Dear GOD

Lennox Makurumidze
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2017

Dear God.

It’s me again. But I remember you told me that your going to take away the pain — that with you I will never lose but will always gain, right? Then why do I feel like I’m working in vain?

Dear God.

Don’t I worship and praise your name every Sunday? All the nights I go on my knees and strongly pray — ‘’ Please, Lord. I love you …answer me this is starting to feel like child’s play.’’

Dear Son.

‘’It’s funny how you say you praise and worship my name when your mind does it all for the fame. You pray strongly sometimes you even shout but your heart treats prayer like a prison — where it always screams “let me out”.

To you Christianity has become nothing but a Sunday suit; that you don’t wear on Saturdays because it’s time to boot.

‘’But God,

I read the Bible. And my status is even God Is Able.’’

‘’But Son,

The Bible is supposed to be your daily food. Not some book you read when you are in a good mood. And remember your status is not your heart. Your status and your mind are two worlds apart.

Dear Son. Find your first love for me. That’s all I need — for you and I to agree. Not the lust and the greed.

Dear GOD

