that connects with their audience, helping them break through the noise of other apps offering similar services.

A solution that addresses a real-world problem.

When entrepreneurs take up a venture to build a new business from scratch, they do so to right some wrong in the world, something that is missing and needs to be introduced to the society. By having that brand exemplifies that mission, the businesses can attract the clients, investors and talent that they are looking for.

Returnly was founded to enrich the online shopping experience by smoothening out the returns and refunds. Our branding project created the visual and verbal identity the startup required to exhibit this proposition.

A promising brand that has potential.

It is not uncommon to find that an industry that a startup is looking to enter has already some established brands within it. In such cases, competing directly with these brands can be difficult. However, with a brand identity that positions a startup as the one to look out for or the next big thing, it can enable them to build an audience.

The rebranding for Bkool was built around the collective spirit of indoor cycling which helped them form a community. The renewed identity helped to position the brand as a relevant one with a lot of promise within the industry.

To find out more about the branding projects for startups, follow the links below:


Establishing an indoor sports company.

Rebranding for Bkool by Erretres


A brand design that stands out in a saturated market.

Rebranding for Quantum by Erretres


An identity that conveys reliability and the brand’s value.

Rebranding for Qustodio by Erretres


A value proposition expressed through branding.

Digital product for Returnly by Erretres

Erretres – The Strategic Design Company is a branding and digital consultancy providing business and strategic value for companies, brands, and future-driven projects.

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Erretres Insights

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