Prince Tendai Mugebe
Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2017



Alas! My poor heart has already been broken.

By things already done and words already spoken.

Could it be that I am cursed and never meant to love?

Does this mean He does not see? He who is above.

Endless sacrifices and the passion that lies within.

For the fierce flames that once burnt are now just a brim.

Grief and vengeance have filled the void.

Heartbreak also crept in, a result I could not avoid.

In life only heartbreak is truly painful.

Justification I do not have, hence feel like a fool.

Kindled by her bright eyes, beautiful body and face;

Love filled my heart and I fell without a trace.

My true love I gave her, even my faith and trust.

Never to be returned, forever it was to last.

On the day she accepted my proposal,

Proud of her I was t’ill the day of refusal.

Queen of my heart though she will forever be.

Restless and dejected until another “you” I see.

Struggling I am to control my temper.

Terrified is my soul as it chokes with anger.

Untold are the things I am going to do.

Vigilant in love t’ill I die for you.

With you forever is all I ever wanted.

But away you fled and now I am disheartened.

By ThePrinceTM



Prince Tendai Mugebe
Editor for

I was born to bring joy. If I fail, at least know I’ve tried.