Building a brand. The media industry.

Erretres Insights
Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2019


The options for content and its consumption are at an all-time peak, and consumers are looking for a reliable brand that provides them with a personalised offering.

The media and entertainment industry is rapidly changing and so is audiences’ behaviour. For industry players to stay relevant and become the preferred brand, they need to carefully craft their identity. At Erretres, we have helped various media and entertainment companies to shape their brand identity.

With a multitude of options available to consumers, some of the ways brands can establish themselves as the preferred choice for their audience are:

Rebranding for FAMA by Erretres

Dynamic identity.

Consumers of content seek variety in the service they subscribe to. This variety needs to be reflected in the brand itself, and in the form of an identity that embodies dynamism.

Rebranding for Canal+ by Erretres

Involving the users.

The digital age has turned everyone into a potential mini-media company of their own, and the rise of user-generated content is testimony to this. Treating them as a ‘partner’ can help to foster brand loyalty.

Branding for El País Vídeo by Erretres

Content curation.

With the huge number of options comes a content overload, and users need a reliable gatekeeper who can select and recommend content for them. Brands can fulfill this by acting as a moderator for hand-picked quality content.

Dynamic identity with appropriate positioning and design.

Be it a large media business or one that is aimed at a particular niche, companies that wish to encompass a range of offerings need to transmit that variety to their audience.

For the dance TV show, Fama a Bailar by Movistar+, the logotype is flexible enough to reflect the different styles of dance that the show promotes.

The TV news channel ny El País needed versatile design resources to represent its various segments and ever-changing content, yet which stayed true to the original El País brand.

Canal+ has a wide variety of content and correspondingly a diverse audience. To include both of these factors in the brand identity, we employed a dynamic visual system of fluid graphic elements and multiple colours.

Involving the users to augment the brand’s proposition.

Media, especially entertainment, gives people something with which they can identify themselves. Their relationship with the content does not end with the consumption itself, as they look to proactively build on the experience by engaging in conversations and forming like-minded communities.

To build a brand identity for Canal+, we put people and their associations with the platform’s content at its centre. Incorporating their conversations into the brand’s communications, the brand gave a voice to its audience.

For El País’ Librotea, we designed the digital product to include the ability to build communities and interact with other members along with a bookstore and recommendation platform.

Content curation that frames the brand as a mediator.

It is becoming increasingly confusing for people to navigate the flooded media landscape. Consumers expect the money and — even more so — the time invested in the content to be worth it. Brands that establish themselves as a conduit for relevant content and serendipitous discovery can build trust and authority.

Our proposal and product design for Librotea prominently integrated book recommendations by experts within the bookstore platform.

The positioning for El País was based on the concept of the brand as an active window through which we view the world around us. This window would act as a filter to display selected relevant information.

To find out more about these media and entertainment branding projects, follow the links below:

El País

An on-brand and dynamic identity for the launch of the new service.

Fama: A Bailar

A TV show brand in sync with its audience.


Integral brand development project with the audience at its centre.


Digital product design based on differentiation.

Erretres — The Strategic Design Company is a branding and digital consultancy providing business and strategic value for companies, brands and future-driven projects.

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Erretres Insights

Erretres — The Strategic Design Company @erretres_design